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Help someone else find their Why

six years ago I went through something
that I think a lot of people go through
I completely lost my passion for what I
was doing and people gave me sort of
strange advice like do what you love the
problem is I was doing the same thing
and I didn’t love it anymore it was a
sort of pretty hard period in my life
and just by the luck that I discovered
this thing called a wide discovered this
thing called the Golden Circle and
realized that I knew what I did I knew
how I did it but I didn’t know why I was
doing it that if I could find that
missing piece that that would restore my
passion so this is what I set out to do
it became my obsession and I found out
how to find my why but more importantly
I find out how to help others find
theirs and I started sharing this idea
with my friends and my friends would
invite me to share it with their friends
and I would help people on the side to
find their why and this is when I
realized that fulfilment is a right and
not a privilege we all have the right to
feel fulfilled it is not a luxury for
the chosen few get to accidentally find
a job that they love we all have that
ability if we know why we do what we do
now I wish I could be the one traveling
the world helping each individual find
their why but I can’t and so a team of
us got together and we figured out a way
how to take this process to help others
find theirs and this is what we call why
University I am so proud that we took
absolutely everything I used to do with
people personally and we put it into a
product that allows others to help each
other find their why the goal is that we
all learn our why the goal is let we all
know why we do we do so that every
single one of us the vast majority of
people on the planet can wake up every
single day inspire to go to work and
come home every single day fulfilled by
the work that we do
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