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Safari Live – Day 257 | National Geographic

this program features live coverage of
an African safari and may include animal
kills and caucuses viewer discretion is
good afternoon and welcome to a
sweltering well slightly warm sabi sands
private game reserve in the beautiful
South Africa my name is Brenda Smith I
have dangerous dev the dimpled dish on
camera hiding under his big Sun Hat why
I have no idea remember if you want to
ask us any questions
hashtag Safari live on Twitter or just
pop your questions into your YouTube
stream now my morning didn’t go quite as
but I would have liked it everything I
was looking for Beatle Dorf out of our
Traverse area so I don’t actually have a
plan for this afternoon I’m just going
to bumble about and rely on my charm and
maybe I’ll have some luck with some
leopards the Lions unfortunately are
still inside Torchwood and I don’t think
they’re going to be coming out
apparently they’re caught a young hippo
yesterday or this morning I’m not sure
I’ll find out more details a little bit
later but we’re gonna head to the west
no one’s really been checking the
western sections for a while maybe dulu
is around because they didn’t find her
in the West this morning the hawk Mori
is far away Gianni’s far away but James
is sitting with some spotted creatures
far north in the Maasai Mara however
they’re not a cat why does he speak with
such muted tones because a company here
at the hyena den of the North clan and
they are filming and we’re I to use my
normal exuberant tones I have no doubt I
would completely ruin the documentary
that they’re making good afternoon
my name is James Henry and on camera
today very nervous we have got to Bungay
because he is making his television
debut this evening please do talk to us
using the hashtag Safari live on Twitter
now and of course the YouTube chat
stream if you’d like to you to share
soon know what we had here yesterday
evening was very interesting we were at
the North Klan den for a long time and
we had our TV rehearsal here and that
hyena there it was either that one woods
companion that you and I followed during
the course of the show yesterday and
then we went off air we thought we were
sitting with the same high you know he’d
been following we had to her at the den
exactly where that one is there one of
them walked off we assumed it was the
same one that had been there the whole
remained turns out it wasn’t turns out
there is a brand new tiny little cub in
the hole that that hyena is sitting
above and it was so new that it could
barely walk and it was so new that it
actually left quite a lot of moisture on
the sand when she pulled it out and I
wondered if it wasn’t actually very
recently born in other words sort of a
few hours old maybe even perhaps even
less so that’s quite interesting we had
a wonderful time here last night so
we’re gonna sit and wait and see what
happens here we have not managed to find
any further hyenas here at this den and
as we didn’t yesterday but I am told by
the inimitable hyena researchers of the
University of oh gosh I forgot it it’s
not Minnesota Wisconsin is it Wisconsin
well this is terrible someone will
remind me shortly anyway wonderful
Heiner researchers and they tell me that
waffles was here as was Anna
earlier today so with any luck we will
see both of those I’m gonna stay a
little bit away from that film vehicle
for now because I don’t want to ruin
their documentary right like I say
shouting and holding forth as it were
while they are trying to get soft cooing
x’ and squid rings michigan state there
we go swish again State University thank
you loom car thank you very much they do
an absolutely fantastic job of hyena
research here and without them the North
Klan hierarchy and it’s mesh relations
would have been extremely extremely
difficult for us to unpack it’s an
extremely long running program they’ve
had here and they’ve got a number of
dedicated researchers who’ve been very
so we were going to stay here and see if
another high-end or two doesn’t pop its
head a part of this
interesting thickets now I was thinking
to myself oh hello I wonder if she’s
looking with the sort of desire towards
the film vehicle maybe they’ve got
something tasty in there that they’ve
just opened up to eat or maybe there’s
something behind us apparently there
were two male lions here this morning
two young male lions I think the same
males that we had yesterday evening
verse nice you hurt my heart you say is
this really live that’s nice
yes it is live no one is lying to you no
one is trying to pull the proverbial
wool over your eyes I know in these
times of fake facts fake news and all
sorts of fakeness around the world it’s
very difficult to find any form of
authenticity but you have just stumbled
upon some you’ve just stumbled upon a
live stream of authenticity taking place
right now welcome to the Safari it’s
