so one frequent question that we get is
now that you found your why what do you
do with it how do you use it well one of
the things you want to do is keep it all
around you one of the things that I’ve
done is I actually would write my why on
my desk next to my bed so that was
reminded of it that’s number one but
also start talking about it I start
meetings with it when I sit down with a
meeting I say before we start this
meeting I’d like to tell you why I took
this meeting or why I called this
meeting and I referred to my why and say
how I believe that this potential
partnership or this potential
relationship could help me advance my
cause could help me advance my why it
works every time it’s extremely valuable
in resumes and interviews as well when
somebody says so why do you want this
job you say let me tell you why I do
everything and maybe tell a story from
your childhood or one of the stories
that you told in the wide discovery
process to communicate your point I used
to do that on all my interviews I still
do it now I start meetings I start talks
I start all kinds of things with it and
it gives people a context for who you
are and where you’re coming from it’s a
huge advantage on resumes as well I’ve
never really understood at the top of
resumes when people write purpose and
they say to get a job and a top
performing law firm and blah blah blah
whatever they write of course that’s why
everybody’s applying for the job rather
use that space at the top of your resume
to explain who you are basically why you
do what you do it gives context to all
the other jobs you’ve ever had it gives
context for who you are and it helps us
stand out in the crowd of people who
have similar experiences to us it also
helps us understand sometimes where
relationships fail where we sometimes
did things or said yes the things that
in our guts that felt wrong but if we
compare to our while.i
we realized that we should never have
done it in the first place so use it
front and center speak about it tell the
stories use the stories as metaphors to
explain who you are talk about it constantly start meetings with it