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How to Tell If Someone’s Meant to Be In Your Life

jeez infinite waters diving deep once
again we’re out here we’re in nature
first thing in the day whoa breathing in
that good ass prana baby how to know if
someone’s meant to be in your life Wayne
we’re about to have some fun first of
all shout out to all the deep divers not
just people watching but like real
hardcore deep divers I’m talking like
the people in Orange County at the event
we did and we were just talking for
hours afterwards I’m talking about the
people at VegFest seven day vegan
challenge like these kinds of people
shout out to you and you as well and the
cat down the road as well yesterday’s
video I got tons of messages thank you
that video really helped me okay so as a
psychologist as a counselor and as
someone who meets a lot of people I’m
gonna share with you how I know they’re
meant to be in my life cuz how do we
know right we just people just come in
front of us and we’re like who the hell
are you okay so I love my early journey
people always ask me what helped me
become my greatest version and it works
like this to go to the next level in
anything in a relationship at work
you’ve always got to be surrounding
yourself with a person who is on a
higher level than you or where you
aspire to be okay but you see a lot of
us we are surrounding ourselves with
people who are keeping us at the same
level and it’s not their fault we’ve got
to take responsibility we are track
teeing that into our lives because we
have lessons to learn
but for me becoming your greatest
version is all about going to the next
level so I’m gonna share with you five
secrets now the first one to know is
what I call same values so I’m a vegan
I love plant-based foods I love animals
if you don’t like that stop watching
this video please stop okay now a lot of
people have left the right people are
supposed to be watching this video thank
you you’ve got to be able to be willing
to stand up for what you believe in you
see I’m very open with what I talk about
I’m very honest what I talk about and
that’s why people watch me every single
day and I’m just talking right but the
numbers don’t lie same values is where
you go to an event like veg fest when I
went and I’m talking to these amazing
people with strawberries in their mouth
and I’ve got strawberries in my mouth
we’re not really having much of a
conversation are we but it’s really fun
okay cuz we’re sharing the same values
we have mutual appreciation and mutual
respect for one another that’s how I
know they’re meant to be in my life in
becoming your greatest version you’ve
got to learn this simple secret the
people who are supposed to be in your
life are trying to get to you the people
who aren’t supposed to be in your life
are trying to run away from you mmm slow
motion that side the same values I know
if I meet someone if it’s gonna work or
if it’s not gonna work how do I know
that because I just ask them questions
I say what do you eat and then then they
tell me and I’m like okay best friends
or not
seven day vegan challenge or I don’t
like animals then it’s gonna be hard to
communicate some people say I love this
song I love that song so we’re finding a
common bond through a common in a
standing understand understanding and
over standing common bond right but you
see a lot of us we don’t share the same
values as other people then we wonder
why there’s no relationship and there’s
no unity in connection and that’s what
happened to me along my early journey I
was trying to force people to stay in my
life no they were trying to get away
from me because they weren’t supposed to
be there they’re people who are in your
life will always find themselves coming
back to you they will come back to you
they will run back to you in fact they
will give you a bag and tackle you down
to the ground those are the people who
was supposed to be in your life surround
yourself with people who are on the same
mission as you that’s what I did from
the early days of infinite waters that’s
why we’re growing that’s why we’re
thriving that’s why life is beautiful
coz I’m only focusing I’m only working
with people who are on the same mission
as me that’s all I’m interested in now
same values that is the same that is the
first secret okay second secret we move
on to reciprocity a lot of the times we
do things for people and they don’t
reciprocate like I just bought you like
ginger ginger tea you didn’t even say
thanks don’t worry about it it’s okay
it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay okay ever
been around someone who is just a user
like you drive them everywhere then look
then they’re like oh can you take them
to that place and you’re like get out of
the car man we ain’t got time for that
users great relationships great
connections in becoming your greatest
version is where the relationship is
fully reciprocal sometimes it doesn’t
always have to be 5050
what’s helped me along my journey is to
realize okay when people can give they
give when they thought that’s okay too
but see where their intention is where
their heart lies for instance I make a
lot of videos for people and because of
that a lot of people invite me into
their homes
they say Ralph because your video saved
my life I’m gonna make you a watercress
avocado salad and I’m like thank you cuz
I did for them and they fed me well they
fed me so much I can’t even get up now
you’ve had me too much thanks a lot
though alright it’s the law of exchange
whatever you put out there will come
back to you and when you are in when
you’re meeting with people and you feel
like the relationship is lopsided then
they ain’t meant to be in your life
because great relationships are always
50/50 60/40 70/30 not like 90 10 not
like 8020 not you always giving to
people and them not doing anything back
okay so you’ve got to learn your value
you got to learn how to appreciate
