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Athens, 2300 years ago It is a prosperous place. A quarter of a million human beings live here almost
There are luxury bathrooms, theaters, temples, shops and sports clubs
The atmosphere here is warm for more than half a year
It is also home to the first and most likely the greatest philosopher in history
Born in an ancient and rich family
Plato devoted his life to one goal: helping people to reach a state he knew b
Luxury – Perfect –
Plato is usually confused with Socrates
Socrates was a great friend. Plato knew much but did not write books
Plato wrote a lot of books, thirty-six are all fictional dialogues knitted with beauty
Socrates always takes the role of the star
Including: the Republic, the symposium
Laws, Mino
And the defense of Socrates
Plato had four great ideas for making life known:
The first big idea: Think more.
We rarely give ourselves time to think carefully and rationally in our lives and how to drive them
Sometimes we drift in what the Greeks called (Duxa), or common views
In the thirty-six books written by Plato, Plato criticized this culture
Being full of errors, prejudices and superstitions
Great fame
follow your heart
Money is the foundation of good life
The problem is that common opinions lead to values, actions and wrong relationships
Plato’s answer is
“know yourself”
Means to take a specific kind of treatment: philosophy
Subjugate your own ideas to the test rather than act spontaneously
If you strengthen your knowledge you can not be swayed by your feelings
Plato is almost the role of passion for us
As if we were chasing a horse with a horse
In honor of his friend Socrates advised him this type of test is called: Socratic controversy
You can fight it with yourself, or on the best with someone else
He does not want to catch your mistakes, but wants you to explain your own thoughts to yourself
The second big idea: “Let your lover change you”
This sounds strange if you think that love means
To find someone who wants you just as you are
In the book of the symposium, the play Plato for a dinner party as a group of Sahab
They were drunk and talked about love, sex and relationships
Plato said: True love is admiration
In the sense, the person you need to live with must have very high attributes
Which you yourself lose
Suppose he was brave
Or salary
Or compassionate and sincere
When you get close to someone like that, you can take his qualities
The right person for us helps us to grow to the maximum of our perfection
For Plato, in a good relationship, the partners must not love each other
As they are now
They must commit themselves to educating each other to face difficulties
Which will inevitably pass
Each partner must want the other to have an improved version of himself
Third: “Solving the message of beauty”
All people most likely love beautiful things
But Plato was the first to ask, “Why do we love her?”
He found a compelling reason
Beautiful things whisper us important facts about good life
We see things beautiful when we feel them – unaware of us – the gaps we need
But missing from our lives
Fine things, therefore, have an important function
Help us to enlighten our souls
Cruelty is also an important issue
It is hard for us to be wise, good, and calm
Plato sees art as a cure, it is the duty of poets and painters, these days novelists
TV producers and designers, can help us live a good life
Fourth: “Reforming society”
Plato spent a lot of time thinking about how the government and the community could function optimally
He is the first utopian thinker “idealist”
In this he was influenced by the greatest enemies of his city, Athens, Sparta
Which was a city-sized machine to produce great warriors
All the Spartines did, how they raised their children, how they organized their economy
They respected, how they had sex, what they ate all was linked to one goal
Sparta was very successful from a military point of view
But that was not what Plato wanted to know, how a society could evolve
In the production is not only military power, but the people are full
In his republican book, Plato identifies a number of changes that must be made
The Athenian community was very focused on the wealthy, such as the aristocracy and the Alecibades
And sports celebrities like boxer Mileo Croton
Plato was not impressed by this, it is very important to be aware of their lofty because heroes affect the
Our appearance, thoughts, actions and bad heroes fascinate us with wrong deeds
Plato wanted to present Athens with new celebrities, replacing the existing celebrities
Bannas are wise and exemplary, called by the elders
An example of good human evolution
These people recognize their reputation in public service, their humility and their tolerant customs
Their hatred of the lights and the depth and depth of their experience
They will be the most respected and admired people in society
He also wanted to end democracy in Athens, he was not crazy, he just noticed how little
Of the voters think carefully before the vote, and therefore, we come out with much less than hoped
He did not want to replace democracy with dictatorship
But he wanted to prevent people from voting until they started to think rationally
I mean, until they become philosophers, otherwise, the government will become somewhat of a mob rule
To enhance the process
Plato started the Academy School, in Athens, has lasted
Three hundred years there, people have not only studied math and spelling, but also how to be good
And good
Plato’s ultimate goal was to be philosophers
The world will not become true until the kings are philosophers
Or philosophers kings
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