lovely to have you with us and I’m going
to dedicate the next 30 seconds of the
that must be about 30 seconds let’s go
back to the Heine just getting a little
bit awkward but yes it is entirely live
from the Maasai Mara in Kenya where I’m
sitting now at this beautiful high in a
den and of course the Western Kruger
National Park of sunny magical South
Africa now I think this is the mother of
the little one but I could be wrong
there were two cubs in the den one start
the older about eight weeks and the
other brand-new now if a lion was to
come across this den the adult would
simply abandon it they’ll come back
later oh hang on a second it’s just
let’s just wait and see what happens
here I know that Kirsten who’s directing
has told me to go back to the real hi-hi
Universe whisperer
who’s Jamie Patterson but Jamie doesn’t
actually have anything at the moment
Kirsten do you mind very much if we stay
here just a few minutes I know you’d
rather hear Jamie’s silky tones while
she drives a car but there might be
something quite interesting going on
here I can’t see anything behind us that
looks to me like a startled heinel
actually seen or smelt a predator coming
this way and that could only mean a lion
or a vast clan of invading hyenas oh to
be exceptionally unusual this is the
just watch her carefully and see where
she goes I’m still trying to figure out
who this is if anybody’s got any idea
Merritt’s hyenas do live in clans but
they don’t always forage together for
example this clan is about 60 strong and
you will seldom see 60 hyenas together
unless they are hunting something very
big or unless there are in a clan war
and we’ve certainly captured some
footage Jaime has been around them when
they’ve had a big boxing match with the
happy zebra clan and then there were
probably 30 members of the clan facing
off 30 members of the happy zebras but
they do forage alone quite a lot to the
obviously stay at the den alone from
time to time I would expect the my jock
to come back and feed her cubs here at
some stage so we can hang around but in
South Africa where the real high in a
whisper is apparent you will definitely
find that the hyenas do a lot more
single solitary foraging than they do
here even that’s because the clans are
that much smaller you did this quite a
lot yesterday you know walking away from
the den and then coming back if it’s the
she is quite young I don’t think she’s
more than three I don’t know where that
puts her in the hierarchy of the North
clan but I’m gonna go with mid ranked
going straight back to the den smelt
something I think maybe some lions way
in the distance you don’t see any of the
hyenas here alright apparently we have
had enough of this an actual hyena and
we’re going to go now across to the
hyena whisperer hello hello in a very
good afternoon my name is Jaime the
hyena whisperer and this morning no this
afternoon is Senzo on camera with me is
my great pleasure to have his company
once again we did so much whispering to
the hyenas this morning that we had the
most magical sighting of the Juma plan
here on Juma you know and we even had a
hyena grooming himself right next to the
vehicle it was beautiful it was truly a
display of a hyena spinal flexibility
remember you can get hold of us on
hashtag safari live on twitter
alternatively you can contact us in the
youtube comments section I’ve to tell
you a funny story about this whole high
anything people in the Mara keeps
sending me pictures of hyenas and going
who is this not all people not just
random people off the street but you
know wild earth people but they’ll send
me a picture of just perfect ears or the
briefest flash of this portion the front
portion of the shoulder who is this I
don’t know I can’t tell from that is 80
plus members of the clan some of them
have very similar spots on their one
portion of the shoulder anyway enough
about hyenas for now and because it’s
far too hot for me to go to the hyena
den on Juma I’ve got a distinctly
concerned feeling that tonight for the
SABC show there they’re going to be
no-shows but we’ll wait and see I’m
going to try and help bring charts in
the meantime we tracked in gone off a
Juma this morning so now we’re looking
for weight checked Andy off this morning
we’re now looking 14 Garner
he’s got to be here somewhere I assume
we haven’t heard him calling and we
haven’t heard him we haven’t seen him
with husana which makes me think he’s on
his own kill somewhere around here so
that’s my thinking so I’m gonna try and
give brains a hand for his so utterly
despondent about his prospects for today
I know that feeling that he can use his
very good afternoon – goo goo I’m sorry
I have imagined something I have
imagined it we would like to know if I
know the long-term purpose of the Mara
hyena projects there isn’t actually one
so there’s no specific end goal it’s a
constant learning about the hyenas over
multiple generations and a multivariate
