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A Dangerous Inlet | Wicked Tuna: Outer Banks

look at it break it in front of the main
span there there should be what 15 foot
of water there supposed to be 12 well
it’s hard enough to catch a fish out
here but we got one however it’s even
harder to get back to the dock in order
to do that we have to go back through
the bridge right there that’s how quick
it happened
going through the inlet right now is
definitely not an ideal situation we
don’t have any jetties so it’s
necessarily gonna show wow so I can’t go
straight to that one have a fathom we
just bumped right there hit the shoal
you can’t even see it
the Bonner bridge is the gateway to
organ inland
in the winter months stormy conditions
creates sandbars and unpredictable
crimes that can capsize boats or slam
them into bridge pilings so every time
we go through we’re risking our lives to
make a living I can’t believe we just
bumped there who knows it’s gonna look
like tomorrow morning
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