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Unearthing a Buried Mystery | National Geographic

here’s Tommy’s and this is the course of
the kinetic branch of the Nile with
numerous sites along its banks but no
site dates from the time of her arms as
a second which means this branch of the
Nile didn’t even exist at the time of
Ramses the great this eliminates the
kinetic branch of being active in the
time of Ramesses second also it rules
out that Thomas had been pmsing what had discovered was extraordinary
there was no pottery at Tanis from the
time of Ramses the great all of it dates
from at least two hundred years after
his death
this meant that despite all of Piermont
a’s genuine finds the great Pharaoh
couldn’t possibly have built his capital
city here there was no city here at the
time of Ramses the great not a single
Opera shirt has been collected from the
time of Ramses a second were before but
to everything his posture on sister
seconds and this is a very important
point and yet the monuments statues and
buildings here are without doubt those
of PMS built by Rama sees the great
it was a bizarre paradox how can a
magnificent City turn up in a place
where it could never have been built and
where on earth should it have been in
the first place
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