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Tony Robbins: The ONLY Thing that Will Change Your Life

the number one thing that’s going to
change your life the only thing that
will change your life change your
business change your money change your
relationship you must raise your
standard I know that sounds boring
stupid basic but it’s the truth
the only thing that changes our life
long term is when we raise our standards
what does that mean that sounds so
boring and dumb it means that all of us
in life have things we want we don’t get
what we want we get what we have to have
remember I said earlier we all get what
we tolerate in ourselves and other
people but when you’re no longer willing
to tolerate something that’s when your
life changes the difference in people is
their standards period the difference in
people is their standards period and
what I mean by standards everyone in the
world has a list of things they think
they should do I should lose weight I
should work out I should spend more time
with my kids I should work harder I
should make more calls I should I should
I should I should and then you know what
people don’t do their shoulds and they
get mad at themselves and they would I
call all over themselves they beat
themself up about it
what changes people is when you should
becomes a must when suddenly the thing
you said should happen has to happen
that’s when human beings change it’s
like if you want to take the island and
you’re the head of the army and you want
to take the arm island the most powerful
way to take the island is burn the boats
because if there’s no way to go back
it’s amazing what happens when it’s a
must to do something versus a should
that’s what makes human being succeed
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