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AFTER WATCHING THIS , YOU WILL QUIT SMOKING – The Best Advice to Make Someone Quit Smoking

can you help us understand why it’s so
hard to quit well for starters a lot of
us think that it’s just a habit but it
isn’t just a bad habit smoking is an
addiction and we have to start treating
it that way you’re not the first person
who’s ever had to wrestle with this and
you’re gonna have a lot of really good
information there about making this life
decision all you need to do is listen
and you too could be a nonsmoker smokers
believe they smoke because they choose
to they can remember their first
experimental cigarettes but no smoker to
remember the day they decided to become
a regular smoker that’s where there’s no
smoker ever did ask any smoking parent
whether they encourage their children to
smoke the answer is invariably an
emphatic no that’s because all smokers
sense that they fell into a trap and
they don’t want their children to fall
into the same trap every time you smoke
a cigarette toxic gases pass into your
lungs then into your bloodstream where
they spread to every organ in your body
a cigarette is made using the tobacco
leaf which contains nicotine and a
variety of other compounds
as the tobacco and compounds burn they
release thousands of dangerous chemicals
including over 40 known to cause cancer
I had my first cigarette at age 13 a
night at a 17 is when I really started
smoking on a regular basis and then in
2000 is when I found the little sword on
the inside of my mouth
I think wouldn’t go away a lot of nukes
in Venice to blame it he saw a man he
thought it was suspicious I’m still
gonna biopsy well it came back as my
phantom so I had to go through radiation
maybe December’s when we discovered the
tumor in my landings cigarettes age your
skin faster than anything else I was in
the Sun so smoking deprives the skin of
oxygen and nutrients by affecting your
blood vessels and those chemicals that
you alluded to they trigger the
destruction of what we need in our skin
to keep it healthy and rosy collagen and
elastin the fibers that give your skin
that youthful look to it
so let me start by asking you what would
your motivation be I really don’t know I
well I’ve worked with pulmonary patients
cancer patients
I think I’m and seeing these commercials
lately I’m really afraid of ending up
like that and my family watching me die
like that do not want that to happen the
guy in my sunroom I can remember smoking
up to the front door of the hospital
that’s how I think that I was and I
didn’t know that I was so addicted until
after I got out
I went someplace in my bedroom then
double zero but in my mouth in weather
and for the most time I really looked at
myself in a mirror and I thought Darren
what are you doing you have a hole in
your back you’re getting ready to use
what nila T my advice to somebody
doesn’t evolve from never start my
advice to loves and is smile plays
Claire or later try remember most people
are not successful the first time it
takes a while do not stop trying if you
are determined you can change any
circumstance in your life if you have
the will to change you can nobody can
help you quit smoking they can inspire you but you have to do it
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