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var, let and const – What, why and how – ES6 JavaScript Features

good Monday morning I am mvj and you are

watching fun fun function this video is

part of a series where we explore

together a couple of new concepts in

JavaScript that arrived in Equus 56 you

can find all the episodes in a playlist

by clicking in the upper right corner or

in the episode description today we are

going to explore the difference between

bar let and Const in net my script 5 we

only had one way of declaring variables

bar but with at my script 6 we now have

3 let’s remind ourselves first how bar

works so let’s say that you have a for

loop this is the normally the first case

where you as a new JavaScript programmer

run into this little weirdness ah if

this was some 10 i + + to do and we

let’s run that alright so it counts up

now in other programming languages ah

this would be its own little scope right

I would only be accessible here however

in JavaScript ah we can actually

run it see that it’s 10 after the loop

this is super unintuitive when you come

in from another programming language

because you expect to have I to be

scoped to just this context here you

don’t expect it to survive outside of

that loop and the reason for that is

that there is only one type of variable

scope in our atmosphere 5 and that is a

function scope to illustrate this I’m

going to wrap all of this in a function

for you a bomb there we’re going to call

the function counter and we’re going to

call the function immediately run that

also works

now let’s try moving this after loop log

outside right boom now we get an error

eye is not defined and that is because

the variable scope for bar is just the

function so I here it’s going to be only

available inside counter here and it is

because of this that you often see

JavaScript code doing things like this

see here that I’m calling a calling

counter right after but you often see

JavaScript code that looks like this and

this is a function that is declared and

then it is immediately called this is

called an immediately invoked function

expression or iffy and people do this to

keep the variables that are inside the

Eevee’s to pollute the rest of the codes

it creates all the cohesive block of

safe-haven sorts I mentioned before that

JavaScript variables are hoisted what

does that mean well it means that they

are hoisted to the top of their function

so what we’re looking at here is not

exactly what the what will be run in

fact what the JavaScript compiler will

do in our interpreter and it’s going to

go through the code it’s going to find

variable declarations and it’s going to

take them and it’s going to push them up

to the the top of the code or the top of

the function ah that it’s in so it’s

going to do this so it doesn’t matter if

there’s uh many many lines of code here

it’s going to like always pull the

variable declarations up to the top

there’s also a horrible aspect of this

and that is if you forget the variable

declaration and only like declare it

immediately like this then it’s going to

and this is because what has happened is

that the javascript interpreter has put

it up here if there is no variable

declaration inside the function it’s

going to keep walking up the function

chain all the way up to the global or

the window object and when it when it

finds it it’s going to AH place a

variable there this is of course

horrible because it means that you can

just super accidentally our declare

global variables so this is actually one

of the things that the use strict

statement that you are encouraged to

always use prevents you from doing so if

I use the use strict statement and

trying to make this mistake it’s going

to throw an error it’s going to say that

I is not defined so I cannot assign to

it javascript is a language that are

trying to be as beginner-friendly as

possible and well in the beginning it

did some things that are were a bit too

helpful and this is this is one of them

and that is why are the you strict

statement was introduced a couple of

years back you should always use use

strict just to show you a final example

let’s say that I have for I equals nine

nine nine nine nine nine nine nine and I

semicolons ah there it works let me

mention this uh so you saw that there

when I ran this code was that all this

number is not a function that is because

I’m one of those horrible people that

don’t use semicolons and this is the one

trap where that actual causes an error

it’s when when I do this it’s tries to

interpret it as this so it’s trying to

call 911 as a function we

the with this function as as an argument

so if you are wanna code without

semicolons you need to remember that

every time you begin a line with a

parenthesis you should begin it with a

semicolon if you are interested in my

view of semicolons uh you can check out

the episode on that in the upper corner

or click it in the description down

below not back to the example so you see

that here we it’s logging out nine a

nine in the after loop and it’s logging

up this value here even though we are

using a variable with the same name

inside the function here and that is

because this is scoped to this function

only if we remove this var here and run

it that means that we are we get a 10

here and that is because I I is now

reassigning this variable here because

it will be looking finding here I uh hah

okay we have no idea and so it will be

walking up the trio of functions it will

be finding this I and it will be

reassigned that one and that is why it’s

slogging it out here ten and remember a

hoisting like even if we do it here

don’t it’s still going to be declared in

that space you see here nine nine nine

nine nine even though it’s assigning

here and that is because it’s getting

hoisted before it’s getting executed so

it’s really gonna be here when it’s

executing what let will not have this

issue um let ID and I’m gonna run it

boom it works as expected

that is because let introduces block

scope this variable here the one that we

left is

only going to be accessible inside of

this for loop this is also going to be

true inside of an if statement they say

if two very useful if statement uh we

assign we say let I equals eight eight

on that see that it’s still nine nine

nine nine nine

if I had just said this for instance it

would ah be eight eight eight eight

eight also I think if I said for I it

would still be eight eight eight eight


because it in JavaScript this it’s

allowed to use for multiple times and I

think it will just simply translate it

to this yeah it will because because of

the hoisting so if I perhaps easier if I

say I declared this down here for some


this would still like it would hoist

