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How do I use the Why at work?

very often the reason of why goes fuzzy
inside an organization is because we
ignore it it’s that simple
we give reports to each other about
targets and sales and products moved and
services sold and clients and potential
and yet none of our documents talk about
what we believe practice bringing this
concept of why out front and center put
it on the cover of documents why our
organization exists in other words
instead of saying you know 2012 budget
say everything we do is designed to
inspire people to do what inspires them
2012 budget in other words the budget
now is the vehicle by which you will
will advance your cause it’s not it’s
not the end Allah Beall write it on the
wall start meetings with it develop
incentives for people to be held
accountable to the cause be more
selective about the people you hire be
more selective about the clients who
work with these are all these are all
tricks to managing the culture I mean
this is what culture is right it’s a
group of people with the comments that
have values and beliefs but usually the
wive is fuzzy because we just don’t talk
about it and we just don’t keep it in
front of us and so the opportunity is to
write the words on the wall to put it on
the reports to have it all over the
place on plaques on t-shirts on on
signage inside the office on emails to
remind yourselves why you come to work I
know it sounds simple and easy and that
really is all it is it’s not just about
throwing a logo on a t-shirt or putting
a tag line or dragging the company name
it’s the words for which the company
stands for it’s the words that that
drive and remind I mean look I’m wearing
my wild my own t-shirt I didn’t realize
it until I’m talking answering this
question it’s just to inspire it’s on my
t-shirt and it’s not just there for the
outside world it’s there for me it feels
really good when I wake up in the
morning and pull this t-shirt up and put
it on it reminds me why I do what I do
and what my responsibility is today
that’s what I’m talking about what’s the
verb the to blank that you’re that you
guys are waking up every day to advance
write that stuff all over the place
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