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Tribal Beauty Pageant — for Men | National Geographic

wearing makeup is part of the men’s
ethnic identity but it is also worn to
attract the opposite sex
every year men compete in a beauty
contest which is judged by women it’s
called the Gera wall and it takes place
at the end of the rainy season the
isolated location and date are kept
secret until just before the event Gera
wall is the highlight of the year lasts
for seven days and nights and is an
opportunity for a derby men and women to
get together
there are approximately forty thousand
word RB in leisure they travel in small
family groups moving every few days
looking for a fresh pasture for their
zebu cattle the cows provide them with
milk which is then traded for millet to
make the porridge which is their staple
diet our Derby family has been traveling
since dawn they are heading towards the
area around in Gaul where at this time
of year the pasture is salty and good
for cattle
Quincy Riga and his friend Mina Gandhi
are having tea a cousin has arrived from
a neighboring camp and informs them that
the location of the Gera wall has been
announced they’re looking forward to
going but nobody’s gonna do a chipper
duty but I do in number Dayton Canon
impunity choleric oh my Newton say
Beauregard with luque nobody Tatum tan
and fool help demand what Veronica
shooting buddy Sam made a knight but you
even do together live in here then we
have what I’ve been jackin yeah I got a
my lady be given deducted a nikunj
including bigamy zero nigga but I won’t
be going alone their wives are also
looking forward to the year’s main event
yo he down in on an angle a nahi yaar oh
boy he Barbara avant-garde they say I do
a certain location in Indiana they are
okobu good I mean his wife Mariama is
getting excited about the festival too
come on Farah Jamaat si Italia Nadi Jana
Devo mother the Sierra for the moment
however Quincy and Jana have another
important event on their minds
tomorrow the couple will undergo a big
change in their relationship
Quincy is taking a second bride with no
walls between them in the desert two
three will share their lives together
Michael Musab and economic added vicos
de Medici nom by ahsoka boy Morocco
Atacama hirako I can advise oh my in
magicians in Michael willette and
worship their words are BR Islamic but
the women have relative freedom and
mobility within marriage and at the Gera
wall festival they even get the chance
to choose new husbands Jenna’s or the
city the heart Osama heart a sofa heart
as I’m not
yeah bye yet I see my own heart amused
wooden buttock on me ah she yeah she my
own animal
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