ended period of time longest predator
project I think in Africa if not the
world’s very very long-running predator
project so there’s no set goal there are
multiple students at any one point in
time doing multiple or research into
multiple aspect of hyenas lives so
whether it’s their problem solving or
their hormone levels or their stress
levels like a hormone level stress level
same sort of difference their social
dynamics the evolution whether or not
hyenas in close proximity to humans have
a different behavioural set than hyenas
that are further away and have no
interaction with humans apart from the
odd safari vehicle so there’s there’s
lots of different projects that they
carry out there and all of them for
different reasons but all equally
important because obviously the more you
understand about hyenas the more we can
conserve them and at the same time it’s
not just about that it’s also learning
about ourselves as well there’s a
parallels between hyena social dynamics
and primate social dynamics
so it’s really accepted in the case of
hyenas now the apex predator kind of
like humans or one of the apex predators
though there’s actually there’s lots of
different reasons why those studies are
being carried out there are truly
intriguing I think it would be a very
good idea if you wanted to go and have a
look at some of their blog posts I mean
I’m not being paid to punt them so I can
they’ve helped us out immensely if you
want to go look at their blog posts or
if you want to go and have a look at
some of the research papers
dr. whole camp is the foremost expert on
hyenas or one of the foremost experts on
hyenas fascinating stuff we’ve learnt a
vast amount just in the past few years
about hyena behavior that’s turned on
understanding of them on its head
alrighty I’m searching for well I think
I’m searching for ting Ghana Torino why
I think that I am let’s go across to
Sydney who at least knows exactly what
he’s searching for a very very good
afternoon and welcome to the beginning
of the show I am Sydney boomerang my
cozy and I’m travelling with Sebastian
who is my camera operator this afternoon
our plan is quite very easy we are
looking for the spotted cat specifically
Hassan and for incase if we need our
attention you can follow us on Twitter
hashtag safari live you can also follow
us on YouTube chat stream the Sun is
very hot at the moment so this cat is no
longer in the drainage we left him here
this morning so I’m just now trying to
check around this drainage line to see
if we can find him here maybe he is
somewhere under this bushes here
I am on a very difficult so now let’s go
well we’re still here trying to identify
this I think I’ve got slightly closer to
figuring it out I think we’re looking at
one of a few obviously Anatolian quite
possibly perhaps Elsie just looking at
the spots there and looking at
photographs now Elsie
oh I had another theory and my theory
the picture on that side is wrong oh is
might be might be flawless after all
this is a male kiss definitely not
flawless that’s pathetic
I’m dreadful at this everyone I’ll get
better I promise I’ll do my level best
to get better Jamie says anna has a
horseshoe on her bottom that’s very kind
thank you Jamie
now if the great hyena whisperer could
perhaps prevail upon the hyena to show
us its bottom that would be extremely
helpful yeah I’m afraid my capabilities
do not extend figuring this one out
we’ve sent Jamie a picture maybe she’ll
be able to figure it out I don’t think
that hyenas older than four which should
give us an idea I mean I’m looking at
these identicals but my gosh it’s all
just kind of blaring into one for some
div my poor recognition techniques and
skills barely recognize myself in the
mirror let alone the individuals in a
hmmm yes Cassie I think Cathy I think
you’ll find that striped hyena habits
are very different from the spotted
hyena habits spotted hyenas are unique
in the hyena family which of course is a
family or on its own and that is because
they are the only ones that have this
kind of matriarchal society where the
females dominate the males and where
they live in client’s now as far as I’m
aware a striped hyenas much like brown
hyenas live solitary lives I will just
check that up for you but I’m pretty
sure they lived in solitary lives much
drier areas than this and you’ll find
that the drier the area the more
solitary the animals tend to be in this
of course you happen to be a sociable
Weaver in which case you live in a great
big friendly party group but let me just
check for you I’m pretty sure that what
I’ve told you is accurate I would hate
to tell you a lie especially on Sundays
buying that Sunday’s just no-good
striped hyena tall and slender yes yes
yes Chris runs from tails a scrub dry
savannas urban habitats rubbish common
heavier depends on whether or not
spotted hyenas present where the two
species coexist structures quieter more
