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Shackleton: From #EpicFail to #TrulyEpic | National Geographic

in exploration the successes we
celebrate are the sum of failures large
and small in 1901 ernest shackleton set
out to explore the antarctic only to get
frostbite and scurvy and was forced to
return home so in 1907 he set out to
explore the Antarctic and failed in his
goal of reaching the South Pole so in
1914 he again set out to explore the
Antarctic only to become trapped in the
ice but he turned this epic fail into
epic by sailing 800 nautical miles in a
small lifeboat walking 32 miles over
mountainous terrain and organizing a
rescue for his men after nearly two
years he managed to bring all 27 members
of his crew home alive truly epic
Shackleton today remains an example of
steady leadership in the harshest
conditions a legacy of epic builds on
epic fail
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