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Haskell – Baby’s first functions – FunFunFunction #36

good Monday morning I am mpj and this is

fun fun function this is a series where

we learn Haskell together

I don’t know Haskell we are learning it

from the book learn you a Haskell

there’s a link to it in the description

below if you just stumble across this

video you might want to watch the

episodes from the beginning by clicking

there in this episode we will be looking

at a segment of the book called baby’s

first functions linked in the episode

description this segment of the learn

your Haskell book talks about defining

functions and this is how you do it

double me x equals x plus x now we have

a function and I can call double me 5

and that will give us 10 we’re learning

somebody in the comments complained

about me using a lot of paper in my

episodes so in honor of that person I

bought these huge ass papers and these

huge pens anyway you have the function

name here and this is the parameter and

this is a function body I’m going to

copy this and bam I just saved that as a

file called baby age as and according to

the book this is how you load it so it’s

like : l and then baby we are not gonna

do that because that’s insane I want to

write out load ok compiling main may be

age as interpreted and okay modules

loaded main what I didn’t Y mean I

didn’t define main anywhere uh maybe

that’s some default mode if you know

that right down in the comments either

way I think we can now call the the

function yes I’m not get intellisense

with with tab that’s pretty cool so I

can call double means X and I get 12

does that work with with yes it does so

next up the book wants us to do a

function called double us and it’s gonna

take two arguments x and y equals x


to our plus y times two and the book

just not what I want spaces I will load

three seven that’s twenty maybe okay

yeah well trust Haskell not

unsurprisingly you can call your own

functions inside of of other functions

so I can go double me X and double sobel

double double

I can’t hide double me and I can do that

so you see that I’m not return here and

here’s this this is the same thing I’m

blowing your mind here but joking aside

this is a pretty good example of a

pattern that you will be seeing use a

lot in Haskell combining functions more

specifically making basic functions that

are obviously correct and combining them

into more complex functions and we do

this in order to avoid repetition this

is not a new concept old programming

languages habit but because Haskell is

so crazy terse just look at this it

allows becomes sort of supercharged in

Haskell just to give you an idea about

how little syntax it it requires in

Haskell to define a function I’m just

gonna go and implement this quick link

Java so you’re gonna write a public

Clause because everything in Java needs

to be a class my math utils lalala and I

also like public public static void know

is it’s gonna end my bubble me and it’s

int and it’s gonna take X it’s going to

be point and it’s going to return X plus

X so look at that

this is I’m gonna pull this up for a bit

so you see it

this is 88 characters and this is say

one at 18 characters so Java syntax time

is four hundred eighty percent for high

schools and ducks and remember that both

of these are statically typed languages

in JavaScript this would be a double

double me ax X plus X and you would have

to say constants well or possibly bar to

be nice if I had said that yeah these

like look how much shorter JavaScript is

than Java you could have said that

there’s all kinds of typing information

here that adds add safety but in the

Haskell case Haskell actually has a

strong static type system just like Java

does the difference is that Haskell in

first these things for us so we don’t

have to declare them explicitly like we

have to do in Java and yes your people I

know that this comparison has several

problems but I need to make the point

that Haskell has a very low function

overhead what I mean by that is that it

is a lot cheaper to create a function in

Haskell compared to most other languages

related to this I want to mention

another episode I made on arrow

functions in JavaScript because I think

that there is a lot of Haskell in the

arrow functions in JavaScript you can

check out that episode buck lucky there

but we’re doing Haskell here so let’s

delete this Java and JavaScript you

can’t go back to Haskell by the way it

doesn’t matter which order you define

these functions so I can take this here

and I can move it up here and I can load

baby again and I can call double us vii

what does this error even mean

Interactive 9 1 error no instance for

show a 0 arrow

a serie arising from the use of print

maybe you haven’t applied a function to

enough argument oh wait a minute wait a

minute oh it was actually helpful

seven eight thirty I just called it with

seven here and I needed to call it with

seven and eight because well it has has

two arguments but the point that I was

going to make was that even though we

define double as here we can refer to

