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How do I use the Why to build a team or to choose close relationships?

we are social animals and so the people
we spend time with will directly impact
how we feel
enjoyment we get out of life and so the
kinds of people we hire and the kinds of
people were friends with it’s important
to manage both really carefully are you
friends with people because they’re rich
or they’re good-looking how good are
those relationships sure it’s nice to
have them stand next to you in sure it
might be nice to go and drive in their
nice car now then but do you rely on
them can you trust them do they trust
you do they come to you is that a
genuine friendship or two the only
reason you see these people is because
you’re the only one investing time and
energy and seeing them and they would
never call you if you never called them
those aren’t real friendships those
aren’t really fulfilling relationships
when you know why you do what you do and
someone encourages and inspires and
pushes you to do those things and
likewise you are encouraged you want to
encourage inspire someone else for no
other reason than you just want to see
them successful that is that is where a
real friendship exists the same is true
at work I always like to say that hiring
somebody at work is like adopting a
child right how are you going to adopt a
child you’re just gonna read a resume of
what they’re like and maybe you know see
what kind of toys they like playing with
or what subjects they’re good at and
then you’re gonna say yeah I want that
kid to join my family no it’s gonna be a
slow methodical process you want to
spend time with the kid you want to get
to know the kid don’t forget you’re
gonna let this child into your home
you’re gonna leave them at home by
themselves with your stuff you may even
give them responsibility to look after
your other children well guess what you
do with employees it’s exactly like
adopting a child and the process of
letting that person into your culture
into your family should be slow and
methodical so that you can be sure that
this person will respect your stuff be a
good part of the family and even do do
right by your other kids by your fellow
by your comrades and fellow employees it
is that is that important this is our
family that we need to protect these are
our friends these are the people we
spend time with day in and day out and
we need to be really really careful who
we choose to spend our time with
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