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Saving a life

so one evening I’m sitting at home
watching TV flipping through the
channels and an episode of The Deadliest
Catch comes on when the deadliest
catches this TV show a reality TV show
where they take cameras out on fishing
vessels in the Bering Sea sort of crab
fishing vessels and the reason it’s
supposed to make good television is
because crab fishing up in the Bering
Sea is considered one of the most
dangerous jobs in the world you know
many people die every year trying to
fish for these crabs and so you know
there’s a camp this camera crew on a few
of the boats and we enjoy their trials
and tribulations and it is one episode
there was a huge storm so bad that they
had to stop fishing and so one of the
ships that has cameras you know they
pulled their pots which are the big
cages that they catch the game when they
pulled him back on board and strap them
down and wait out the storm total
coincidence there happened to be another
boat that the camera crew could see you
know on the map on the starboard side
and they start filming the other boat
you know getting ready for the storm and
the amazing thing was you know these
these boats never usually comes close to
each other you very rarely and you know
there’s lots and lots and lots of boats
out during the season only a handful
have camera crew so total coincidence
that the storm is raging and they happen
to be able to see this other this other
boat anyway they they’re filming this
young fisherman climbing on the side of
the pot on the other boats attempting to
strap it down and all of a sudden a huge
wave comes and slaps against the side of
the boat and he’s gone now understand
this is business and his brutal business
its aggressive business and and these
boats compete and they lie to each other
and they deceive each other and and they
don’t this particular because they
didn’t even know the people on that
other book these are total strangers
they are competitors except in this
circumstance it’s very human
circumstance with his total stranger
it’s washed into the ocean instantly
there’s no conversations no discussions
no decisions instantly they start
screaming Man Overboard Man Overboard
Man Overboard and they turn their boat
to where they think this young fisherman
may be the reason this is dangerous or
the reason this is the bearing first of
all to file a storm second of all the
Bering Sea is so cold that you will die
within something like two minutes of
being in the freezing cold water and
hypothermia sets in incredibly quickly
so they they time is ticking and so they
think they’re they move their boat
towards him screaming Man Overboard Man
and they come upon him and they all rush
risking their own lives to pull him onto
their boat and he they film him and he
says don’t let me die don’t let me down
and they pull him on board and they
rushed him downstairs and then he’s not
out of the danger zone yet because he’s
still cold and he’s still wet and
hypothermia can still set it so it’s
still dangerous and they they rip his
clothes off and they wrap them in
blankets and he survives and everyone’s
crying it’s amazing and he’s so grateful
the captain comes down to meet them see
him see if he’s okay and hugs as if it’s
his own son
doesn’t know this guy’s a total stranger
but for the fact that they’re all
fishermen and they understand the risk
that they all take and they come from a
similar community and a similar
upbringing and similar style and the
fact that they’re human beings they hug
like they’ve known each other feel like
they’re family right like they like you
just saved the life of his own brother
that’s how they thought that’s how deep
the hug is and you start to realize that
that is what fulfillment is and even the
fact that I’m choked up by it I’ve never
been choked up by a story of somebody
making millions of dollars because they
took a huge personal risk that’s never
choked me up
why would I choke up at this because
fundamentally this is what drives all of
us these human connections this is you
know when we start to feel something you
know and the fact of the matter is that
they may have had days when they went
fishing where they made more money in
one than one trip than they ever made in
their entire lives
you know a year’s salary in a week and
they will have felt excited and they
would have felt good and they would have
felt motivated but that feeling will go
away and the stress of life will come
back another day and and they they could
they would never describe the back as
fulfilling exciting energetic all those
positive things but not fulfilling and I
can promise you that that experience of
saving that man’s life was more
fulfilling for that crew then the best
financial day they’ve ever had and this
is what fulfillment is it’s it’s it’s
risk and what risk is when we talk about
putting yourself out there being
vulnerable these are the words we use
you have to be vulnerable you have to
put yourself out there what does that
mean put yourself out there stand on the
street corner you know know what putting
yourself out there or being vulnerable
is it means that I am going to risk my
energy and the limited time that I have
in a lifetime to do something that has
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