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Guest Appearance on The Weekly with Charlie Pickering

my guest tonight has written Creed
best-selling books and his TED talk on
inspiring leadership is one of the
most-watched of all-time with more than
30 million views when he talks it is
impossible not to listen
leadership is a choice it is not a rank
I know many people of the senior-most
levels of organizations who are
absolutely not leaders they are
authorities and we do what they say
because they have authority over us but
we would not follow them a hero for
anyone who thinks they can do a better
job than their boss please welcome Simon
tener venir
let’s start with leadership okay I think
it’s safe to say that the leadership in
the world at the moment is in a bit of a
state it looks that way is that their
fault or our fault I think that our
politicians are a reflection of us I
think when we indict our leaders and say
that their divisive and that their they
don’t play well with each other they
lack vision I quite frankly think that’s
a reflection of us I think our
politicians are a mirror and before
we’re so quick to criticize I think we
should look at ourselves and take some
accountability I think we’re the ones
that could be a little more open-minded
to the ideas of others I think we’re the
ones that could communicate communicate
across party lines and listen a lot
better I can say how do we how do we do
that because I mean when an election
rolls around there are professional
political outfits just feeding up media
all the time I don’t feel like Donald
Trump ever picked up the phone and asked
me to listen to any of his ideas well
Donald Trump was a rejection of the
incumbency I mean we’ve had a very
divided Congress for more than a decade
where it’s become very left and very
right and nothing in the middle
they’ve got nothing done their approval
rating something like 9% I mean it’s
really embarrassing and I think people
are just fed up with anything that looks
like what we’re used to and so it’s a
shot across the bow to everyone else
it’s not necessarily about for Donald
Trump it’s a vote against whatever we
have what makes a lady compared to a
boss so a boss is someone who likes to
think of themselves as the bus I like to
think of themselves in charge and a
leader is someone who sees themselves in
service to some higher cause and
definitely to their people
leadership is not about being in charge
it’s about taking care of those in your
charge the closest thing to leadership
is being a parent yes you have all the
authority yes you have all the power but
you’re responsible for the bringing up
others around you helping them build
their confidence and see that they can
achieve more than you so leadership is
exactly the same thing so what leaders
inspire you who are your favourite
leaders so I mean I like all the big
ones you know you’re Gandhi’s and Martin
Luther King but there’s there’s a lot of
leaders that that I turn to or look to
for inspiration are not public and not
well-known many of them wear uniforms
I’ve become very close with some folks
in the military I think they’re
misunderstood very very often by the
general public and I met people who I’ve
cried with more than I’ve ever cried
with anybody in a suit I’ve hugged more
often than I’ve ever hugged anybody in a
suit and you know in in business we have
things called colleagues and co-workers
but in the military they have brothers
and sisters and it’s that that kind of
intense relationship that I that I love
so much and learn so much about so
you’ve learned a lot about leadership
over your time and you are a
motivational speaker you speak to
inspiration well inspiration okay so is
that just because a motivational speaker
sounds so 90s 84 yeah I just like it I
didn’t set out to be a speaker I’m very
very lucky that I have ideas that people
request me to come speak but it’s very
self helpy the whole but you know I
think of yeah no not me for someone
watching this what’s something that I
could do to be a better person saying
their workplace or in their life oh yeah
so so one of the things you can do is
practice speaking last you know we’re
constantly told you have to be a good
listener but communication goes both
ways you get to speak and you get to
listen yeah that would literally not
work it would more joy wouldn’t working
a job well so Nelson Mandela is
universally regarded as one of the
world’s best leaders you know different
people are regarded differently
depending on where you go but Nelson
Mandela is important because everyone
thought he was great and he was actually
the son of a tribal chief and was asked
by a journalist how did you learn to be
a great leader and he said when I was
younger I remember going to tribal
meetings with my father and I remember
two things one they always sat in a
circle and two my father was always the
last to speak
and if you think about how we conduct
meetings so often we walk in and say
okay guys here’s the problem here’s what
I think we should do but I’m interested
in what you have to say let’s go around
the room it’s too late
you bias the room or people don’t feel
heard and the strength it takes to not
say anything and not even give away what
your ideas are and let people contribute
not only do they feel heard you actually
get the benefit of everything they they
have to they have to say so just
practicing speaking last is a big is a
big one now we’ve already heard in the
show tonight that Millennials aren’t
having enough sex with terrifying and