retiring perhaps salt more solitary and
interesting need a big striped hyena can
weigh pretty much the same as a smallish
I’m just reading that’s a spotted high
now and you P knew about that so all the
fiume you’ve made a very hilarious joke
that goes as follows this hyenas name is
inna when you see her you must say hi
inna very good that’s not a hyena in the
background that is a tipple sketchy
that means returned my identikit now
that she stood up tipples good I wish
that tipple scourge would try and find
us some further Highness because I need
some further hyenas for the television
show this evening one Highness not
forget to do the mystery brings out her
baby then she’ll do just nicely I’m
hoping quite desperately that the film
crew in front of us is not in enabled
with night division like we are and all
therefore have to vacate the area
all right so let’s just look on the side
there she’s got a bit of a stripe going
down sort of obvious dotting if you like
down the side
with one big blob above it I’m sure none
of you know what on earth I’m talking
about could that be an it that’s not an
Italian it’s not an ax
I don’t think gosh this thing has
arranged such that you have to scroll
through everything you can’t scroll
through just the adults and just the
females this looks most like flawless
but the claws flawless is a male and
then ain’t no male one’s got baby I
suppose there’s two very pronounced dots
there on the shoulder quite distinctive
yeah there we go it is an ax it’s
definitely an Italian she’s the only one
with those two very pronounced dots
hooray we’ve got it okay so she’s older
than three years he’s actually six I’m
pretty sure that that’s who were looking
at those two distinct dots there are a
pretty obvious good okay we’ve got
anatolian she’s got a new youngster
don’t know where she fits in the
hierarchy we’ll figure it out now let’s
get Leo Smith who’s looking I think for
Oh James James James yes we are looking
I think what we gonna do
it’s Sydney’s going to check the last
position of us on earth if he has no
luck then I’ll go try give him a hand in
that area maybe go first
Milwaukee I think the Sun is gonna be
quite fast somewhere and the other
problem is that he’s not likely to go
towards Galago pan or the via Telepan
because after that little rain and
specialness all drainage systems there
there’s a few secret spots with it some
rocks it might still be holding a bit of
water so he doesn’t have to move too far
now speaking of the sauna I noticed on
might have been Twitter Facebook one of
those thing in the Bob’s that there was
a lot of discussion that husana might be
ill from eating these in yalla he is not
ill he is just very fat and very lazy
the tannins in them in the stomach of
the of the the the animals he’s eating
is not going to affect him he’s got a
completely different digestive system so
please don’t worry her son is not sick
he is fine I understand you guys worry
but in this circumstance there is no
need okay hmm
tink I know that Jamie’s gonna have a
look fer we also give it a go he’s been
away for a while and I think Singhania
is probably sitting on I did in Jana
somewhere as well and then also I just
on that whole night about the dead in
yellow I notice someone said oh but even
the hyenas aren’t eating them then
that’s why I Sanne might be second it is
not the highness didn’t go there is
because they I found four separate hyena
drag marks of dead in the other today
alone on bush walk and I only covered
the area around the Morty River and that
means there’s probably a whole bunch
more up on this these little river
systems the Gary Cutler and one of
puffles a dam the one of quarry pan so
the hyenas are just full that’s why they
didn’t eat
all of that Indiana that where husana
was okay let’s have a look oh hello
jumping coral I’m gonna pop his head
round the corner
Oh is he dashed up and up and away he’s
now I’ve actually found in Ghana in this
tree before
on a hot day in the summer months just
lazing on the branch of this giant
hello dee use a new viewer welcome Dee
would like to know where in Africa are
we well we are in the southernmost
country in Africa South Africa we are in
the eastern most province of said
country while the northeastern province
which is called Mpumalanga which means
palma means to come out Ranga means Sun
so east where the Sun rises we are then
inside the greater Kruger National Park
which is 2.7 million hectares of an
offense wilderness wonderland and then
we go smaller where within the sixty
thousand hectares of the sabi sands
private game reserve which is open to
Kruger there’s no fences and there we go
them smaller we are currently on Juma
private game reserve in the northwestern
corner of the said sabi sand again
reserve that is exactly where we are in
Africa and if we want to go even even
more miniscule I am on a road called
Gauri cut line which runs north from
Central Road and I am looking for
