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Donna Karan & Jack Kornfield: The Intersection of Mindfulness

hi Donna what an honor what a great
pleasure for me too of course you’re
probably sitting here thinking about
talking about jen and i was wondering
here with this world-famous designer
what should i wear right perfect we’ve
just watched a really beautiful vision
from the work the creativity the
mindfulness and the services Larry
brilliant was talking about that you’ve
developed through urban zen and through
mine from joining mindfulness in yoga
how does yoga fitting can you show us a
I’m your yoga can you show us a yoga
posture that you use that helps you in
your work demonstrate I think we’re
doing it ah
I think just by B is yoga just by being
present by taking a breath it’s yoga
most people think that putting your legs
around your head is yoga but I really
believe that Yoga is something that we
do all the time is a consciousness of
being and breath work so this is your
yoga pose my yoga oh I can’t that’s one
of your vision innovation and creativity
are so important here at Salesforce and
in your work what I’m wondering is how
do you bring together what’s your
personal experience of bringing together
mindfulness and the creative process how
does it support your creative process as
a designer and as a visionary I think
what happened for me is I was on the go
24-7 constantly moving constantly going
constantly creating creating creating
creating and I seem to have what I would
call it’s all I had an amazing husband
family children and I started doing yoga
when I was 18 years old that was pretty
early that was just about three years
ago but
since recently I realized that they
needed to be something that I was
missing there was something else out
there in the world today that I was
constantly dressing people and cons
opening out but I wasn’t addressing it
and it was great putting them in divine
clothing and things like that but I find
myself in the dressing room and
realizing that there was a person that I
wasn’t speaking to it was that in a
person and it became sort of a mandate
of mine that I got very involved with so
many people realizing what their life
was about you know what they were going
through with their children with their
husbands with their wives with their
people they work with and I realized
that there needed to be another form of
work habits that I could no longer just
dress people but I needed to address
them as well how did that it’s beautiful
how did it affect your sense of
creativity in responding when whether
it’s in design or tuning into people
here the folks at Salesforce and so
forth they’re also trying to be open to
creativity can you say anything about
what that creative process is like and
what it means to bring your yoga or
mindfulness into your visionary
creativity I think giving and sharing
which was so articulately put out there
today that it’s never about me it’s
about the we and our consciousness of
caring for another human being is rather
selfish i have to say because the more
we care
we get out of it for ourselves so just
by sharing and caring for another human
being is a tremendous gift that you give
to yourself so in some way the
creativity is supported by your tuning
into that other person as Larry talked
about in others and somehow having that
connection enhances your ability to be
responsive and creatively you know when
people said to be Haiti why Haiti uh-huh
I mean that was a mind blower for me you
know I had no idea what I was doing when
I was going down to Haiti it all started
by a woman who was running my Urban Zen
Center with Haitian and she’s Donna
you’ve got to do something for Haiti and
I said well where is Haiti I didn’t even
know and the first place I thought it
was Bali Bali for me is sort of a model
for what I seed the rest of the world
being you know Bali has a place of
creativity it has people who care and
share like know the place I’ve ever been
to and I realized that to create a
community of consciousness and caring
and sharing but by being able to access
that which they know is a way to create
a community and in Haiti i found out
that practically everybody was creative
and for me that was just a playground
and opening up can you tell a story
about what it was like when you got to
Haiti and what you saw or something well
I had a vision but of course like most
visions that’s not necessarily the way
it’s going to happen out you have to
experience your vision when I went down
to Haiti I realized that I you know
wanted to create a singular community
where I would plant
bamboo because of the deforestation of
the entire community and it seemed like
the most obvious thing to do and I said
well what is the most two of the two
most creative areas a and they said
Jacmel and quarter bouquet and I said oh
what a great name for fragrance Claude a
bouquet what did they grow better their
grace so we could do grovetta bear make
it into a fragrance in’ all of a sudden
that would create jobs then I realized
that and in every place that I went
there was another spark of talent and of
course the designer that I am got right
into it you know and I started saying or
where’s that where’d that come from
where’d that come from a night and I
would get to know the designers and
create with the designers and then
realize that education is so vitally
important that I wasn’t dealing with
just a regular culture where it was a
nine-to-five type of education and I was
meeting with all these artists who had
no education background and I realized
that I couldn’t go ahead and recreate
the norm of what people would think of
as education so we brought in vocational
education because I figured if I would
give them a job that it would be easier
for them to support themselves and then
to be able to help there are the
children so Haiti became a place for me
that is sort of a model of what I see in
all of the developing world that
creating a community creating a space in
a place where people can create to give
them jobs to be able to create schools
and in the schools that we do that we
bring meditation we bring yoga into the
educational system so that there’s
really a heart and your soul to what
we’re doing in the country and you’ve
done the same thing with urban’s and
then in hospital settings so what you’re
trying to do in haiti it sounds like you
