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Brain Psychology | This Man Will Leave You Speechless | Wim Hof

we have a power in our mind which is
able to control what is happening in the
in our body are we able to go hundred
into hundred percent power of our own
brain deceit of the mind we are through
the power of the will and intention I
thought to do things thought of
impossible yeah and like climbing Mount
Everest in your shoes if you know how to
control it you know how to control the
extremes coming to you not making you
paranoid or a full of anxiety you are
able to tap in and to find even the way
where nothing is visible three hours
later I found myself in a advanced base
camp at 20,000 feet received by Tibetans
who saw a man in shorts coming out of
the snow must be the Yeti
well snowman or the Iceman but actually
it’s the power of the mind which led me
into ative early to the right place so
if you are able to do that and you find
yourself then we are able to do a whole
lot more I went into the deepest I
activated it while being stressful II
exposed to ice water on the skin and
normally you cannot do nothing there’s
no breathing in the brain scan you
cannot move it’s nothing
only you can use the power of your own
brain of your mind and it showed I was
making the skin temperature not going
down while being exposed to ice water oh
so then they looked inside the brain and
then they saw on the surface the
thinking brain the prefrontal cortex
the conscious brain our tall thinking
brain go into the deepest part of the
brain and robustly activating so there
if you are able to go into the deepest
then you have done them all you can go
anywhere and that is now the question we
are on the threshold of the power of the
mind being accessible for every human in
the world when the first time people
broke the racket we are by going below a
10 seconds the next year 15 people could
do it it’s morphology we are connected
we only need to have this conviction now
and this belief based on science hey
guys you are able to take over the power
of your own brain it’s here just invest
into that and not invest in to not being
able to do that
we become immortal by understanding
through the power of our own brain to
connect with the soul and because that
sounds like hippy that’s why I
go through science right I take the
brain surgeons I take the neurologist
that immunologists the biochemical
professors and hey I challenge any
scientist in the world
prove me wrong yeah I think yeah we are
here here on this earth to prove that
the soul is able to go through our
conscious brain and become manifested
and as that is the core if we stay at
the core we grow into it but no this
world is about you got to serve the
system you got to serve the system who
creates Wars and stress and diseases and
things that is normal and we cannot do
anything no we can do all we can bring
peace and power to ourselves to become
happy strong and healthy and with that
the purpose of our lives the soul itself
we are able to become happy what else do
you want right you don’t want six cars
or ten houses and so many other things
to compensate the laws of your security
and scarcely happy as you feel whole
because I’ll see you that you’re healthy
and you’re strong you’re vibrant also as
well yes so you’re not you’re not trying
to necessarily have to take from
somebody else or put anybody else down
if you have eaten yeah no hungry anymore
if you’re happy you don’t seek for
compensation right you’re there are you
emanate love when I when I interviewed
you five years ago I started doing the
cold showers every morning the most
popular episode that we have in our show
is my morning routine and we always get
people commenting on cold showers
because they love everything else but
the cold showers is difficult where do
people start with that
yeah you don’t have to do like a ten
minutes in the beginning no no no no hi
30 seconds at the most
don’t go shockingly around with your
physiology with your body no I know
sharply a just 30 seconds called and
know that you are able to use the power
of your mind that we have a power or in
our mind which is able to control what
is happening in the in our body
it’s called interoceptive focus and you
learn you can learn that right away if
your house is on fire you rot but you
don’t need no nothing no trigger so that
that is a control of the adrenaline and
it’s empowered by the adrenal axis and
it’s moved inside of our brain so if you
learn to go into that part of the brain
you learn not only to go into the cold
shower you learn the power of your brain
of your mind to learn to control once
you learn to control to go into the cold
shower the cold is only a mirror for a
and it’s good for your vascular system
it’s a teacher but their mind is being
exercised and that mind is then very
much more able to oppose stress in daily
life in your business meetings in your
deadlines in this and that because it’s
all about the physiology connected to the brain and you are in control
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