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Shark vs Octopus | National Geographic

here’s a Giant Pacific octopus in an
equally giant aquarium tank okay that’s
all great for mom and dad and the whole
family who come to see the octopus
except there are sharks in this tank as
well sharks that are voracious predators
and opportunistic feeders and that have
been known to veer from their usual
fishy diets to munch on an occasional
these are spiny dogfish sharks did
anybody ask the octopus about this knew
what the aquarium folks are thinking is
that the octopus can use its ability to
camouflage itself as protection and if
that doesn’t work it has the strength to
fight off the shark or at least dash to
the nearest hiding hole it can squeeze
into the aquarium folks soon realize
what does happen when you put these
sharks and octopi in the same tank and
you’re about to see it too if you’ve got
the courage to keep watching if only
through your splayed fingers the octopus
not in the habit of attacking sharks the
shark sharp spines jutting out from its
dorsal fins that can puncture anything
that touches them
the octopus can its powers of defense
save it in such tight quarters the shark
menacing on the prowl just itching to
use those rows of teeth to crush its
next meal I’ve got a feeling this
real-life version of Jaws isn’t going to
be pretty and so the shark the shark
yeah boy am i glad I didn’t have a bet
down on this matchup that’s right this
is what happened the Giant Pacific
octopus as seen here in this amazing so
close you feel like you might get
squashed footage was making short work
of the shark in the tank
dogfish carcasses kept showing up at the
bottom of the tank what you’re seeing
this footage was taken to see what was
doing in the supposedly invincible
predators the aquarium staff learn
something new about the octopi there was
a danger in the tank all right but it
was all to the Sharks
that’s one way to defend yourself from a
predator eliminate them
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