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Tricky Landing | Alaska Wing Men

go behind the trees is bucket the racers
can reach top speeds of up to 160 km/h
which makes it hard for support pilots
to communicate with their team at times
a quick glimpse from the air can be the
only way the pilots know how their
team’s doing their rides about to get
rough to a snow squall is on the horizon
the weather is that the greatest factor
on this race especially for the pilots
because we have to fly through that air
and if it’s cloudy air we can and as
they near the Pattillo checkpoint the
snow causes Matthew to lose his bearings
but if that is
hi Myra bye-bye
yes except for that I have a bit more
experience than Matthew and I may look
like a huge backseat driver
and you want to be to help you turn on
the light turns gonna happen for you
all the little clues that I’ve gotten
over the years I can just tell him what
to do and help him out
man whose plane is unscathed and the
only place to land is on a frozen lake
but if this snows too deep the plane can
flip on impact and crush them
I think I’ve been a template that you’ve
made that bad of a landing in
this is where he cries
yeah I gotta buy pie how much of it he’s
gonna get to eat is whatever he can lick
off his eyebrows after I smash it in his
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