also go to another difficult area which
is people who are in crisis that the
people there are their families who are
or the doctors and nurses and so forth
how did that start for you well the
inspiration my entire life was born
around birth and death and I just finish
writing my book right now so it’s just
about going coming to come out and it
really does start when I was three years
old and my dad died and then after that
my mother died and my boss died and I
was I was constantly around birth and
death and seeing what was missing in the
hospital system and it became very
obvious particularly with my husband he
was had lung cancer and he used to call
me and my boo boos as he would call them
because i had my yoga teacher sarah have
my meditation people there to have my
essential oils there and i had all the
tools that i needed but soon he realized
that he needed the tools because my
husband was being treated for lung
cancer and in the hospital they were
treating his lung cancer but where was
he being treated as a whole person so i
realized at that point that i had the
opportunity and i had the awareness of
what he needed so we would go into the
hospitals and we’d bring the essential
oils and everybody would go what’s that
I want that I want that or we would be
doing Reiki and they go who can I have
that too and I realized that each and
every single one of us is a patient
every single one of us is a loved one
and there was something really wrong
with our health care system today we
were missing two major elements one is
where is the care in health care and the
other is where is direction because we
find out you got whatever you got where
do I go patient navigation so it seems
like that’s an awfully large pillar to
take on
how do you change our health care system
how do we change our educational system
and the way to do it is the way we’re
doing it right now inviting all the
people to realize that each one of us is
a patient and each one of us is the
loved one and how can we change that
health care and educational system do
you get resistance from the hospitals
and the places that you’re trying to
change ah yes and what do you agree with
that however we’ve already generating
all sales force is also all about change
but there’s resistance when you try to
make change mmm it takes meditation I
think we have to be very centered and
very guided to realize that we’re here
with purpose we’re here with purpose to
make that change and what are the
changes that need to be made in our
environmental system today education
definitely needs a change if we would
have every child be doing yoga and
meditation before class starts could you
imagine how much more knowledge they
would have that would be extraordinary
so each and every one of us is
affiliated with a school or has a child
and we should be delivering that message
so it’s sort of a chain of action and as
far as hospitals go my call out to most
people when I meet them into every
single area is take a look at how we can
change the hospital system because we’re
all going to be there how do we want to
be taken care of in the hospital system
so it really is individually up to us I
mean certainly it Urban Zen you know I
said well this is great you know I see
the opportunity and we’ve changed 700
integrative therapists by now and we’re
in hospitals throughout the country but
it really does take the community who
really wants to make the change so when
you use the words an in urban zen can
you say something about San how
how that fits for you I’m starting to
think I should name the company urban
chaos because I figured I was a lot
better in the chaos area than they am in
the Zener I think if you put it out
there it will happen so I put out the
word urban where we have so much chaos
how do we find the calm in the chaos
Urban Zen Suzanne in that way represents
for you finding that still center in the
middle of all the chaos and swirl of
line certainly New York is a place of
utter chaos as we all know so tell me
about your own practice do you practice
and you sounds like you practice yoga
what would it what would work our use my
morning practice every day is it’s my
time you know and I’m very selfish about
that there’s a lot of things that I’m
not selfish about but my morning is my
time and the first thing i do every
morning is I do yoga and meditation so
that’s how I start my day every day and
I tried to get my meditation in at night
and it’s usually so late that I mean
seriously a little bit tired I tried to
do it in the office as well to give
myself a little bit even if it’s a
little 10 minutes or on the car ride of
where I’m going is take that breath work
and find that century and myself before
going out and starting that day what do
you do when you meditate what kind of
meditation do you do because there are
different kinds mang talked about using
the breath thara talking about naming
what’s happening in your xperia your
emotions how do you do it first of all I
grabbed myself
I shot with my breath work I start from
the top
take the breath in and I have a mantra
and you use your mantra after that is
the way to quiet the mind and saddle
yourself and does it does it take very
long do you find after even a few
minutes or does it take a long time I
can go out very quickly you know it’s
really kind of fun I can go on and I can
go off but once I go off it’s odd to me
to come back sometimes mm-hmm mm-hmm I
like to stay there yeah so then there’s
a question of all right now I’m in this
place how do I bring it back into the
and all of a sudden this amazing amount
of calm all around me I finally find
that Zen moment that breath work and
then can you carry it back into the
design processing into the work
absolutely yeah so do you still find
times when having that as a tool where
there’s stress or anxiety or setbacks
reviews of all the work you do or
something where it’s difficult how do
you how do you work with that I find
there’s a balance between the two I
think by nature I’m a doer I think every
part of my being is visceral so I like
the feel and touch of everything so I’m
extremely extremely sensitive so whether
it be by feet that I’m feeling on my
tabs that I’m feeling on my hand that
I’m feeling is that whole kind of Zen
type of feeling with inside my own self
but I also have that feeling towards
others sure those as I could look around
here and I see so many people here it’s
