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HipMojo 20C: YouTube’s Trillion Views in 2011

welcome back this is segment 3 episode
20 of hip mojo we’re going to hit the
lightning round now so I got a question
for you will start off is an old meeting
is an old media hookup overrated yeah
the background here is what’s trending
the show of Shira Lazar that got dropped
by CBS because somebody an intern
tweeted that Steve Jobs had died before
Steve Jobs actually passed away and
what’s happened is since they’ve been
released by CBS they continue doing the
show and the rankings grew I think an
old media hookup is great for validation
and sounds really great we were always
very proud whenever we sign a deal with
like a Time Warner or like even hulu but
those deals as much as they’re great
partners those deals tend to generate a
lot less reach sometimes even revenue
then a lot of the new media deals with
less known partners so I think it is
overrated but as a sort of you know ace
in your pocket for PR purposes like your
mother probably knows CBS does she
really know YouTube will strolling by
the mainstream cred right to some extent
but I’m not surprised that they did
better I actually give them props for
having the balls determination to keep
charging ahead a lot of people after
getting dropped by CBS would probably
you know wake up a bit you know nervous
as which I’m sure they did but they kept
trekking along and not surprised and
good to see that you’re doing well so
Google renewed their Mozilla deal for
three years but this mozilla really have
a shot I mean here’s the thing chrome is
now like the number one or number two
biggest I think in the US chrome is
number two after internet explorer but I
think globally I saw a report that
chrome is already number one in many
places if not globally around the world
so if Google basically pulls that deal
in three years and removes 99% of the
funding that Mozilla Firefox gets is
Firefox dead does firefox have a future
is the question you know I Firefox might
have a future the same way internet
explorer 6 still manages to exist
somehow to this day in some
manifestations I think they’re I think
they’re on their way to I guess being
obsolete or irrelevant at the end of the
day this is my conspiracy theory that
google invested in them to kind of
you know get a better sense of where the
browser thing was going and it kind of
gave them the insight they needed to
develop chrome I think they want to
remain in bed with Mozilla because
there’s still tons of Firefox users out
there not everyone has adopted chrome
and that means there’s still this whole
chunk of user data that they wouldn’t
otherwise have access to I’m going to
bet dollars to doughnuts that in three
years when the deals up it doesn’t get
renewed and that Microsoft’s gonna buy
them possibly that could be interesting
I don’t know though okay next question
we’ve heard a lot about bloggers versus
journalists right like some woman gets
thrown into jail or gas to pay a massive
fee cuz she’s a blogger so she doesn’t
have the same rights as a journalist or
associations and industry we’ve you’ve
heard this theme it’s been going on for
years going on for years yet so
basically do you see there being a
greater convergence and blurring of the
lines next year or do you think that
you’re gonna really see a difference
where some bloggers are going to become
like journalists but you’re going to
basically you know be treated as first
and second-class citizens well um you
know the lines I think have been
continually blurring more and more for
pretty much since blogging went
mainstream if so yeah I think that’s
going to continue to blurb at the end of
the day though you know if you want
breaking tech news you don’t go to the
new york times or the wall street
journal you go to TechCrunch and some of
those guys used to be journalists and
some have it and some of the ones with
journalists training still employ it a
lot more others have gotten more gossipy
and more opinionated okay but Timmy fell
York Times and Wall Street Journal do
break a lot of tech news yeah I didn’t
do they do but I don’t you if you’re
saying what they represent or this
immediate I get that okay so um you know
I think of anything is on the line here
it’s actually freedom of the press
freedom of speech because as more and
more people blog they don’t have those
same protections we really gotta look at
reevaluating I guess the lexicon of
freedom of the press in general and try
to substantiate what falls under freedom
of speech when is when are you protected
as a member of the press and that kind
of thing see I think they’ll continue to
blur it’s funny because you took it from
that angle I’m looking at it more as it
all boils down I think more so is are
you basically writing for yourself even
if it’s a big blog or is there some kind
of big publication I’m writing for all
intents and purposes the same articles
same themes that I wrote like 34 years
ago when it was okay was under the
watchmojo blog but I was doing
anyone writing on in the business blog
of the company i’m writing this i’m
covering the same stuff but now it’s for
TechCrunch and media posts admittedly
big well-known brands and now people are
like well act like when we have like
actual business talks some people are
like well since you’re journalists we
want to make sure this stays off the
record and I’m like we’re talking about
who’s a journalist but the perception i
think is not so much bloggers versus
journalists it’s more you do it could be
a blog that has gone on to become a
massive publication I think it’s just
depends like basically are you writing
for your own dinky sort of like blogger
account or wordpress account who are you
is there a publication I think what it
is there’s a lot more op-ed content now
because of blogs and like you said you
know you got the big guys like
TechCrunch sure you got a dicky dinky
blogspot again yeah so to have a dick he
account as well but that’s another show
and other day guys alright next question
um youtube streamed a trillion videos a
trillion the team yeah in 2020 yeah
those things they’re gonna keep growing
it like this or do you think that
they’re getting close to plateauing okay
i know i just said that whole thing
about off the record what I’m about to
say is sort of past saying now that this
visit this has been announced but every
time I run into a YouTube staffer at a
conference or something and I’m like man
you guys are like oh watch won’t you’re
great i read your articles whatever I’m
like all right we’re like a little you
know a fly on your ass basically as the
saying goes and I’m like you guys are
killing it you know I’m like 48 hours of
content uploaded each minute they’re
