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The Video That Will Change Your Future – [WATCH THIS NOW]

you tell you all something if somebody
were to tell me the shit that I’m
telling y’all my life would have changed
forever ago if I had this information
right here before I got in the game
before I got on man it would have saved
are you finding this intriguing here I
hope you are because this can change
your life before you even ask yourself
how you’re gonna go about achieving your
goals you need to ask yourself why why
do you want this if you want to answer
the question – why people that have
already made it keep pushing it is
because they don’t operate on quotas
they operate off potential they’re
driven to reach their potential this is
also tied to their ethical obligation
they know what they’re capable of
ask yourself what emotions you’ll be
feeling even when accomplishing this
goal with living disco you see right now
you can pretty much do anything you want
there are teenagers in their bedrooms
who are living their wildest dreams out
doing whatever they want sometimes
playing video games sometimes doing
makeup tutorials whatever it is but they
have created a living doing what they
you discovered a talent developed an
ambition and recognized your passion
when you feel that you can’t fight it
it’s grind season homie it’s not about
today it’s about the future you do the
work now do the work now and all of the
shit that you could ever want to do for
your family your kids your loved ones
it’s all gonna be on a whole nother
you have the same amount of time as
everyone else you’re just not using it
efficiently and you might be using it
for the wrong things we all have the
same 24 hours and the most powerful man
in the world has 24 hours in a day to
get what he or she needs done the
richest man in the world has 3,600
minutes in one day to earn his money the
most educated man in the world
has a hundred and sixty eight hours a
week to learn the greatest athlete in
the world has 365 days in a year to
Train how much time do you have
the word shifts itself around uranium it
organizes all of your perceptions it
organizes what you see and you don’t see
it organizes your emotions and your
motivations so you organize yourself
around that aim and then what happens is
the day manifests itself as a set of
challenges and problems and if you solve
them properly then you stay on the
pathway towards that aim when you
duplicate stuff over and over and over
again what happens is that yes you
memorize stuff but also you get these
deeper interconnections your mind starts
connecting the dots and it does all this
stuff mostly unconsciously think of what
Steve Jobs says you cannot connect the
dots looking forward you can only
connect them looking backwards so you
have to trust that the dots are going to
connect as you go ahead there are many
examples throughout history of people
simply because they were intense intense
and and unusual sometimes off-putting
way aggressive assertive determined to
do what they had in their mind to do
they make monuments to those people
I believe that I can create whatever I
want to create if I can put my head on
it right study it learn the patterns and
you know I just I it’s hard to put into
words real metaphysical as a technology
but I feel very strongly that we are who
we choose to be why are you so
antisocial because I’m trying to get it
why are you staying on the basketball
court so much because I’m trying to get
why are you out there practicing in the
hot Sun when ain’t nobody else out there
because I’m trying to get it why are you
not clubbing like every time I text you
and invite you to go do something fun
and cool you always study it because I’m
trying to get it you know the feeling
when when the thing is done when the
discipline has been implemented remember
what that feels like and then remember
that those minutes and those hours they
turn into weeks and months and years and
all things aligned
in those critical minutes we’ll put you
in an infinitely better place physically
and mentally if you maintain the
discipline so work through the weakness
fight through the temptation hold the light it is not easy but it is worth it
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