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Why This Invasive Lizard Is Bad for Puerto Rico | National Geographic

you want ask that big they can grow up
to six feet long with their tails
they’re beautiful they’re gorgeous make
no mistake they are really attractive
these animals are causing air traffic
delays they’re eating crops and causing
damage in general to infrastructure you
want us will nest very close to the road
and they actually are making up to 30
different Cades underneath the road so
when there is a vehicle crossing the
road with several passengers the road
will collapse that’s why they call it a
green plague and why is it a play
because it’s an invasive species these
guys came here through the pet trade
they’ve dispersed throughout the island
many factors are affecting their
population distribution throughout porto
rico first of all the climate climate
here is very similar to Central and
South America subtropical climate warm
temperatures year-round it has a defined
dry and wet season that creates patches
of open land for the iguanas to nest
they can lay an average of 30 eggs per
year but it can be as many as 75 eggs
per clutch for one female that’s a lot
out of a hundred eggs 93 of them will be
successful will hatch into a small you
are now in Central and South America you
would have natural predator 52 to be
exact reptiles birds mammals now here in
Puerto Rico we haven’t had an iguana
species living on the island for more
than 500 years so that means that green
iguanas are unhindered they have a lot
of vegetation to eat a lot of land to
nest in and very few predator pressures
they were here for over 40 years and
nobody noticed them and then all of a
sudden they became very common very
abundant and they start to interact with
people and to interact with our
ecosystems in Puerto Rico
and they have a common problem for our
economy so we need a little bit of help
what we’re doing here in las calles is
this on one with harvesting nests
getting rid of the eggs has been very
helpful eliminated since the year 2008
to the present approximately 13,000 eggs
from the population that’s a big number
but this is something that we’re gonna
have to do for the next 15 maybe 20
years now has evolved and we have people
from the community of this area working
as volunteers in that project if you
look up green iguanas in Panama or Costa
Rica they’re actually protected by law
they’re almost an endangered species
here in Puerto Rico we have the opposite
problem we have two million ones four
million iguanas in Puerto Rico wanna
wanna per person in Puerto Rico so we
have to explore many different
techniques to mitigate this problem egg
harvesting hunting wherever it is
possible and turning it into a menu
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