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Come ha fatto Despacito a fare 2.5 miliardi di views

then fly as he did to exhibit me
asked a friend to make two billion
and a half of views on youtube
how do I never did it and 2
billions and a half of views but
I have a theory the incredible thing
however it is that this catchphrase
would have had an impact on tourism in
Puerto Rico of 45 percent that is before
of exhibited Puerto Rico said
guys we are ruined bankruptcy then it is
came out exposed my Puerto Rico points
personal analysis is very simple
go to google trends and go to
see the dates of searches on youtube
and on google
go see the publication date
of their video what to humiliate of
means of virus that is January then go
to see what happens on April 16th on the 16th
April because you see that even in that
justin came out with remix building ha
done this two amplifier effect
billions and a half of views and then
the overall induced know with one
celebrity of that level takes you back
a remix and gives his pelvis of
visibility magic stan site
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