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Prototype basics – Object Creation in JavaScript P3 – FunFunFunction #46

good Monday morning I am mpj and you are

watching fun fun function today we are

going to go through the absolute basics

of prototypes I’m going to explain what

prototypes are why you should learn them

and how they work this video is for you

if you are coming from another

programming language and you’re already

somewhat familiar with object-oriented

programming but you are confused about

how to do it in JavaScript specifically

this video is part of a series on object

creation in JavaScript and you will

probably be very confused if you start

watching the video here instead of the

video series from the beginning so you

can click in the find a link to a

playlist of the full series in the

episode description so we’re gonna talk

a little about what prototypes are why

you should learn them and how they work

what are prototypes you are probably

used to doing inheritance with classes

in JavaScript we achieve inheritance

using prototypes prototypes and classes

are different beasts um the real world

equivalent to a class is a blueprint you

have a blueprint of a building and you

use that blueprint of a building to

create new buildings the real world

analogy to a prototype would probably be

a delegate like a person that you vote

in to office that can vote on your

behalf so that when the government needs

to make a decision they will ask the

delegate instead of going around to

millions of people and asking what they

think because they have delegated that

decision to their elected delegate many

of you might be thinking why should I

learn prototypes because in newer

versions of JavaScript there is a class

keyword so your knee-jerk reaction might

be screw this prototype shite I’ll just

use classes instead but that kind of

reasoning will lead you into trouble for

two reasons the first reason is that

you’re missing out prototypes or is a

very simple and powerful inheritance

model it’s very nice and the second

reason is that the class keyword in

JavaScript is just a thin layer around

the prototype it actually uses the

prototype under the hood you can’t

really escape learning about the

prototype if you want to be a solid

JavaScript programmer because you will

always get confused constantly when you

see bits and bobs of the prototype

sticking out of your classes which you

will you might ask why did they add a

class keyword at all if the prototype is

so powerful why don’t you marry the

prototype the reason that classes were

added to JavaScript was simply that

people are very very used to classes and

confused by prototypes and they don’t

want to learn new stuff prototypes is

ironically a simpler concept than

classes but it’s still very confusing

coming into JavaScript if you’re very

used to the class inheritance model and

a lot of people are uncomfortable with

learning new things and this group of

people that really don’t want to learn

anything new they they are very strong

and very big so classes have been are

implemented in JavaScript on top of the

prototype in many different forms which

has made the prototype even weirder and

harder to understand because whenever

you read an article about inheritance in

JavaScript there is this weird

Frankenstein’s monster of the prototype

and the class jumbled together in some

ah the fear of learning new and

different things is actually so big that

the class keyword has now actually been

shoved into the es6 standard I don’t

necessarily think that is a bad decision

if people absolutely positively want to

cling on to their classes and use the

class inheritance model then at least we

should give them a standardized way of

doing it it’s sort of like giving

needles to drag

even if you hell-bent on using classes

in es6 you still need to understand the

prototype because it’s so ingrained in

how JavaScript works

you simply can’t avoid it as with

javascript in general actually let’s

just learn to like this thing because it

is inevitable it’s there we need to

accept it okay let’s begin with

something extremely basic this is going

to be a theme of this series we’re going

to be learning really learning the

details of the language from the

beginning we are going to write a

function that makes some noise to the


but uh gonna talk ah

and it’s going to console.log ah do

sound oh sorry sound and I’ve come to to

do call and this variable sound uh let’s

run that so Sam no sorry we have to pass

it something I’m very tired ah

what and we run that no don’t

prototype scare us and it says more for

I’m going to do the same thing again but

I am going to this time I’m going to do

a top function oh sorry so lock TT and

it’s going to knock out this sound right

and we’re going to call the talk jump

this waha dot prototype is a colleague

the file that and it’s going to return

undefined and this is because this in

this case a is going to be did you we

talked about this in the earlier episode

and really watch it if you haven’t I’m

going to log this out and just give you

a brief recap like this see now that

this one is

this print statement here and this

big-ass object over here that’s the this

object what this is when talk is being

executed and as you see here like you

see the set time out here and console

here and that means that this is the

global object and the global object it

doesn’t have sound property so we’re

going to assign this talk function to an

animal object let’s call this animal

entity and the animal is going to get

the top function okay it sound like this

and we are going to hmm let’s just call

animal talk animal don’t talk you pimp

you see what that gets us ah all right

so if we not check the this app this

console log statement here we see that

it’s actually now this equals the animal

an animal object so it’s gonna be

function talk and the second console log

statement it’s this one it’s still

undefined because animal as you see

doesn’t have a sound property I have a

tripod you Oh

this episode is ah I’m a bit stressed

out to be honest because I’m pressing

for the Brazil

jas a talk that I have at the end of

this week I’m flying to Brazil tomorrow

so on either way when we call a function

like this when it’s a assigned as a

property on an object and we we call it

like this that means that a javascript