like oh man that was like six months ago
now it’s and they throw out some crazy
number right but don’t tell anyone so
you know they started the urine with
something like oh 2 billion streams a
day and then like when I said man 2
billion streams a day they’re like I
think it’s a three night I don’t quote
me on that three but my point is they
just keep growing I think they will
probably keep growing and I’ve always
said it you could go back to one of my
crazy blog post from 2006 and I or 2007
realistic Lee and I said YouTube will be
more dominant and video than Google is
in search mark my words it will be you
agree yeah it’s just going to be the
natural monopoly however I think they
are smart to focus on quality and even
if these hundred channels are going to
flop or some will do well some will die
some will live I think they are going to
have challenges in terms of programming
you know like think of it NBC for the if
their life depended on it they couldn’t
take two shows that are going to be
successful at
spending you know 50 million dollars in
production Google isn’t just going to
throw up 100 channels against the wall
and they’re all going to become hit show
so I think on that front youtube has its
work cut out for itself but in terms of
sheer volume youtube is going to be
massive you know i’m not in terms of
quality channels and I no vivo was a way
for the music industry to try to you
know get some money back but the VEVO
thing I think was a great way for them
to launch a bunch of quality channels
were granted it’s Bitesize content its
music videos but if you’ve ever gone
youtubing for a music video and you
can’t find the official one like you’re
getting people holding a shaky camera on
their TV I wish they address that the
number of times I want to like bring up
a song let’s say special if it’s for one
of my daughters and I got some crappy
spoofer things yeah I wish I wish you’d
just rating all right question of the
week Eric from Salt Lake City we’re
going to both answer this you start off
what was the Z and caps it was TCAP hcap
ecap capital letters what was the story
in tech and media in 2011 and obviously
let’s just give one each since ok ok
gonna be sappy sentimental and
predictable I’m going to say it’s the
passing of Steve Jobs okay um yeah I
hate to say it I think I think it’s like
I today I read that Bulgaria erected a
statue for Steve Jobs and enemy will
Gary Gary yeah i mean i would say that
i’m sure a lot of CEOs inventors
founders when Steve Jobs resigned but
especially when he passed away I’m sure
a lot of them felt like when I pass on
people are gonna care like this and i
think the clear answer is no people
won’t all right here that some personnel
that’s it but i think he was also you
know he was at the helm of a huge it not
just an industry leader but an industry
check you know trend center a talisman
is as we brought up earlier and his
passing got a lot of people asking a lot
of questions including ourselves yeah i
mean personally i’ll say this that i
want to see a cirque du soleil or as i
should say cfd salacious it’s all a show
and i was thinking of jihadi birthday
the founder know there’s herders i’m
going somewhere with this and i was
thinking of like you know how jihadi
birthday he had the money to take his
crazy troop out to the west coast when
they start and he’s like you might not
have money to come back and it’s like
when he’s launched a circus he was like
okay having animals is crazy it’s
it’s inhumane and it doesn’t make any
sense so I’m going to basically get a
bunch of people and do whatever I want
to do a my treat the animal perhaps but
but he built this massive thing and and
I for some reason i was thinking of the
show and this question because it came
in that day and I was like it’s funny
because Steve Jobs also like you know he
didn’t really listen to what a lot of
critics told him to do he stuck to his
guns and and that usually is a surefire
recipe to you know bankruptcy insanity
videos but he pulled it off so for me it
was more than that I don’t we just get
away with it he completely pulled it up
but I’m gonna I want to finish off on
this an amazing and amazing and amazing
blog post and I’m gonna link to it when
i posted sexual god i just thought of
this now was this guy was like bashing
design he’s like please drop the design
thing and and you know he was like even
though he said this he goes even though
i’m a designer he’s like stop talking as
a start-up about design it’s so not
important compared to product and need
and all that and of course a lot of like
the fanboys came out well what about
Apple what about Apple and he’s like
what what about Apple Apple when they
started they basically made computers in
like we know in a wooden frame they
didn’t care about design it’s once they
had a product that’s one say that all
this that so for me a lot of like the
less and you know the one thing I
couldn’t stand is how during even before
he passed on everybody all of a sudden
was like we are like apples a company
because of this or we are like Steve
Jobs that deal so when I think of like
the story of the year it was like the
tacky cynicism that okay this guy is now
clearly like hot as whatever so
everybody’s gonna so it wasn’t just what
Steve Jobs did it’s also the machine
design did sell a lot of apple products
but it wasn’t design of the of the
physical product so you think your
tickets okay and i was saying more of
how things we’ve i know and i think
that’s why they’re people get it they’re
talking about different things when they
start arguing about design in terms of
apple because you got the interface and
you got that slick macbook air so my
story like yours i guess is steve jobs i
think it was very profound i think that
given at the office I think everybody in
every setting the next day was a bit but
but I don’t think it’s that superficial
reason of just what Steve Jobs did in
terms of media and everybody so
passionate about songs and entertainment
and sharing pictures with one another I
think it was more like all you know
remove the onion layers all the other
sort of sub tangent stories that touched
on Steve Jobs life come back and passing
that you’re like you know a lesson here
there okay
next week is going to be a special show
of predictions so I don’t know the
format I know it’s just going to be
we’ll think of some format but it’ll be
predictions for 2012 which is usually I
guarantee that we don’t know what we’re
talking about because like ninety
percent of them don’t don’t pan out but
it’ll be entertaining that’s that thank
you very much so Twitter company of the
year well deserved see you next week
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