leopards and Davis giggling behind me
I’m not sure what Jamie’s found I think
did you hear that but anyway let’s go
find a hot which is a really nice
surprise and when I say I found hyenas I
actually had absolutely nothing to do
with it
this one is entirely on eagle-eyed Senzo
who has really got his spotting eyes on
this morning afternoon what is wrong
with me it’s this afternoon oh we got
here Koki at the back I think it might
just be no no it is not it is pretty by
the looks of things so what are we doing
here my girls know we often get asked
where hyenas go during the day and the
answer is two places just like this a
nice big shady area especially around
drainage lines which are dried up
riverbeds they’ll go and they’ll spend
the day here and then at night return to
the den site that looks like sucker
there it is Sakura and pretty spending
their afternoon curled up in the shade
how very interesting
well that’s good news for us if
perchance the hinds decide not to go to
the den site before the end of the TV
show tonight least we’ve got some hyenas
well done since I you would not believe
the spot he pulled off there is another
possible reason for they’re meant to be
curled up here underneath a quarry bush
and that is that they could potentially
be a leopard with a kill somewhere here
now for two hyenas against in Ghana they
probably would have taken his kill from
him if it were on the ground so either
they’re not here because of the kill or
if they are here because of her kill
that’s in a tree and I’ve been checking
out the big trees around the area I
probably won’t stay with these two for
that long because they’re going to be
flat flat for now but we can always come
back here a little bit later but there’s
nothing in this tree sadly most done for
but it does remind me because of where
we are at the time that / little husana
had such a bad limp and it was when
shangilia knocked him off the tree he
was trying to climb and he was having
such a bad day and then he got caught
unawares by a hyena and had to go
running up the closest tree which
happened to be a thorn tree and when he
tried to get down after the hyena was
gone it was just pulling out Tufts of
his fur left right and center was when
he was about a year old or so I found
him sleeping in a rhino midden then
obviously like this patch this was where
I suspected Corky was hiding okay she’s
cooling herself down that’s so cool
spraying dirt over her belly Rosalind
you want to know if hyenas are smart
smarter than chimps it’s difficult to
really I’m fine thanks sorry I just
choked over my own saliva it’s difficult
to really compare intelligence
they’re certainly smarter than someone
who chokes on her own spit but to
compare them to chimps would be it’s a
difficult one they have done cognition
studies and they are very very close to
chimps in terms of the way that we
define intelligence where they’re
actually Beach chimps is in a study that
was done with a puzzle so – two
chimpanzees were given a test there was
a piece of meat on a Ledge that they
couldn’t reach and to get it or to get
it out of a box or whatever the test
happened to be it doesn’t really matter
they had to pull two ropes in opposite
directions so the chimps figured it out
marginally faster than the hyenas and
the hyenas got it pretty quickly and
grab the meat then what they did was
they took one individual that knew the
puzzle out and put an individual in who
didn’t know the puzzle who’d never seen
the puzzle before and within split
seconds the hyenas had communicated to
each other what needed to be done and
the box or the puzzle was opened and
they had the food they actually did that
faster than chimpanzees so in terms of
their social relationship with each
they are actually slightly more
in the way that in that sort of puzzle
scenario so they’ve been given all sorts
of puzzles to figure out boxes that only
unlock a certain way I watched a
documentary on a very low ranked male
who was given a puzzle and he knew how
to figure it out and he worked it out
and he was given plenty of time to do so
and then he was taken away and then he
was put back into that situation but
with the rest of the clan and he
completely feigned ignorance while they
all sort of looked around at this box
and and then eventually lost interest
and ignored it he pretended he didn’t
know what was going on
and then as soon as the high-ranked
individuals lost interest and moved away
then he went and unlocked the box and
got his piece of meat no he’s not stupid
he knows if he done locked it before
that he never would have got the prize
like kindness or smart creatures there’s
a vast amount going on behind those eyes
one of the reasons why I enjoy them as
you think it’s a mating pair if it’s a
mating pair then we would have big
trouble then we would have big trouble
because it would mean that pretties cubs
were not terribly well so no I think