will assign the animal as the dis

context of the talk so whatever is on

the left of the dot here will be this

when we are executing a talk by the way

a new handy feature in neck no script

six is that we can when we have some an

assignment like this where we’re

assigning up

property with the same name as the

variable that we’re assigning to it we

can simply omit this and it this is the

same thing so you see like this will be

the same same thing anyway this is not

very useful yet let us do a mm-hmm let’s

do a a a cat and we are going to huh

that is this is finally gonna get a

sound right it’s gonna say yeah BAM and

now we are going to do this object set

prototype of the cat we want to set that

to be animal uh before I do that though

I’m going to comment it out and just do

a try cat dot talk mm-hmm BAM it’s gonna

give us an error cats talk it’s not a

function right because you see get put

cat does not have a talk function but

what if we do this we move this up

before we call chapter talk we set the

prototype of cat to be animal don’t you

run that and now it works says meow so

what does have uh when we do this when

we access the torque property here on

cat when we do this what JavaScript the

JavaScript interpreter is going to do

it’s going to go here go and look inside

of the chat object literal and it’s

going to go through it and see that hmm

is there a talk property here no it is


hmm why where could the talk property be

then it’s the JavaScript interpreter

wondering and it might be in the

prototype it will ask itself

it’s going to look in the prototype just

can’t have a prototype and we will see

that we have set the prototype of cat to

be animal so it will walk to the

prototype and see like is there a

property called talk there and there is

uh-huh okay then we will call that one

and that is what happens so it’s going

to call that one which you see that the

reference goes here and it’s going to

call this and it’s going to reach this

line which is logged out here like that

this object is now going to be the cat

so even though there is a prototype

chains sees the animal like the D this

context when calling talk it’s still

going to be cat it’s not going to be

animal even though the animal is a

prototype it’s still like the cat that

is the center of attention here that is

still going to be this when you call a

property on the cat cat object and that

happens to be a function it’s still

going to be assigning this to be the cat

even though the talk method does not

really exist on the cat it exists on the

on the animal prototype object I’m just

going to show an another example i dag

dog and sound roof and we are going to

object don’t set prototype or dog and

that’s going to have animal and we’re

going to do dog don’t talk I’m gonna

remove this line here that long

something this object and just keep the

one logging out this don’t sound and I

got a ball go meow woof eight

set up a prototype chain if you want if

you want multiple levels so let me show

you how that works I can do let dot a

prairie-dog equals maybe how function

and I go this dot sound to uppercase and

I do phone sold of Lord for UNK

let me ah call that prairie-dog dot how

this is going to give us an error if I

call it correctly ah bulk cannot read

property to uppercase of undefined

because sound H is undefined here and as

you see that that is simply because well

there is no sound on prairie dog but if

we before calling how come object said

prototype Oh prairie dog to be dog and

run it it’s gonna go root or something

let me delete the cat stuff all about

dogs today and it’s important to

understand that prototypes are delegates

they do not create a copy of the

original animal object or or anything

like that dog will actually delegate the

prototype access to the original object

so they don’t work like classes which

creates a sort of copy from a blueprint

so for instance let’s say that I if I

change after setting the prototype of

the dog to be animal I go and change

animal not talk to be something else


called console dot log oh your mother 24

and I don’t know prove it time subject

as and you see that what I a monetary

part at because you see here like dog

the talk here even though we set the

prototype up here to the animal object

and we change it after doing that dog

what’s still like when we access this

and we’ll see like okay hmm

there’s no taught property on the dog

but looks like the programmer has set

the prototype of dog to be animal so I’m

going to go looking animal and okay I’m

looking in animal here and here’s talk

go there’s a talk property but we’ve

changed that to be told here so it’s not

gonna go here because this has been

reassigned this no longer exists ah it

has been garbage collected me and now

it’s going to go into here I am a little

teapot it’s still going to have access

to this like points of this dot sound

let’s run that I am a little teapot I’m

using some very convoluted examples here

this is absolutely nothing at all how

you use the prototype in real life but

I’m using these examples to try to get

you to understand that the prototype is

just a way of saying that for this

object use this other object as a backup

as a delegate as a prototype if someone

calls my object with a

property that does not exist on my

object go look in this other object that

is what the prototype is set prototype

of is pretty much never used in in real

applications but I’ve used it here in

order free to try to get you out of the

class mindset that we’re creating

objects using object I’ll create a new

and this and all that rather that

confuses the concept a lot it’s just a

delegate that we assign to an object

this was the absolute basics of the the

prototype like just showing you at least

be trying to show you what the core

concept of the prototype is but either

way prototypes are delegate you have

watched an episode of fun fun function I

release these every Monday morning Oh

800 GMT time if you have thoughts

questions insights about the prototype

check out the comments section below and

add your comments or help someone else

out that is confused I will also try to

help you out if none of your fellow

viewers are faster I am mvj till next

one of loot

I am mpj until next Monday morning thank you

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