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Donne al potere: dalla Clinton a Theresa May una nuova era della politica?

and easing tempora currunt in my opinion
a period extraordinarily
interesting coming because because
in some of the most important countries al
world women go to power if
think hillary clinton could be
president of the united states here in
england theresa may
merkel in germany scotland are women
it’s a very interesting trend that does not
There’s never been because if you think that
in the 60s the number of women that was
at the head of a president or first state
minister was not even counted on
fingers of one hand and then we say we are
in addition to 30 more or less thirty in
this decade
now there is to say that I agree with you
that is not a super exciting news
the really exciting news would be
have only supergay as prime ministers
like some of my friends here
brighton life would be much more
light easier we will have some
extraordinary gay pride everywhere
you know that here driton when there is gay
the police always tweet
bright clothes all
but let’s get back to the point women could
take power and what changes
because it makes no sense to say that it does not change
nothing at the bottom we have been used to
decades one hundred years and centauri a
to be commanded by men to have a man
or a woman in the command post can not
be the same thing but for obvious reasons
for a reason of common sense pro motive
physical for a biological reason for the
fact that we men are 90 for
one hundred more inclined to kill another
man than a woman can be
to kill another woman and a thousand others
obvious reasons for this goatee
here I do not know about my female friends
I see except with super athletes
on the other hand the risk of falling into
usual common places that are of little use
and needless to say here we are males
made a certain way women are made
another way, the woman is more maternal
no theresa may not be maternal for one
instead, this change of paradigm
it’s interesting in my opinion for a
another reason to return to ask yourself the
most important question in politics that
we often forget the true question
it is not if you are a man if you are a woman if you are
gay if you’re transgender if you are
metrosexual if you are a python leopard
the true question
but the fucking skills to govern
a country yes or no you can do yours
work your damn job yes or no then
to do the interests of a country yes or no
you are able to handle pressure yes or
no, I’m very curious to see what
it will happen and I am personally very much
optimistic and I think it would be
wonderful a new era of politics
pink during which politicians
they stop making the front superstars
man the dancers of television but yes
they are limited to doing their job
quietly humbly and
possibly for us citizens carrying
excellent results
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