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Does a developer need to be nice? – MPJ’s Musings – FunFunFunction #42

good Monday morning I am mpj and you are

watching fun fun function today I want

to talk about being nice I want to talk

about how you cannot be a go developer

unless you have good empathy skills my

reasoning for that statement is that in

order to be to be a good developer you

need to be in a good team and in order

for team to be good that team needs to

have a high degree of psychological

safety and in order to fit in such a

team you need to have a functioning

sense of empathy let me give you some

background to why I started thinking

about this this week and also to give

you an idea about what I mean when I say

empathy what is in that bag that’s scary

oh that’s nice it’s just waste

I am very happy that it was not a

severed head so this week I ran across a

thread on Hacker News and this person

let’s call them Aaron they they said

something that was not quite correct so

another person let’s call them Barry

corrected them which is fine it’s and

completely the right way the right thing

to do but Barry did it in its really

condescending way and it was completely

unnecessary to be condescending because

now Aaron is going to be it’s going to

feel bad about it it’s going to feel

like if he’s wrong he’s going to be

berated already killed and he is going

to be hesitant the next time to say

something which means sad he’s less

likely to to learn and that is very very

sad because it has made this this group

that Aaron and Barry are both the part

of is now worse off because you have

made it harder for a member of that

to learn so in this situation berry was

we was concerned with correcting Aaron

but he showed no real empathy about how

Aaron felt and because of that I think

that people like berry are a drain on

the group’s that they are part of they

do kind of try to contribute to the

growing process of the group by

introducing knowledge but they also take

away much more at the same time when you

have people like very in a group it’s

like they they help to pour water into a

bucket but at the same time they are

constantly poking little holes in the in

the bottom of the bucket to me it seems

like there is this group of of berries

out there that they aren’t particularly

good with feelings or people and that

kind of thing

and it does make sense that they have

been drawn to the computer or some

programming because at first glance it

seems like you can escape people and

feelings and that kind of stuff by by

going into computers and going into

programming which is a complete illusion

it doesn’t feel like it in the beginning

of your programming career but once you

start getting into it you start

realizing the great software is not

built by great programmers it’s built by

great teams as humans we have a tendency

to romanticize individual effort a lot

because I guess it’s easier to relate to

humans on an individual level so we have

humans in movies like doing great things

individual creates great impact on

society and so on but in reality great

things are achieved by people

collaborating and software is no


great software is built by teams don’t

get me wrong here there are absolutely

programmers that are a lot better than

other programmers I love to follow

programmers and observe program is like

Jonathan Blow and John Carmack but when


you you it’s easy at least for me to

fall into the trap of believing that we

need that these great programmers are

the key to making great software I once

heard somebody make an analogy between

software development and juggling so

there’s a big difference between how

good people are at juggling most people

can juggle with two bolts right bond the

world-record holder can juggle 13 balls

at least for a few seconds but the thing

is nobody can juggle 20 balls and they

can absolutely not juggle 20 balls for a

sustainable time you can if you have

like this access to this super

programmer you can actually depend on

them up to a certain theoretical point

but after after that point your software

has grown past the point where a single

person can handle it and you are going

to need a team and that is why the key

to building great software is knowing

how to build great software development

teams which begs the question what makes

a good team so who will ask themselves

this what is it that makes our best

functioning teams what is it that makes

them tick what is it that sets them

apart and they did a four-year study

which is pretty amazing like Google has

60,000 employees and a lot of teams have

linked to this study and the resources

part of the episode description by the

way and what they found surprised them a

lot because it didn’t seem to matter who

you put in the team so these study

results they are a little bit skewed

because Google has pretty decent hiring

practices so the people working at

Google are going to be decent developers

but a key takeaway for me from the study

is that it really doesn’t matter from a

performance perspective the statistic

Cley if you put good developers or great

developers on your team okay so who you

put in your team that didn’t seem to be

an indicator of whether or not that team

would would perform well so what did and

they looked and they looked and one of

them most liked the strongest indicators

that they have they found of a highly

performing team was that the team

members felt a strong psychological

safety which is and I’m gonna read here

a sense of confidence that the team will

not embarrass reject or punish someone

for speaking up and when you think about

it it makes a ton of sense that a team

that has that performs where very well

because there’s a lot of troubles that

just get fixed

there’s no whenever like there’s nothing

that is gonna be hidden behind surface

bubbling because people will bring it up

because they will feel safe bring it up

and people won’t be afraid of obscene in

dumb and asking dumb questions so they

will learn fast and people won’t be

afraid of making mistakes so they are

willing to take risks and so on and so

on so what this study teaches us is that

in order to have a great software team

you need to have psychological safety so

these are pretty new findings so there

are no there aren’t exactly text books

on how to achieve psychological safety

in your team but

I think that we can safely say that you

cannot have people on your team behaving

like bury dead on Hacker News if you

have people behaving like that those

people yes they have to change or they

have to go because you can’t be lenient

here and keep the berries around because

it just takes a single berry to destroy

the psychological safety it just

requires like somebody in your team to

say something like I I did this mistake

and a single berry to come in and say

something like that makes a person feel

bad about bringing bringing their

mistake up and you’ve completely

evaporated the psychological safety that

you had so are you with me here great

software teams need psychological safety

and people with low empathy berries they

destroy psychological safety so if you

are a person that might not have like

your empathy skills up to par that means

that you will simply not be allowed into

the best software teams you will be

driven out you will not be allowed

because you would destroy them so if you

don’t work on your empathy skills you’re

always going to be stuck building

mediocre software you’re not gonna get

invited in into the best teams and if

you by some miracle are you’re going to

destroy them so if you Jesus the Sun is

so my conclusion is that if you want to

make great software work we’re on the

best software were the best people in

the world on the best teams in the world

rather you need to practice empathy and

and it’s a skill it’s empathy it’s not

genetic or anything like that it’s you

putting yourself in the in the shoes of

another thinking about how they might

feel how your comment that you’re about

the comment that you’re about to make

how that is going to be received

thinking about how to make your

colleagues feel

feel safe to ask dumb questions feel

safe to make mistakes feel safe to grow

at least that is what I’m going to try

to do that’s my theory on it you have

watched an episode of fun fun function

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if I knew that I was part your Monday

morning notifications fan I am mpj until next Monday morning thank you

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