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The Power of Transportation | Origins: The Journey of Humankind

what does it take to power a global
civilization to connect billions of
people across continents takes the power
of transportation from the beginning
speed and strength were paramount in the
hunt on the battle
we’re holding together far-flung empires
we sought new forms of power harnessing
the forces of nature drive us both horse
the wheel steam power jet and every new
innovation powered our next great leap
transportation has become our
exoskeleton allowing us to transcend our
faster than sound farther than the moon
our inventions give us a level of power
we never imagined
our machines would carve through solid
tunnel beneath the sea connecting the
world mixing distant cultures freedom of
movement has given us freedom of mind
the flow of people and materials exposes
us to new ideas new understanding this
is the story of how transportation
turned society inside out how engines
and animals powered the rise of
civilization how the innovations that
drive humanity forward made us modern
this is origins
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