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Straight-line code over functions – FunFunFunction #3

it’s Monday welcome to another episode

of fun fun function today we are going

to talk about the value of straight line

code over functions breaking in line

code out into a function is a very

powerful tool and because functions are

such a powerful tool they tend to be

used a lot in fact

I see people using them even when they

don’t have to and that actually lowers

the quality of your code and that is

what we are going to talk about today

what you are looking at here is some

code from an actual project that I was

involved with some naming has been

changed to protect the innocence and in

that process I did a mistake exactly

what this code does is not important but

what is important is that it’s a handles

a key press event I figures out a letter

here then it figures out what the scroll

container is that’s a bit of magic here

if it only has one small container it

grabs that scroll container and stuff

like that and if it finds the scroll

container it will find the parent of the

scroll container extract the URI from

that and if the URI is valid is going to

emit a letter jump request on e Central

Dispatch so intuitively it feels like I

should be doing something with this code

there are no comments and it’s just one

big function that does quite a bit of

things and that is what happened in this

project we felt that this is a contained

unit and this is one unit so they can

probably be broken out into two separate

functions like this

so this is the same on key press event

except that we have broken out the

scroll container block here into a

scroll container function it’s the same

thing except it’s inside a function and

we have also broken out the other logic

into a sort list letter jump and it’s in

here to me it feels like we are adding

value here it feels like we have added a

bit of documentation by naming these

blocks as functions it feels like we

have divided and conquered properly here

feels like we have broken the problem of

the onkeypress event into two things

getting a scroll container and the sword

is letter jump it also feels like we

have made the code more readable because

while we just get a scroll container and

then if we have a scroll container we do

the sort list

letter jump I mean this little bit of

code I mean this is a lot more readable

than this whole thing right it really

feels like we are doing a good thing

here but when you spend a little bit of

thinking about it it turns out that we

don’t let’s talk about the first feeling

that we had that functions feel like

you’re documenting the code looking at

the original code we have taken this

block here and in the variant with the

broken out function here we have given

it a name right get scroll container and

that feels like a good thing right we

have created that this part of the code

does this we have told the future

program or something right however are

we really adding something by making

this into a function

couldn’t we just do a comment something

yes the scroll and to this day something

like that I don’t know I often hear

programmers say that good code should be

soft documenting and you shouldn’t use

too many comments but when it comes down

to it a comment like this it’s really

the same thing as doing this the fact

that this is a function does not really

give you any kind of security you have

just essentially written a comment a lot

of people dislike comments like this

because they tend to go stale and buy

stale I mean like you might add some

code here that will do new things and

this description will no longer be

accurate but the thing is that you will

still have that problem with with a

function as well if I add new code here

that does things that does not fit into

the name of the function let’s hope the

documentation the comment the function

comment or whatever you like to call

this kind of pattern will still go stale

okay fine maybe it doesn’t add much in

terms of documentation but what about

dividing conquer by breaking get scroll

container out and breaking sort lists

letter jump out we have split the

problem into two parts and now we can

reason about them independently right

well not really

just because you’ve moved code from one

place to another doesn’t really mean

that you have separated the problem I

mean there are functions like that for

instance just look at two lowercase here

on like six taking a string and making

it lowercase that is a very well-defined

and generic problem that we would not

benefit from having in line

that would just confuse us however yet

scroll container is very specific to the

problem that we are solving here you

cannot go into get scroll container and

reason about this problem completely

independently from what is happening in

on keypress or the state of the

application in general you could do that

when you were writing to lowercase but

you can’t really do that with get scroll

container this is this is just an

illusion of separation this is not

actual separation of concerns you have

not actually decoupled these functions

from anything okay so maybe we haven’t

really broken the problem up but how do

we made it more readable I mean this is

so easy to follow it just gets the

scroll container and then if it has a

scroll container it does a sort least

little job well no not really

if another programmer is reading this

function it is because they are for some

reason trying to figure out what the