we’re okay there but I think they’re
friends and actually sins is not far off
he said do you know this could be a
mating pair and I said no but actually
is not far off because males will
befriend females with Cubs and be very
nice to the Cubs be very gentle in the
hope that the female actually befriends
him and remembers that when it comes
time to mate now Caroline’s wondering
about whether or not hyenas will mate
like lions and leopards and whether it
goes on for days the Easter cycle does
last for a few days but it’s not nearly
as a frequent as the matings of lions
and leopards it’s also a very different
situation so as you know the male lion
or the male leopard has a barbed penis
and it causes a lot of pain to the
female she gets very aggressive it and
happens every couple of minutes even
though it’s
I’m talking its scandalized scandalized
at the talk of all of this making of new
baby animals right are you done now
can I finish speaking yes no thank you
so the meeting doesn’t go on for day or
at least it doesn’t go on as regularly
for days as it does with the Lions or
the leopards and it lasts for a lot
longer so the mating sessions of a met
of leopards or lions go on for 30
seconds give or take I mean it never
really extends much beyond that for
which I imagine the female is
exceedingly thankful because I don’t
think there’s any kind of I think it’s a
30-ton enjoyable experience for her but
for hyenas it actually goes on for quite
a long time and they end up similar to
mating dogs with a sort of a tie
together so even when they finish the
actual population process the male then
dismounts and they remain joined
together for a period of time so no not
quite like lions and leopards of also of
course the male also has to do some
romancing it’s not like a female leopard
that goes and throws herself bottom
first at the male in the case of hyenas
the male really has to he has to put in
some serious time and effort he’s got to
dance around the female he does a lot of
bowing a lot of playing a lot of running
around and making a fool of himself
acting a clown and the female eventually
decides whether or not she can actually
be bothered with him and that’s why
friendships work they work so so well in
hyena society it’s something similar to
baboons male baboons will have partners
that they make friends with well as
thoroughly entertaining as our two
hyenas are being right here and right
now it’s a go see what James’s are up to
in the Masai Mara where apparently one
well this Heian is also been very
entertaining this is Anna Anatolian as
we’ve recently discovered she’s just
left the den and she’s eating a lobster
oh no it’s not a lobster it looks like a
stick no it’s definitely not a stick I
think it is the it’s a piece of
wildebeest but I cannot tell which piece
it is don’t know does look like a mane
but it doesn’t look like the neck so
right I’m serving also the approach of
the Michigan State University hyena
researchers so any luck we’ll have a bit
more information for you at some stage
so she’s walked or run about a quarter
of a mile from the den she was obviously
feeling that peckish needed some Sunday
tea and she’s found herself a long
rotten piece of wildebeest to eat I
would like to be having scones and
strawberry jam and tea right now but I’m
not I am going to watch the hyena have a
rotting piece of wildebeest for its tea
then I suspect you will return to the
must be a bit of nick surely that
definitely does look like a bit of a bit
of mein now I don’t know where any of
the others are but what I will tell you
is that this is very interesting because
as I have banged on for ages I’ve said
to you that there is a huge amount of
dead stuff out here that just rots into
the ground but nothing that doesn’t get
it is scavenged from time to time and
that is quite possibly what you’re
seeing here there’s a all amongst this
grassland there are bits of dead flesh
that is either gonna rot into the ground
or be picked up by scavengers most of it
will rot and that is one of the key
things that our ancient hominid
ancestors found it’s one of the key
things that brought them onto these
Plains in the first place was this
underutilized sort of resource of food
that they could go and scavenge so far
from being hunters I say we but I mean
of course I wasn’t living the same
species back then our ancestors were
scavengers and they were scavenging much
like this hyena but probably using tools
rather than teeth and safari hearty you
asked a question that has entirely
slipped my mind and I’m going to ask for
it again
whoever again is that possible oh we
ever seen a hyena eating grass I was
actually thinking about that yesterday
after watching horse honest spent most
of his day behaving like a wildebeest I
don’t think I have seen a hyena eating
grass I suspect in this area you you
know you’d have to be with them quite a
lot to see it because it would happen so
quickly you know they live in green
