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Programming is not important – FunFunFunction #14

this is fun fun function a Monday

morning show where we try to become more

excited and confident about programming

by exploring old wisdom while ideas and

having fun so I do realize the irony

when I say that today I want to talk

about how I try to remember that

programming isn’t really important it is

solving problems for people that is

important I’m trying out doing this here

episode walking outside partially

because I really needed to get out of

the house since I started youtubing I

have watched a lot of videos where

filmmakers talk about what kind of

camera gear they use it is remarkably

similar to how programmers show other

programmers how their tooling setup

works and how they work with a certain

framework and stuff but there is one

very very interesting difference they

almost always start out by saying that

it doesn’t matter what camera you’re

using you don’t need a fancy camera to

make a good movie what matters is the

story that you’re telling over over the

last few months I have developed a

serious man crush on a guy called Casey

nice – Casey Neistat is a scary

productive videographer hidden HBO show

a couple of years ago and he now does

this amazing video blog that he posts

every single day at 8 a.m. sharp

case is interesting because it’s he he

often says that he doesn’t like video


he likes telling stories and video

production is just a way for him to do

that for example he uses a Final Cut Pro

X to edit his videos and it’s a tool

that he is constantly frustrated with

and feels limited by but he doesn’t want

to take time away from making movies

just in order to learn a new piece of

software I am shit at this every time I

start a new project I end up being

frustrated with some part of my tooling

and I am hope

starring the sub-project within the

project where I where I start creating

it a new piece of tooling it takes away

time from the main project but I

rationalize it and say that well it’s

gonna save me time in the long run

but while the tooling question often

makes me a little bit more effective it

is in no way even close to making up for

the time that I spent making the tool

Hey look at this it is it is slightly

smaller than my last apartment in

Stockholm I don’t want to put this down

too much I mean somebody has to create

tools get low – rails and Express and

whatnot these are all tools that I’ve

used or or used today and I enjoy them

and I appreciate that somewhere along

the line somebody

yes went I am NOT going to take the

shortest route to solving this problem

using existing tools no I am going to

spend hundreds of hours creating

something that is slightly better a new

solution and I’m going to share it with

everyone I appreciate that and I and I

benefit from the fruits of that labor I

do but I noticed that I have this

tendency to over glorify the the

development organizations of Twitter and

Facebook and and Google because they

have these all these popular frameworks

that are used by people and bootstrap

and angular and and react and I don’t

want to put that down again I don’t want

to put that down but oh how do I put

this they’re not the best examples of

companies delivering actual innovation

tortured at consumers anymore Google has

not created a product like Adsense or

Gmail for a very long time

hangouts that’s an acquisition facebook

Messenger that’s an acquisition Tesla

uber Square slack snapchats oculus

Airbnb we need to remember that the most

interesting stuff created nowadays it

isn’t created inside of the tech giants

I think that we as programmers could be

a little bit better at

glorifying or giving some love to

programmers that are very good and

productive at making Jennifer for lack

of a better word real things not not not

just developer tooling I think a great

example of such a programmer is Jonathan

Blow he’s the creator of braid which is

which is an amazing game but what is

more amazing is that he made it almost

single-handedly in three years which is

amazingly productive considering the

quality and scope of the game Jonathan

Blow is definitely a person that does

something right when it comes to

producing software I have referred to

this before but I really think that you

should listen to his talk how to program

independent gates it is he thinks about

programming up in a pretty different way

and he made me question a lot of the

assumptions that I have or on

programming so the moral of this snowy

and cold and damp brand is that try to

be more excited about the problem that

you are solving rather than your craft

because while programming is important

and awesome it is just a tool as usual

the next episode of fun fun function

will be released on Monday morning o 800

GMT time do not miss it watch it for

breakfast until next Monday morning stay curious

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