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How does the WHY relate to vision?

so a lot of people write in and ask how
the Y relates to the vision or mission
of your company the Y is like the
foundation of your house it’s it’s there
and it gives everything above it
solidity so my wise to inspire people to
do the things that inspire them
so together each of us can change our
world for the better that’s why I get
out of bed in the morning that’s what
inspires me I look for stories like that
now the Y is not always good for public
consumption because sometimes the words
are clunky mine is a little bit clunky
and so the way you think about a vision
is if my Y were to come to life if 20 30
40 50 years from now everything went
perfectly and and I was able to live my
Y and bring it to life in perfect form
what would the world look like that’s
what we call it vision because you can
see it my vision is to create a world in
which the vast majority of people wake
up every single morning inspired feel
safe at work and return home fulfilled
at the end of the day that’s my vision
that’s the thing that I see in the
future that I want to build my mission
is to commit all of my talents and all
of my energies to build that world so I
speak I write I teach anything that I
can do I advise any kind of anything I
could do I look for ideas that help
advance my vision so my mission are the
things that I will do to help advance
the vision that I have that was all set
in motion as soon as I learned my Y
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