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Stingray | National Geographic

for over a hundred million years the
Stingray has roamed the oceans an almost
mythological animal extraordinarily
graceful and yet considered potentially
though not aggressive the Stingray is
equipped with a fearsome means of
defense a venomous find found near the
base of its powerful whip-like tail
a large ring can drive the spine into a
wooden boat or deliver an extremely
seriously painful wound its most
dangerous when line camouflaged and sand
it moves slowly foraging for
invertebrates hidden on the sea floor
because a stingrays eyes are on top of
its head and its mouth and nostrils
below it can actually see what it’s
eating it finds its food by smell touch
and by sensing the electrical field of
its prey the southern stingray is one of
some 90 species of stingray like a
prehistoric bird it’s huge fins can
reach up to six feet across
they’re usually shy and elusive animals
hard to get close to but the warm clear
waters of the Cayman Islands offer
something different on the north side of
Grand Cayman Island swarms of stingrays
live inside a protective barrier reef
where the water is calm and shallow
nicknamed Stingray City this is one of
the only places on earth where stingrays
are used to people here divers can swim
alongside the Rays and meet these
remarkable animals face the fin
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