yourself 100 percent
now the third secret to know if someone
is meant to be in your life is effort
okay this is look some people make a lot
of effort and some people just like lie
on their back and say oh I can’t be
bothered hey that’s fine as well that’s
fine because you don’t have to always
make effort but you see you would want
to make an effort for someone who you
feel an effort is were
making four okay there are people who
like a lot of people message me and
sometimes I message them back okay you
might be one of these people and
sometimes I even call people now oh my
gosh infinite waters you connect with
millions of people I can’t believe
you’re messaging me yeah cuz I’m just a
human being right I’m not the Pope I’m
not even like I’m an alien okay okay
okay like I’m just a human being so that
means I’m not better than you and I’m
not below you we meet each other I level
that means I’ll talk to anybody
I treat the janitor as the same way I
treat the CEO mmm slow motion that side
little dance this side whoa we’re all
equal here baby
same effort right I’m not gonna wear a
suit okay just to impress somebody like
a corporate person and then take it off
when I meet someone else not wear a suit
for everybody I want right go naked for
everybody if I want treat people the
same the same effort in becoming your
greatest version is when you feel
someone is putting in the same energy as
you are putting in a lot of women
contact me a lot of men contact me my
partner isn’t pulling their weight I
said because sometimes people only value
your true worth when you pull back when
you disappear when you leave the scenes
then they know your true work can I get
a Hello but you’ve been doing too much
for too long so they take you for
granted you see a blunt in life I gotta
appreciate everybody I appreciate even
people on Instagram I see them sharing
post off the post off the post I’m like
that’s a lot of dedication so if I see
that picture I’m gonna like it if I see
someone’s YouTube video even if they
only have like
a thousand subscribers and it resonates
with me I’m gonna say hey that’s a great
video go and check it out cuz I was
there I remember when I only had a
thousand subscribers now look at us
right so it’s the same effort same
effort a lot of people say I don’t have
time uh oh well well I’m busy I got I
got a work I gotta do this hey but you
got time to buy those shoes oh no he
went me you got time ago you got time to
go for the pedicure the manicure you got
time when it comes to you and that’s
beautiful because self-love is essential
but you see there is always time it’s
only a matter of priorities okay so same
effort is when both people push they
make the effort along my early journey I
had to make effort a lot of people they
were making videos I said hey let’s
collaborate people like lots of people
check out my videos right so let’s
collaborate we did it and both of us
blew off ok people like teal Swan
amazing you gotta realize you gotta
learn how to work with people
collaborate with people put the same
effort in ok and that’s why things just
this you see to know if someone is meant
to be in your life a lot of us we
surround ourselves with people who we
once again we want to turn around we
want to convince we want to make them
like us when they aren’t here to do any
of them so you’ve got to learn how to
let people go ok and the people who
remain are supposed to be in your life
look at it like this what is the comfort
level when you are with these people
are you like why you like are you like
oh are you like huh look look comfort
level is everything I’ve noticed when
I’m in the presence of someone else if I
am feeling calm centered whoa breathing
in that good ass prana baby then that
person is meant to be in my life because
there is no problem there is no struggle
there is no stress and I feel perfectly
at peace if on the other hand you’re
surrounding yourself with someone where
you’re very nervous your heart is
beating rapidly and you haven’t even
like put down your hand yet because
you’re like what should I do
then chances are they’re not meant to be
in your life you better run go that way
not that that way don’t run right can
you be yourself around people or are you
always justifying who the hell you are
alright I accept all people I got people
with tattoos on the back of their ear
right I love all people right I got
people who wear clothes back-to-front I
got people who walk around naked we’re
still friends right you got to have a
sense of humor okay if you’re someone
who likes to relax and then someone is
always serious around you you want to
start question marking that right say
okay who is this person around me I want
to just have fun you see the people we
surround ourselves with once again if
they’re meant to be in your life they
will always take you to the next level
they won’t just bring you drama everyday
ever realize why Infinite Waters who
have never had no drama on this channel
but we’re growing every single day
getting thousands of subscribers every
because we’re focusing on the higher
level right just watch that’s a secret
what I don’t focus in drama because
drama doesn’t sell drama is good for
drama creates negative energy drama
negativity will only delay you we’re
about elevation and the people who are
also about elevation these are the
people who are meant to be in my life
I’m not holier than now and at the same
time it’s not about being positive it’s
not about it’s not about some about
being positive and it’s not about being
negative it’s about being your authentic
self okay if you can be your authentic
self in the presence of other people and
not apologize for it these are the
people who are supposed to be in your
life well breathing in that good ass
Prada baby Wow here in nature getting
high infinite waters diving deep once again stay well stay healthy

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