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PHILOSOPHY – Heidegger

Martin Heidegger is undoubtedly the most difficult German philosopher in history
To a large extent, there is nothing to rival Heger’s prose in his unique book “Being and Time” filled with words
German complex vehicle such as “Seinsvergessenheit”, “Bodenständigkeit” Wesensverfassung “
However, behind these difficult terms, Heidegger tells us very simple facts, sometimes facts that anyone can say
About the meaning of our lives and the crisis of our times in which we live and the path of freedom and salvation
Let us put ourselves in trouble
Heidegger was born and remained largely a German farmer who loved picking
Mushrooms and wandering in the farmland and going to sleep early hate Hider TV and airplanes
Pop music and canned foods, at one point in his life he was a supporter of Hitler, but he saw
The fault of his policies, Heidegger spent most of his life in a hut in the forest away from modern civilization
Heidger’s modern human being suffers from a number of diseases of the soul
The first problem: _ We no longer notice that we are alive
We know, of course, that in theory we are alive, but we are not on a daily basis
Great for our existence, the puzzle called Hedger Das Sein or Arabic
Being / existence
Only in moments of lightning, at night or when we fall ill and stay
Lonely all day long or when we do excursions, we start to pay attention
To the strange strangeness of everything, why do things exist this way? Why are we here instead of there?
Why is the world the way it is?
What we escape from is to escape from the opposite of the existence of the so-called Heidegger
The Dark Das Nichts
The second problem: We forget that all existence is connected to one another
Most of the time, our daily work and tasks make us selfish in our own affairs, treating others
Nature is around us as means, not as objects of value
But sometimes and again the nature and countryside parks are extremely important to give us this insight
We may step outside our narrow orbit and begin to adopt a broader vision
We may feel what Heidegger calls a single existence, for example we may observe ourselves
The broccoli insect on the bark of the tree and this rock and that cloud there, we note that all this is here now
United in depth by the fundamental truth of our common existence
Heidger highly appreciates these moments and asks us to use them as a platform
To jump towards a deeper form of originality in order to overcome isolation and selfishness and to appreciate more deeply
The remaining emotional period before we realize the nihilism / Das Nichts
The third problem: _ Forget to be free and live for ourselves
Much of our affairs and actions are not free, we apply to us strange description of Heger
“Lying in the World” at the beginning of our lives: thrown us into a specific social setting
Narrow, surrounded by rigid behaviors, old dogmas and necessities of life
Not of our own making
Valsov wants to help us overcome this dumping and homelessness as Geworfenheit expresses in German
By understanding the nature of this dumping, we need to realize the limitations of our psychological and social behaviors
And then move on to a more global perspective
By doing so we will make a classic hydrographic journey from Uneigentlichkeit to
“Eigentlichkeit” from originality to originality, we basically will start
To live for ourselves
However, as we will probably fail miserably in our mission most of the time, we will usually surrender
To a flat social pattern of existence that Heidegger calls their own spirit, as opposed to our own soul
We go on gabbering ‘Das Gerede’ which comes from news papers
And from television, in the big cities where Heidegger hated spending time
What will help us to withdraw from the “soul-their own” is a necessary focus on
Our imminent death, only then will we realize that others will not save us from
Das NICHTS, then we are likely to stop living for them, we stop worrying about what
Others think, we start to stop giving the lion’s share of our lives and energies to impress
People who have never loved us from the ground up
In a lecture in 1961, Heidegger was asked what we should do with our lives
He replied: We have to spend more time near the graves
It would be a lie to say that Heidegger’s values ​​and meanings are quite clear, though
What he tells us is particularly astounding and full of wisdom and strangeness that it is useful, though
Of unfamiliar words and language, in the sense we know most of what he already says, we just need
To remind and encourage to start in a serious way and this is done by his unique prose style
We know in our hearts that the time has come to overcome our displacement and our Geworfenheit, we must
To be more aware of nothing / Das Nichts every day, we owe ourselves to escape from clutches
Chatter Das Gerede in order to reach the authentic existence ‘Eigentlichkeit with the help of a small
Of these tombs.
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