double me in this function here even

though that is defined on line two now

we’re gonna take a look at if-then-else

so we’re gonna write a function called

double small number which is going to if

the number that we give it is smaller

than 100 it’s going to double it very

useful so it’s gonna take the number at

the argument X the number X and if if X

is over 100 it’s just going to then just

don’t return X else it’s going to be x

times two let’s load that and we’re

gonna call small number and we are going

to say 101 it’s going to return 101

because that’s not a small number but if

we call double small number we say 7

it’s going to double it so you’ve seen

an if/else before by a subtle thing in

Haskell is that else is mandatory it

simply must return something there’s no

not in JavaScript for instance you could

just omit the else so I could do a

function double small number in

JavaScript and I more like if the number

X is below 100 I could return with your

neighbor to Richard x times two

and if it wasn’t to here it would just

go to the next line and he would return

undefined which might be a nasty

surprise for the person using the

function double small number so if

JavaScript was Haskell the compiler

would have forced you to do something

like this I’m going to delete this

javascript code by the way you could

write this on one line is to show you

that that is that it’s perfectly

possible most small number 714 still

works but dividing into multiple lines

is I think it’s pretty nice the book

talks about the fact that this is an

expression so what’s an expression ah

let’s see expression examples so an

expression is simply a piece of code

that would turns a value so 5 is an

expression that will change the value 4

plus 8 that’s an expression X plus y

that’s also an expression and now this

is also an expression because this will

always return a value that’s why you

need the else because if it didn’t have

the else this would not really be an

expression it would not always return

value this is also where parents come in

let’s say that we wanted to add 1 to the

value that we doubled let’s load that


I am parse error because yeah this this

is not well it has let’s delete all that

it’s loaded again alright and I call

double small number 6

that’s 13 it doubles it and then it adds

1 but if I called double small number

101 we expect this to be 102 or we want

this to be 102 but it’s still 101

because it’s actually evaluating like

this right if X is 100 it’s going to

return X or else it’s going to

x times 2 plus 1 so if you wanted to add

the 1 either way we need to add friends

here and that is what makes this a

single expression we use the parens to

denote that this is an expression in the

book they suggest adding this to the

function name this is a bit funky to me

I’m like it’s gonna load that and then

you call double small number and this is

not a special character in Haskell it’s

a completely valid thing to have in a

function name but the way I understand

it is that you tend to add these when

you have a function that is it slightly

modified version of something so in this

case I guess that we add it because you

know it’s it’s doubling the small number

kind of almost if I don’t quite

understand the need for this convention


if you have an insight on this please

comment down below

but either way these are like you could

and and that should work right it should

be noted here that we cannot do this I

think so if I do know that I get some

weird error they just constructor Conan

O’Brien not in scope so functions have

to kind of begin with a capital letter

the book says that it will talk about

why later and I guess that it will have

to do with these data constructors maybe

and we should also look at the fact that

this doesn’t take any function

parameters this is a function that is

just this expression this

a function that will always return this

string it Sammy Conan O’Brien to the

JavaScript part of my brain this looks a

lot like a variable or I guess I a

constant because I it’s not possible to

redefine it so I assume that in Haskell

maybe you don’t use constants at all you

just use this functions that are defined

to values in Haskell functions like this

function said don’t take any parameters

they are referred to as definitions or

sometimes you just call them names the

Ruby part of my brain it kind of draws a

parallel to symbols

I’m sure if that’s correct that is the

end of us reading or learning the baby’s

first functions segments of the book

learn you a Haskell if you want to try

this on your own there’s a link in the

description to this exact segment of

we’ll learn you asked for book next time

we will be looking at lists do not miss

that you have just watched an episode of

fun fun function I release this every

Monday morning if you liked this episode

you should click the channel below and

check out if there are other episodes

that you like and and there will be and

so you should subscribe

I am mvj until next Monday morning thank you

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