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Arrow functions in JavaScript – What, Why and How – FunFunFunction #32

good Monday morning I am mpj and you are

watching phantom house a lot of people

comment that I use arrow functions a lot

in my videos so I thought I’d make a

video on just that today you have

probably seen them around they look like

this kind of and they are basically a

shorter function syntax hmm kind of what

I mean by that kind of is that this that

this keyword behaves differently we’re

not going to talk about that this aspect

of arrow functions at all in this video

because I think that the most exciting

and most important aspect of arrow

functions is that they are so much

shorter that’s the important part and

that is what we are going to talk about

today I’m going to show you how to use

arrow functions in just a minute but

before I do that I want to talk about

the why of them arrow functions are

shorter but do we do we need a shorter

function syntax I mean another episode

of fun fun function has been suggesting

that you should be restrictive about how

many functions you create so why do I

like these what what value does having a

short function syntax give us I think

that the big thing with at the arrow

function syntax is that it is so much

shorter than the normal function syntax

it is extremely success it’s just the

bare minimum of syntax that is required

to express that this is a function the

fact that arrow functions are so terse

allows us to use functions in a new way

that we could not do before we can now

do functions that are small inline and

single purpose these aspects are of

course not unique to arrow functions you

can make small in line and single

purpose functions with the normal

and syntax but the fact that there is so

little extra boilerplate code for every

function makes you do this a lot more

and to a much larger or smaller degree

and this combined that that creates at

least for me a completely new way of

programming and that is what I am going

to show you today all right let’s look

at some code let’s look at this dragon

events variable here it’s an array as

you see mm-hmm objects you can envision

this as something that is part of a game

so these are events from Dragon so the

dragon can attack it can go on for some

reason with a value I don’t know exactly

what that is might be the size of the

yo-yo or uh and it can eat and it can

eat it or it such as a horse because

dragons are large and it can also attack

and this is the event that I want to

draw your attention to it the the attack

has a value and it has a target and so

you can attack the player fluffykins or

it can attack the player dork man here

our objective is to figure out what the

total damage is from all these attacks

on player dork math so this what will

this be first of all let’s start by

filtering out all the attacks I think so

yes do dragon events don’t filter and we

are going to do this using normal

functions at first I’m gonna call this

variable event and I’m going to return

ah vent dot type equals attack and I’m

going to just console log out at the end

of the script the total damage from dork


I’m going to echo that variable out and

we are going to run the script so you

see that ah yes

let me add ah I won’t want a line break

there make it easy to read alright so it

will echo out an array here weep and it

will have only the attack objects and

you see that it has filter out you only

need because those are not of event type

if filter confuses you you should stop

watching this episode now and instead

check out this episode over here where I

explain how filter works so we have the

attack values but we also have the

attack on the on the fluffykins player

and we don’t want that player we want to

filter that player out as well so we add

another filter and we add an event there

and we’re going to return where the

event dot target

equals a player duart man we run that

again so now we only have the dork man

attacks here you see that it has

filtered out this one player fluffykins

next up we’re interested in getting

these values out here these these

twelves we’ll do that using Mac nap hmm

and we’ll return event dot value right

and we run it cool now we have an array

of just the values here and you know

what if map confuses you there’s an

episode for that okay so now finally we

just want to add these two together

and we can do that using reduce so yes

go function uh-oh

previous value

you and the value here and we just go

reduce I think we’re gonna do like prep

I’m gonna call that ah zero and add

value here ah and we’re going to run

this ooh

reduce is not the final because I am

being dumb edge have to return of course

note function yes 24 by the way if

reduced confused you yah we now have

this pretty pretty cool functional chain

here of work that is being done we’re

filtering out the attacks and then we

are filtering out the right players and

then we are filtering out just the event

values the damage here and then we are

summing it together in the reduce here

it’s nice that it’s cleanly separated

but you know there is so much

boilerplate here the logic is just this

and this and this and this so this here

this is just boilerplate for every

function and that is a bit annoying

because the boilerplate is you know it’s

almost as big as the logic of the

functions themselves before arrow

functions existed this here these two

duplicates I would be I would be kind of

tempted to combine these combine these

two functions into one and just pull

this thing in here and paste it in here

and go do something do something like

