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Find your GIFT – Steve Harvey (@IAmSteveHarvey) – #Entspresso

good morning believe nation today’s
message is find your gift over to you
Steve Harvey your gift can be anything
you can’t look at it as simply running
jumping singing and dancing but I tell
you one thing your gift is the thing
that you do the absolute best with the
least amount of effort for me it was
comedy so once you identified then
that’s that’s the beginning of it but
there’s a lot of work to do even after
you identify your gift you know you can
believe you’re something all you want
but if you don’t work towards it you
just sitting there it’s gonna be empty I
love this message and I think too many
entrepreneurs are spending time doing
the things that they’re not great at and
if you want to achieve something amazing
you have to spend as much as your time
possible doing the things and you could
be one of the best in the world at doing
so look at myself you know I take over
trying to dance salsa the answer for me
it’s not in teaching classes right I am
NOT going to be teaching seven nights a
week that’s not where I’m gonna be best
at for me it’s gonna be on the strategy
side so it’s I’m teaching the same
number of classes I was before one class
but I’m bringing on the team and I’m
setting the culture setting the
structure and said in the infrastructure
up the things that I’m naturally good at
when I go and play League of Legends as
an example I know that I’m not gonna
have the time to commit to being the
best player because I don’t play enough
so I pick champions that I can focus on
the strategy side and not the mechanics
so I pick easy to play champions that
have a higher strategy cap because I’m
just naturally better at that so you
need to find in your business what you
are naturally good at where you like to
focus what your gift is and then try to
spend as much time doing that as
possible as much time there because
that’s when your company is actually
going to grow and accelerate and
surround yourself with the people
processes and structure to support your
gift so the question of a today is what
is your gift leave it in the comments
below I’ll join the discussion
thank you so much for watching have an
amazing day continue to believe and I’ll
see you again tomorrow morning for
another shot of interest
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