these two variable declarations these

two it will just man oh no this is not

valid I will just do this and I will

remove these this is unnecessary don’t

run so the assignment here I is over

writing whatever I was above and the

assignment above unless I do let that

would be nine and and again because left

will only be accessible inside of this

scope because let is block scope not

function scope like Voris a lot of

people say that left is the new for and

I agree there is simply no reason to use

far anymore

perhaps there are some very specific

reason but unless of course you can use

Const which you almost always can before

I tell you about

homes let me whine about why there’s so

much why’d you stop here this is a

packaging for my new desk ah this is my

desk I bought it because I am iPad these

hand paints like right here and like

inflamed I think said doctor ah it’s

making it really difficult to work and

it’s kind of freaking me out to be

honest so I’m buying replacing

everything that is even slightest bit of

economic just crazy how much you’re

dependent on your primary are working to

develop if you have any tips on on

dealing with arm pain of working at a

computer for long periods of times

please write them down below for the

benefits of your fellow programmers and

yeah me so anyway Const post is what I

really wanted to talk about in this

episode I you really just explained less

in order to talk about cons because

Combs is just like left except that you

cannot change it that’s not quite


ah to be specific you cannot read a sign

post let me delete this and I’m gonna do

4 x equals 1 and I am going to console

log X to clear this and run it now

return 1 wait a minute we don’t need to

use bar anymore we have left

ah it will be exactly the same so let

can be reassigned so you can do x equals

2 and it’s going to be 2 however if I

declare this as Const as in constant

it’s going to give me an error boom

assignment 2 constant variable not

allowed not that constant doesn’t make

things beautiful so let’s say this is an

object uh where we had a strong fly ah 5

and I then I can actually do X plus y

equals six and run it and it would still

allow me to change a property of the

constant but I’m not allowed to

completely reassign it with a new object

say y equals or Z equals 9 or whatever

this will cause an error so it’s not

complete immutability but it prevents a

reassignment go back to the original

example in my opinion you should always

to change the variable in that case you

should use sled but only if you need to

now why is that well oh there you pan

for this one we want to minimize mutable

state this my friends is so important

there is not a lot of things in

programming that are universal truths

that are simply good but this this is

one of them so I have a dishwasher in

the kitchen and it I guess that it has a

bunch of microcontrollers and stuff in

it and sometimes it just stops working

it’s not user error I’m doing exactly as

it says in the manual nothing helps so

you do what every computer person will

do whenever they encounter a problem

like that they turn it off and on again

and it works this is and this is the

heat the user does exactly the same

thing before and after the restart but

after the restart the very same input

makes the thing work while it didn’t

before and this is of course because

some state in the machine got up

some set of inputs some timing in some

consolation made one variable be set

before one other

and the dishwasher programmers had not

thought about that case and that just

put the machine in an unworkable state

and the only way to make work again was

to just dump all the state and start

everything up from the beginning my

dishwasher always reminds me of this

truth that it’s so important to minimize

mutable state because it creates so many

problems mutable state is so easy to

make mistakes with so it’s a very good

idea to have a little of it as possible

in your project and putting coms

everywhere where you don’t use variable

reassignment it helps a little bit on

that way doesn’t help a lot but it hurts

a little it’s so nice when something

isn’t mutable ah for instance here like

we’re assigning X to be one we know that

X will from this point on always be 1

because in numbers in JavaScript

actually aren’t mutable uh we cannot do

like X plus plus here and and change it

it’s never going to work it becomes so

hairy in your project if you get an

object and that object has a bunch of

properties that are mutable you check

them and see that yeah ok they are this

value ah but as you progress down the

code or throw that object around after

things have happened the object might

have changed but that is horrible that

makes it so hard to work with Talaash

agree javascript in the browser saves

you from this because it is single

threaded single process so at least

things can change completely

mint execution like the Canon c-sharp or

Java but it can still happen in many

cases where the world just changes on

your feet but this is a principle that

is so useful in general not just in

JavaScript in the future we’re going to

have more and more cores so it’s going

to be very important that we learn to

programming in a way that is adapted to

the fact that there are going to be lots

of processes running through our code at

the same time once we have that the

with mutable state everywhere that just

becomes completely unrealistic to deal

with minimize mutable state that it’s

very important so whenever you use land

just ask yourself am I really changing

this variable and do I really need to

change it if not use Const because that

communicates to ah the future developer

the next developer in line that this

variable this will never change so let’s

say that this big big piece of software

and they see a Const at the top of it

and they are debugging something related

to it they can know that ok cool this

will never change

alright not be assigned a place and they

won’t have to look through the code in

the middle to try to figure out if it’s

ever change they already know that so

they can move on to other things it’s

very nice it’s a bit it’s commuting

communicating to the future developer or

who is probably going to be you so

that’s good for you too that is it for

today you have watched net so Oh funny

pond function I release these every

Monday morning Oh 800 GMT time if you

liked this episode you might wanna check

out the other episodes in this series by

clicking in the upper corner or in the

episode description and you might also

want to consider if this channel is

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I am mpj until next Monday morning thank you

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