this and and delete this function let’s

do that there so now I’ve saved one of

these these boilerplates functions

syntax things and made the whole thing a

bit shorter but you know I have this

function here this is this is now doing


things in one and I can’t really before

I could describe these two things with

words like if I go back I could have

called this is this function is dort man

and I call have called this is attack

and they would have been reusable in in

other parts of the code well not this

because this not Dortmund because this

is a silly example but this is a valid

case I think you know this attack is

theoretically reusable and even if it’s

not reusable it’s nice that it does one

just one simple thing

let’s try refactoring this with arrow

functions and see what it feels like so

I will start by removing this and

instead I will add an arrow I will

remove this and I will add an arrow and

I will remove that as well because one

unfortunate side effect of arrow

functions is that they cannot be named

and that is okay I think because when

you’re using functions in line you

normally don’t need the functions to be

named and I will go here remove that

function and replace it with an arrow

move that function replace it with an

arrow let’s run it and see that it still

works it does now remember that I said

that arrow functions are often small and

single purpose and when when something

is small and single purpose it tends to

be on just one line and this brings us

to an awesome feature of arrow functions

in my opinion probably the most

important one and that is that if your

code is one statement like like like

this one here we can make it return that

statement implicitly let me show you if

I remove the brackets here BAM and

I remove the returned aim and then see I

just remove the brackets we’ll do that

in this function as well remove the

return boom boom boom

right I will also remove it here again

we do the same thing we move the angle

or they I don’t know what the name of

the of these things are I’ve never

learned in Swedish just call them for

giving Airy bird swings either way I’ll

remove them here as well BAM

remove this return here boom boom boom

and let’s run it it’s still 24 it still

works so because these are just single

statements they’re not an entire piece

of code where multiple variables are

being assigned it’s just one statement

we can do them like this in just one

line and have the return statement being

completely implicit in the case of the

reduced statement we have multiple

arguments and in that case it makes

perfect sense to have the parentheses it

would look it would look really weird if

it looked like this however in the case

of the other functions these ones they

only have one one argument to them so

can’t that work why yes it does so if

you have just one parameter to your

function you can completely omit the the

parentheses which is pretty cool so now

this is really small let me just paste

in the old code uh next to it yes so you

see like how big the difference is here

I think this is kind of huge do you see

now how this thing here that I talked

about earlier with these two events it

felt annoying that there was

much of this boilerplate between the two

so you were tempted to add these two two

together uh well in the in this case

here this is not at all disturbing

because there isn’t much boilerplate for

the function it’s it’s just this thing

the next thing I’m going to show you is

a bit more controversial and mattering

on taste I like to do it not everybody

does but since this piece of code here

it’s so contained right I scan I can see

all this in in one glance I know that

this is like this is about Dragon events

I can see this here so this event here

like I find it to be almost over

descriptive I think that for me it works

a lot better with just something like II

like this because I I know that we are

iterating dragon events in this in this

code I see that here I might keep this

value here as a full text because we are

changing the context of water is being

iterated with the map here but you know

other people might go the full length

and do just X for it because that means

that this function is now completely

generic so we can call it like a commis

Toto reducer and just paste it in total

reducer reduce to total like because

when I when I break functions out name

them I tend to want them to be a verb

does it still work

no oh yeah I can’t declare total damage

or dortmund twice I’ll comment this out

so that we can keep it around for

reference help note alright still works

in the same way all of these are pretty

reusable this

is pretty specific it doesn’t feel

reusable but this one is probably

something as I add more things in my

game here in the future this would

probably be something that I reduced to

is his attack and or maybe not not sure

but you can you get in summary arrow

functions is a shorter function syntax

kind of there is more to them but this

is what we have been focusing on today

my arrow functions because they allow us

to use functions in a new way because

arrow functions allow us or at least

incentivizes us to make a small inline

and single purpose functions to much

larger degree than we did before

links to the code and other UC nuggets

of information is in the description you

have watched an episode of fun fun


I am mpj I post new episodes every

Monday morning Oh 800 gmv you will not

remember that that is why a lot of

viewers choose to subscribe to fun fun

function so that you don’t miss out on

the next episode you should check out

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