important but but is the future in safe
Millennials a good hope I think every
generation is a good hope I mean you
know we never know what’s going to
happen they like every generation prior
to them have been molded by the events
of their upbringing and there are some
significant important things that we
have to remember is greatest technology
as it comes with a liability the thing
that concerns me most about the
millennial generation is the addiction
to technology we’re all addicted to
technology but they grew up with the
addiction and the statistics are sort of
alarming which is you compare it to
alcohol and dopamine is the chemical
that is released when we drink smoke or
gamble that makes us actually addicted
to those things it’s the same chemical
that’s released when our phones go buzz
or Bing when somebody discovers alcohol
and starts drinking prior to the age of
15 40 percent of them will become
alcoholics if they just wait until
they’re I think 19 the number drops down
something like 8% and so if we’re
getting open access to an addictive
device like a cellphone or social media
to kids under 15 the odds are incredibly
high 40% will have an addiction later on
in life and like all addiction it means
they’ll struggle with human
relationships they’ll struggle dealing
with stress and this is what what scares
me so much which we have age
restrictions on tobacco we have age
restrictions on you know alcohol and
gambling but we have no age restrictions
on social media or cell phones and yet
it’s just as dangerous so I love
Millennials so so many things are so
open to others they’re much more open
than older generations to the sexuality
or gender identity of others they speak
when they when they don’t when they work
for a company that doesn’t offer them a
sense of purpose or cause older
generations just suffer in silence and
hate their job it’s called having a job
it’s about having a job that is part of
it – yeah but
and so I I love them and I’m hopeful for
it but I am concerned about the
addiction and their ability to deal with
stress as adults a disproportionately
high number will struggle you broke the
internet recently when you said that
Millennials suffer from what you called
failed parenting strategies I have a
look at this they were told that they
were special all the time they were told
that they had anything they want in life
just because they want it some of them
got into honors classes not because they
deserved it but because their parents
complained and some of them got a is not
because they earned them but because the
teacher didn’t want to deal with the
parents some kids got participation
medals you got a medal for coming in
laughs Wow let’s say some real support
for that now true or not it’s a brave
man who goes around telling parents
they’re not doing a good job basically a
guy without kids yeah that’s right so
where do you get off so the funny thing
is that most of that data comes from
parents themselves it’s it’s actually
not sort of parenting experts looking
back at parents and saying you screwed
up it’s actually a lot of parents now
looking back at what they did in saying
ooh maybe that no you know so if you
look at the data it’s actually the
parents themselves and a lot of the
things they tried parenting experts are
also weighing and said it didn’t work um
I’ve got to say I mean nightly
suspicious of anyone who is
overwhelmingly positive all the time
yeah and I’m just curious what do you
crap at yeah I’m bad at a lot of things
I’m sort of a big baby I can’t like like
for me to get my lucky incontinent oh no
no no that’s not something I would admit
on national no I like for me to get my
work done I actually have a like this
for when I write a book I shouldn’t be
saying this on television either when I
have to write a book I actually have a
babysitter that’s what her title is
she’s my babysitter who comes over and
her entire job is to just sit in my
apartment to make sure that I’m working
because I actually I have no discipline
otherwise I’ll just watch me
so you’ve got a nanny I know she’s
babysitter no not even at the level of
nanny no I know she changed you know
there’s no exact way that’s remarkable
because you say that out loud is so it
should be judged and the more you said
was like yes it’s that is exactly what I
need in my life it I have to admit you
know I it works brilliantly it’s just
somebody who like because I will just
surf the internet otherwise all day and
when somebody goes are you working out
yes yes you knows we’re working and
having somebody there I work better so
my most productive days are when my
babysit is over now speaking of writing
books your latest book the release in
America and Taiwan I think had a page
that smells of optimism one page yeah
what does optimism smell like it I can’t
tell it’s like what is it what you know
what I know what I’m familiar with fear
yeah yeah I know what that smells like
yeah it’s like bananas I don’t know I
can’t describe it it’s like how do you
describe to Beethoven’s Symphony it has
notes and those notes you can play
chopsticks or you can play a Beethoven
symphony and so the same thing goes in
here there are notes of smell put
together in a way that is complicated
and deep and wonderful and makes you
feel optimistic highly recommend it you
could have a scent for the show yeah
some would say it already does Simon has
events in Melbourne and Sydney this week
would you please thanks Simon to Nick
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