hell is happening it it is at such a

high abstraction level that it is

probably not going to be very useful to

them so they will have to dive into them

so the programmer would have to go in to

get scroll container and read here and

then we’ll we have to okay so there’s a

selector and they have to find out that

that selector comes from there okay it

returns scroll container then you have

to go back up here and then the scroll

contain okay it calls swordless leather

jump then I have to find that function

it’s down here and read here here here

here here here compare this to the

straight line function that we had

before the refactoring here we can

simply read the code from top to bottom

and see what happens

until the dispatch events is sent this

is much easier to reason about this

jumping back and forth thing there is

actually a word for that it’s called

indirection you might have heard it used

in the context of layers of indirection

and what indirection refers to in

computer science is that you refer to a

value by a reference instead of

referring to it immediately an example

would be the broken out functions that

we do here we refer to this code block

but it might also be variables such as

this selector here that we have broken

out and I think that personally

I mean selector is used in two instances

here but I feel like just two instances

of a variable is dubious to break out

because the person reading this will

have to jump back up and I think it

might actually be more readable and

maintainable code by just inline it it

might hurt you a bit that there is

duplication you know and duplication is

generally bad because it means that if

you have to change your system then you

have to change it in two places but with

such a replace in this case where it’s

just two instances it’s not that hard

really and we have gained a lot of

readability by doing this it’s a lot

easier code to follow if the selector

was used in ten different places across

the app and not just this function I

would really feel differently about it

but in this case I feel like duplication

is a lot better choice than the

indirection finally another subtle

problem that I would like to talk about

is the fact that breaking things out

into functions makes it a bit harder for

a developer to remove code from your

project and removing code is a very good

thing because as I’ve talked about

before less code in slash spots so what

do I mean when I say that it gets harder

to remove things well in this case I

just wrote to get scroll container it’s

easy to be it for me to reason about


and it’s very small but over time I will

forget on keypress will grow bigger and

new programmers might enter the project

and get scroll container will just be a

very small function call in this big

project now if anybody wants to change

code related to get scroll container

I mean remove the call or perhaps change

the logic inside of it they now have to

do an investigation to find out if other

pieces of code uses a get scroll

container don’t get me wrong here I’m

not saying that you should never break

things out into functions but you need

to be aware that there is a maintenance

cost to doing it so when you’re doing it

it needs to add a lot of value to offset

that cost so let’s recap a bit breaking

things out into functions like this is a

layer of indirection a layer of

indirection might be a bad thing or a

good thing in this case I would say that

it it’s a bad thing this this really

doesn’t add anything that’s not to say

that indirection is always bad sometimes

it’s very nice to have in directed code

such as to lowercase here it is very

nice not to have to think about the

implementation of lower casing at the

string when we are solving a completely

different problem and the reason that is

nice is because it’s a very small and

well-defined problem and also a very

general problem that is completely

separate from what we are trying to

solve at the moment that is different

from the get scroll container here which

is not at all generic not at all

well-defined and not at all small and

it’s definitely related to what we are

doing so we want that close at hand we

don’t want to indirect that if you

indirect something like get scroll

container that you have to reason about

the programmer that needs to reason and

understand your code

we’ll need to go up and down and back

and forth in your code and that’s bad so

the moral of the story is be a bit more

restrictive about adding layers of

indirection and this is important

because it will feel like you are adding

value regardless of whether or not you

are so make sure that you are

second-guessing your intuition today’s

video was inspired by a segment in a

talk by Jonathan Blow the developer of

grade so if you found this idea

intriguing you should check out that

talk I have linked it in the show

description I am the one doing the

talking here but it is your show so in

order to make a good show I need to know

who you are so kindly introduce yourself

in the comments below tell me what kind

of programmer you are today and how you

would like to improve you have just

watched an episode of fun fun function

fun for function is a weekly show where

we try to become more confident and

excited about programming by exploring

wild ideas all the wisdom and having fun

speaking of improving do not miss the

next episode subscribe down below or

follow me on twitter at MP Jamie until next Monday stay curious

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