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Is async / await useless?

good Monday morning today we’re

embarking on a little thought experiment

is a sink a weight really useful or is

it just fluffy sugar for people that

can’t be bothered to learn functional


I am mg J’s and I’m David you are

watching function

you may notice that there are two people

here instead of the ordinary one person

you might recognize David from earlier

episodes yeah I wasn’t the facebook

messenger both pair programming video

and I’m also doing a lot of business

stuff behind the scenes behind the

camera today’s episode is sponsored by

tip top because they are currently

hiring if you know someone who would

like to work with react native yay no

js’ mmm in the heart of Stockholm then

please send them to a tip at comm / FF

that link is also in the episode

description it’s a second wait really

that useless wait well I don’t know

really the thing is everybody went a

sink away to arrived on the scene

everyone was really really excited about

it and finally we can program like we

used to do in the old days synchronously

yeah exactly in that that’s it’s kind of

like the the thing that irks me about it

it’s a way of kind of hiding that things

are a synchronous but not really and I

don’t know it the idea behind it and I

made an entire episode in the only a

sink await keyword is to create write

code that is a synchronous but flows

like synchronous code the thing is we

already have sort of that with promises

and I would just like to attack

I think await for a little bit like

really attempt to where for every like

nine so sync away to example out there

try to really write some nice promise

code and see if what like how big of an

improvement is this really when it comes

down I I posted like yesterday when

recording this video I posted a thread

on the front on forum asking this same

question and see that hey can we just

help each other out and try to post some

examples where we really try to like

make a sink away shine as much as

possible and then just try to rewrite

that with promises as well we can and

people post some really really good

stuff all right so why don’t you that

isn’t super familiar with this example

walk through it all right we have this a

synchronous function get hamburger it

takes a server and a default burger so

we’ll check here if and then we are wait

the server has any hamburgers if we

don’t have that let’s just before return

the default burger and then we check do

we have eaten any burgers and we just

make an ordinary call get number of

eaten burgers today yeah so that call is

synchronous that’s a synchronous okay

and then we check for max burgers so we

have we can see that do we have a

maximum number of burgers that we allow

to eat every day and but we have to ask

the server for that yeah and that is a

synchronous so we await for that and

then before eaten less burgers than we

are allowed to then we can ask the

service to load us a burger yeah and if

we like if we’re having then we just

return the default burger yeah so this

is of course a silly example like and it

also has horrible software architecture

like why is the get number of burgers

eaten today synchronous but the maximum

number of burgers per day it’s like it

seems like it should be eating worse but

like a Magnus what is this but that’s

not the point of this thing like the

point is to find an example where a

sinker weight really works so let’s

let’s try to look at I try to rewrite

this all right it wasn’t just me

like I it was a combination of the other

four members and and me try to rewrite

this into a synchronous flow and this is

what we ended up with we have like just

like the previous function we except the

server and a default default Burger then

we call server has burgers which returns

a promise

which resolves into this has burgers as

burgers boolean and if it doesn’t have

any burgers on the server we return the

default burger and then we otherwise we

revert to calling get max number of

burgers per day and once we receive that

we can get the number of burgers today

and compare that to the backs burgers

that we received and if we are allowed

to eat more burgers today we load burger

otherwise we just return the default

burger as one does in enterprise-grade

programming so I sort of like this but

it starts to feel like the whole purpose

with promises was to like get out of

this callback hell yeah because

everything got nested and now we’re back

into the nested world yeah this example

is chosen because it gives this the

sample burger example like it has no

nesting because this is a these

variables here are available to the

entire function we basically write a

sort of a shared global State for the

function and that means that we it kind

of it becomes like the nesting is it’s

not there but if we have a look in the

in the refractor we see that we actually

get a level of nesting it’s not too bad

it’s just one level of nesting really it

looks more here because I indented so

that you can watch it on a tiny screen

but it’s it’s there’s still some

indentation that said I think that I’m

doing quite a bit of clever stuff here

as well which makes it more yeah it’s

the the ternary expressions is something

that you I tend to fall into using

because yes feels cool to just have

these one-liner functions which use

ternary expression then I used to turn

expressions a year like like it just

feels cool to do this but if I actually

just allow myself to fall out of use

turn Aries and allow the co2 sprawl a

little bit this is the same code except

that I use like these multi line

functions instead and just use if

statements instead of the turn Aries and

now the code doesn’t look all that scary

it looks pretty similar to the image I

think the weight code yeah exactly lets

me show you that again like suddenly it

doesn’t look all that scary in fact I

think that almost the the promise

example almost looks bit even more

straightforward because we like the

asynchronous flow is more in your face

depending on how if you want that in

your face or not really but if you like

IKEA takeaway for me when I did this was

that huh

a lot of the asynch awaits examples out

there look often look more approachable

and nice because there isn’t a lot of

promises tend to for at least for me

encouraged a bit of cleverness and then

return Aries and stuff like that which

just isn’t mmm

for me like like that might look scary

but if you do it like this it’s kind of

approachable so here we have another

example we have a synchronous function

process all users in earth we call the

database and we wait for it get the

users from the database but then we want

to iterate through each user and process

them in some way and we need each user’s

ID to do that and then we wait for the

result before we continue on yeah


so this processes each users quench aliy

this is actually the the example that I

used in the sink of wait video to show

where a sink of weight really works well

compared to promises and I I do a

refactoring in that video where I use