like this tremendous heartfelt love and
compassion for all the people sitting
here today knowing that
within this group how much change could
occur so it sounds like the quieting
really leads you pretty spontaneously
not just to be embodied but somehow to
your heart to compassion or connection
with others oh it’s it’s a form of life
if it’s a poem of love I am very
attached to nature nature is a calling
for me you know whether it be the water
in the sky and you know as a designer
I’m constantly being inspired by that
which is around me you know I can’t tell
you how many collections I’ve tried to
do off the water and then once i did a
collection off the trees and the leaves
on the trees and i figured how many
color greens are there and i did a
collection of green that wasn’t too
successful my blue collections are much
more successful in my green collections
even though I love black sorry I did
dress right thank you very much thank
you um so underlying this as you get
quieter and as you somehow open the
vision of urban zen there’s some kind of
a dream that you have it sounds like you
talked about it in terms of changing the
health care system education here are
all these folks who are working at
Salesforce many of them anyway or who’ve
come in from the outside what can you
say to us about the dream you carry or
how we can access or be true to our own
dreams my dream is that in every city in
every community they find their own
urban zen to find their common a chaos
like you’re creating a community by
creating an office space to realize how
can we make an effect in the health care
system how can we make an effect in the
educational system how can we make an
effect and that which touches are hard
because I don’t think you know the word
philanthropy is being used as such a
mast level right now everybody feels old
I have to be filling
click I don’t think you have to do
anything I think you want to do it I
think it’s that drawing force that why
do you love what you love and I think
out of everything on a philanthropic
level has to come from one place and
that’s from your heart if something is
calling you that’s a call out you know
if it’s unacceptable you know I don’t
want to see the hospital’s operating the
way they want right right now I want to
see meditation going into the
educational system could you just
imagine just everybody mean quiet is it
every time you walk into a place that
you have somebody having a guided
meditation before the day starts how
brilliant would that big you know we
live in such a world of chaos right now
there is the opportunity of finding the
calm I once had an idea he’s kind of
silly I proposed to what we were saying
what you’re saying about meditation in
the office that if for one minute every
single day you touch one person and be
silent for one moment so there would be
a oneness a complete connection of 1 11
11 11 start where the Sun rose so where
is that in where’s the sunrise mariotti
in the East Indies you could pick this
spot because they just know where the
Sun is rising but at that time when the
Sun rose everybody would touch one
person at one o’clock every single day
but one minute the world will reconnect
to this one so this is beautiful it’s a
little bit connected to two Meg’s vision
of creating world peace in fact in this
is there any formal way you bring these
principles in to the work at DKNY or you
know your design work and all the people
that work for you or is it that you just
encourage people know Urban Zen is
actually a form of a community and there
are urban zen centers and we do work
right here in San Francisco we’re about
to start at UCF what is it juice ucsf
UCSF is starting to bring the Urban Zen
integrative therapist system into their
which is going to be absolutely
fantastic which I’m very excited about
we’re at UCLA right now in LA so it is a
question of one finding out where there
are Urban Zen integrative therapists
that are in your community we have a
website which all the information is
right there or if you want to take your
own Urban Zen integrative therapist
experiential training which i think is
as important for you yourself to take
the training as it is to have a trainer
because once you’re trained within it
yourself and that’s because there’s no
question every single one of us is going
to be hit by something and we have to
find that commonly chaos so first of all
is learning how to take care of yourself
and then learning how to take care of
and i’ll just go back did you use it in
an explicit way or translated also into
your business and the way that people
work there in that work environment or
work with work with you or for you
absolutely first of all at eggs line
anton johnny cowan sorry it was i just
got way that i was in such calm i
thought about about 40 years ago but at
Donna Karen used to have meditation
their yoga there I was a high proponent
of it at all times so you’re I’m hearing
an invitation from you first for people
to look at Urban Zen in its trainings
including what’s coming to San Francisco
but the second is that in in the work
environment as well as in the urban zen
work you created spaces and invitation
and possibility for people to use these
tools absolutely there are Urban Zen
integrative therapists they can come
work in the environment we’ve been asked
to work in in business environments as
well as in hospitals right now we’ve
been asked to work in assisted living
assisted living has become a major major
part of the Urban Zen integrative
therapist program so these are all
places where there’s both suffering or
some of them anyway the hospitals or
assisted living and so forth and then
where these tools can make an immediate
difference absolutely and they highly
recommend essential oils as a tool for
yourself you know I could see it in
every single hotel room that all you
have to do is push on a button of a TV
and have a guided meditation have the
essential oils be in every single room
and there’s no reason for us not to be
living a life such as this and being
exposed to it as much as possible
I hope it’s true I hope it happens at
Salesforce and spreads out from all the
people who are listening online the
vision that you carry and mostly I just
want to thank you for the beautiful work
of urban sand and honor to talk to you
oh it’s my honor disease with you Thank You doc

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