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TDD with Wallaby.js Part 2

okay next up we’re going to add a little

bit of multiplication multiplication

it’s multiplied this adds so that it

becomes BDD naming let’s do let’s get

I’m gonna copy this from the last test

and then I’m gonna change this to say

five times nine okay so now we get an

error here type error cannot read

property one of no now I know like just

watching this code coverage here that

the error is here like you can very

easily identify where where things go

wrong using these code coverage

indicators but uh let’s say that this

was a big file and it was bit more

tricky to you know like I couldn’t maybe

I had didn’t have this file open or

something if we just if I’m on this line

here where it’s failing I can just do

come on shift P and to bring up the

Mishra studio code

come on thingamabob and then I just do

wallaby jump to error source and then it

will actually just boom jump me to the

line where the error happens which is

pretty cool was unfortunately not clever

enough to actually do it in the file

that was open so I’m gonna move this

over here still super useful anyway we

have this problem here we see that type

error cannot read probably one of no

that is because well this is not


because we have like we have this we are

doing multiplication and this just

expects there to be plus that’s the only

thing that we support so we’re gonna add

support for that I’m gonna hide a star

here does that work what happens no it

still love matching oh hang on in red X

I need to when I want to match either or

I need to add these low brackets and now

it matches here at five star nine look

here by the way like this is so cool

you see here that it says star comma

plus and it does come by here as well so

it shows me the values of of these

things on both runs so like this is from

the multiplication test and this is from

the addition test so like that if it’s

like super super cool so in loops it

will actually show all the values but

but while it’s cool it’s not what we

want at the moment so I’m going to focus

on only the multiplies test for the

moment to keep us from distracting by

adding it only and now you see that that

disappeared I’m we used just see little

star here

however our test is still failing

because it takes here it expects the

value to be 45 but they received empty

string which makes sense because we’re

not doing anything here because we we

only support plus so I’m going to add

else if operate or equals

star then I’m going to do the result

equals left x right I know this code is

super silly and this is absolutely not

how you would write a real calculator

why I don’t know I don’t have never

written a real calculator but it’s

probably not how you do it this is just

for illustrative purposes we’re just

demonstrating we’ll be here but that

distracted me from the fact

the test is now green I want to talk a

little bit about coverage here I’m not

big on test coverage in general I don’t

think it’s necessarily a useful metric

but when you use it like this it’s

really cool if you see here like this

one is white means that this line of

code here it’s it’s not being executed

and you just wait what we have a test

for yes oh no wait we’re using we have

only enabled here so if I remove the

only we’ll see that up now everything

here is covered really really cool when

it comes to coverage wallaby actually

includes a pretty nifty thing if you go

to wallaby j/s dot-com

slash app you actually get this thing

that shows you your local test run so

they are hosting this app so you don’t

have to run a web server yourself but

this actually runs against your local

wallaby je s so you see here that these

are my tests and also show some really I

chose this the inline evaluation thing

is pretty cool if I click here it

actually jumps to that point in the

editor which is just pretty critical


integration with Visual Studio code but

what I actually wanted to draw your

attention to is this test coverage here

so you can see here that you have a one

up sent test coverage of app J s nice

but we have these registers service

worker and index J s here that have

syrups and coverage and it’s dragging

our average down so I’m going to go jump

to the config file and get rid of those

from the from the coverage and way we do

files with no coverage coverage


Boop and it’s SRC slash what’s it called

I go register serviceworker and we also

don’t want to include the source index J

s either because that is just like just

setup and stuff and I need cover there

and I think that should be it might have

to restart wallaby not sure see if I

just refresh here yeah I think I need to

restart well we lobby this is the one

I’m washing by the way if you wondering

where my I saw and we now have one home

visit coverage now we haven’t actually

looked at the app for like a million

years so let’s make sure that our apps

actually work probably won’t let me

start it where is it come on BAM

okay see what happens here did okay Lisa

starts let’s try to write for Oh BAM

cannot read property 1 am NOT okay makes

sense because when I started typing it

just didn’t we haven’t considered the

case of partial input where you just

start typing so hmm alright so I think

the problem is here like parts is when

if we have a partial expression here

this is not going to match so parts is

going to be no so I think that we could

just if parts or not parts then we just

return all right now works and then I go

1 plus 1 and yeah to what five five four


but what is this the coverage has

dropped from 100% let’s let’s check this

out let’s jump into up Jay s here notice

here that this is now brown like poop

brown that means that this line is

partially covered so it in in some cases

it will test have covered it but this

return statement here

mmm we’ve added this people without

adding a test for it nasty nasty so

let’s see here it doesn’t crash on

partial input all right let’s actually

undo our change here as well because

otherwise we have no way of knowing if

our test is actually actually testing

what we expect to do like it’s it’s

important to actually have your code

breaking before writing a test Const

it’s actually just copy this I know that

we’re seeing a lot of duplication in

these tests but I want to focus on

demonstrating like the live feedback

cycle of wallaby here not necessarily

every aspect of good testing practices


the partial input should looks like that

and now we reintroduce the change Larry

handmade see there and we’re green and

we are now back at 100%

notice that this just Oh live updated

pretty cool and that’s wallaby J as it’s

really nice if you’re into test-driven

development wallaby has a free trial so

you can just install it immediate

in in Visual Studio code but if you buy

it make sure that you enter the coupon

code fun fun function when you order

because that gives you a rebate that is

limited until January 31st no so this

coupon code will stop working on this

date so make sure that you if you if you

think about buying it by now

that coupon code is also in the episode

description and that is it you have just

watched an episode of function I am mpj until next time stay curious

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