like a reduce to

to create like this this promise promise

thingamabob but that replaces it which

which isn’t too bad but I kind of like

to revisit it and see if we can do it

even better than that this is also real

code from an application sort of with

that I go right across where we actually

needed to do something like this let’s

have a look at the refactoring I ended

up with a lot of people help up with

this as well so if you if you’re a

member of the fund conform you can check

out the full thread by clicking here or

that’s it’s also linked in the episode

description so there’s a lot discussion

going on around this topic and a lot of

the farm topic yes it turned out to be

really really interesting alright so

this is what I ended up with my initial

solution where this was much worse but

Chris Collins really nailed it with

these cool destructuring things so let

me walk you through this we do the DB

query just like the earlier thing but

then we get a promise and the users we

pass them into this wait for each

function and we also pass in this

processing function so for each we wait

for each user to be processed here so we

call process user where the user ID and

that will return a promise which we will

wait for and then just promises like

just like the other one all right so

wait for each is a generic function it’s

not really aware of abusers it’s not at

all aware abusers it takes as its first

argument this process function which is

this one and as its second argument it

takes an array and it uses a raid

structure in here to break apart the

head from the tail the right so head

will be like the first item of the array

and then tail is going to be like the

remainings its first remaining the

remainder is an array and the item is

not an array precisely

and let’s disregard this for now because

that’s that’s on the second loop when we

get the head here we pass it to process

function and process function will

process the user return a promise which

we then wait for it to resolve and then

we create a new wait for each function

here we recursively call ourselves

precisely so we call ourselves

we’re like the rest of the tails so to

speak so we processed the head and now

we process the tail which is then all

the users and then we like sort of just

dick dick dick dick cut off the head and

yeah keep on working downwards exactly

so we used this is a very standard this

is standard functional programming you

saw instead of using loops we you use

recursive functions which like get a

smaller and smaller and smaller part of

our Reese part of our result set all the

time so we cut off the head pass down

the tail cut off the ted pass down the

tail but then we have to have an end

case as well exactly and that’s what

happens here it’s when we when we don’t

have a head anymore

we just poof resolved and then we’re

done I like this because it’s pretty

neat because it’s recursion and I just

it’s very I know it’s oddly what you

mean it just feels good somehow it’s

it’s a very satisfying way of

programming it’s it’s a bit tricky to

reason about but it’s also at its

essence very simple so like this case

here it was hard for me to figure it out

but once I have it like the code is so

simple it just look and I know it’s how

all of this this weight for each is so

it’s it is generate because you can use

it for for anything basically yeah and I

feel like this is kind of like the

drawback and the advantage of using

promises at the same time

mentioned on the forum that I felt like

promises tend to encourage cleverness

and scale I said yeah but you could also

think about it as if they encourage you

to think about your code oh so what what

happens here I actually found that we

could break this apart into a generic

case so now we can use if we have more

of this kind of sequential processing we

now have a generic function to do that

and probably to be honest in if there is

a functional promise library this

function would probably be in it so that

we wouldn’t have to write it so promises

tend to make you think about

composability and what can we extract

while a sinker weight tends to not quite

do that because the the the it doesn’t

become quite obvious that it might have

some room for decoupling or extraction

here and also I think it’s very I it’s a

very clear Co always like when it’s a

clear coat like you understand what’s

going on you return there the query you

get the users and then you have to

process each user wait for them and your

Protestant it’s just simple and clear

all right so there’s more stuff in the

forum topic that I want to talk about

there’s there’s a really really good

example of where I think a way it really

does well and it’s super tricky to get

work which is basically when you have

multiple things like when you start like

aggregating data start collecting data

into one thing this is also error

handling that’s my main topic I love how

are handling like promises when you need

to like diverge and handle up handle

stuff as you go like promise has become

a lot more appealing but this episode is

coming up on 50 minutes or so and I

think that I want to say that for next

week and like

cut this off and like just summarize

what we talked about sure so we looked

at the burger example we collect burgers

and see if we have burgers on the server

and the refactoring looked a little bit

like this it gave us more indentation so

it doesn’t have the flat appeal of the

ascetic of weight but it’s really it’s

still not overly horrible to to deal

with I could still very straightforward

and easy to reason about and especially

when we broke it up and didn’t we didn’t

do much cleverness at all then we looked

at this example which did sequential

processing our user and we were just

sort of like the best case for I think

your weight right yeah this is the this

is the typical example case of using I

think awaits yeah I think that this is a

very a lot of people use this to sell

think away don’t say I like it no it’s

it’s fine I like I don’t want to

too much on a sink away that’s not the

point of this episode this is just

challenging like an ocean yeah and see

you like if is this really correct like

a weed there’s no hate against a sink

away and this is what we ended up with

it which is this a little library

function called that we call wait for H

this is probably in a lot of functional

programming languages that just

recursively processes an array and

assumes that every process every call to

this returns promise and then it just

keeps chaining it and it turned out okay

and again today’s episode is sponsored

by tip top and they are currently hiring

if you know someone who would like to

work with react native and nodejs in the

heart of Stockholm please send them to

tip-top calm slash FFF that link is also

in the episode description you have just

watched an episode of fun fun function I

released these every Monday morning oh


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I am mpj and I’m David until next Monday morning stay curious

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