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Umbanda Religion | National Geographic

in the Brazilian port of bay limbs
bustling marketplace a woman is arming
herself for a battle against dark forces
in the same market another medium has
more sinister intentions both are
practitioners of a religion called in
Banda here in northeastern Brazil when
Banda mixes freely with Catholicism
brought to the region by African slaves
it’s a religion founded on spirits both
good and evil since new lady was a
teenager she has been possessed by
spirits spirits that she says can lift
curses and foretell the future her main
spirit guide
Maria kanga works only for good EVPs
Jewish people come here all the time and
ask me to kill someone I tell them and
they have knocked on the wrong door
mother autistic wasn’t me here we don’t
have daily poquito receives clients in a
small shop behind his house
today poquito slient is a woman who
claims she’s in an abusive marriage she
requests a rather extreme solution we
want you to do the work to kill my
husband for poquito it’s not an
unreasonable request he sees conjuring
evil as a service to people spirit
medium Maria zu lady also has a client
Joana believes that an evil spirit has
placed a curse on her she has numerous
medical problems that doctors have been
unable to cure to negotiate with the
evil spirit haunting Johanna zu lady
must find out which one is the culprit
to do that she will enter the realm of
spirits offering her own body as a
vessel on this night zu lady is visited
by many spirits but it is the one called
by Yano grande who solves the riddle of
Joanna’s curse new zu lady
bayano orders Johanna and her son
Claudio to go outside with him he admits
he is to blame for the curse you had to
ask for mercy if you don’t I will never
remove this curse from you
what have I done to my ex-girlfriend to
deserve this you have done nothing but
your mother has because she fought with
her she quarreled with bayano listens to
their pleas and decides to grant their
wish he lifts the curse it has been a
long and successful evening or so they
two weeks have passed since Paquito put
a deadly curse on the husband of his
client he claims the curse has done its
job what happened to miss Ramirez
husband he died no no I will not show
you his grave
meanwhile zoo lady had planned to
cleanse Joanna’s house of any residual
evil but she never gets the chance
joanna has died gossip is spreading that
Joanna died because zoo lady failed to
get rid of the curse though badly shaken
by the death zoo lady has resolved to
carry on with her work in the Yoon Banda
religion evil is both a force to fight
and a force to enlist on your behalf the
spirits are at your service
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