grass and so they’d probably just have a
few chomps almost without your noticing
it but a do man it could be much like
watching the Lipper’s you know that come
across a nice long tough
with leaves that were sort of green and
of their choosing that kind of things
that dogs and cats when they grass chews
and I can’t I can’t cool ever seeing a
hyena making such a selection and then
having a bite to eat of that grass so
I’m gonna say no Safari hot I don’t
think they do eat as much as the
leopards or the Lions do I wonder if it
isn’t because there have fewer parasites
possibly because their digestive systems
of that much more acidic that much more
powerful but I’m really not sure
interesting that husana is spinning
quite so much time eating grass he’s
obviously not feeling very comfy in the
belly no very few animals can get ill
from eating rotten meat out here Paula
and it’s you know they’ve all evolved to
utilize this resource and so no I don’t
think so look I don’t know what would
happen if a wild dog ate rotten meat
that they don’t eat rotten meat normally
in fact I’ve never seen one eating
rotten meat I’ve only ever seen them
eating fresh kills
likewise cheetah I’m not just told that
cheetah wouldn’t scavenge if it could
but 99% of the time I’ve ever seen in
fact a hunt percent of the time I’ve
seen them eating they’ve been eating
fresh meat I’m sure there are records of
them scavenging and I’m sure there are
records of what a dog scavenging but
I’ve never seen it and I wonder if
because their strategy of feeding is
that they eat fresh meat they may not be
adapted to eating rotten stuff like this
and I think that if you look at our
examples of ourselves as human beings
you know we have a fairly limited or the
food that we eat has to be in a certain
condition before we can consume it what
will make us ill and that’s because you
know with our lives as they are we’ve
adapted to eating cooked food most of
the time we’ve adapted to eating food
that is not rotten because if we eat
to certain extent I mean this what a
lazy aged steak is about 40 days is that
old can’t be 40 days old sure let’s give
it some flavor for sure now this is the
only high you know that I can see for
Shandra are you are asking a question
for your six-year-old and your
six-year-old is obviously interested if
Highness can be Pitts Chandra how do we
answer that so basically can they be
domesticated can they be if you raise
them from little will they tame and the
answer is to a certain extent there are
parts of the world in Ethiopia and
Nigeria two examples where hyenas have
become completely habituated human
beings on foot I’m not sure that they
would ever tame like a dog if you tried
to tame them over generations like we
did with wolves at one stage and maybe
they might but not an adult like this no
and a love like this would remain very
afraid of human beings and if cornered
very dangerous to human beings a hyena
is a ferocious predator they are they
are phenomenal creatures and they don’t
have quite the fashion sense of the
Lions or leopards or cheetahs or wild
dogs and they really are like thee I
suppose they’re a little bit like a
mafia organization that runs a city and
kind of beneath the radar they’re shaped
this environment hugely with their
activities I think that we have spotted
a water Pig well spotted Bungay water
and the hyena of course has not seen the
war pig now I’ve always been amazed at
how animals live in this grass and I’m
not sure if I said this on air or off
air yesterday but I think the length of
the grass in this area profoundly alters
the behavior of the animals here and I
think if you were to take these animals
and stick them in a place out juma they
would almost be confused about what to
do because of the difference in the
grass none of them even the Lions in the
high season can see over the top of the
grass now you can imagine how impossibly
frightening that must be for a water Pig
while you think of walking through the
grass unable to see unable to know if
you’re going to stumble upon a lion or
not go across to Sydney who’s got a
leopard a tortoise instead of finding
Hassan I found another leopard look at
that this is a leopard torta so you can
see that the leopard tatra it’s very
what is trying to go underneath the
branch I just saw the movement of the
branch coming up so this total must be
feeling some heat at the moment and the
grass I can see they are not that very
green but probably you might have been
grazing somewhere here because the green
is starting to come out you can see
their way is coming from he was eating
the grass is somewhere there so now he’s
just looking for some shade to hide a
little bit so this is the leopard torta
and leopard trota are so very much
proactive like any other torta during
the dry season before the dresses and
they go and collect quite a lot of water
in order to supply themselves when is
too dry and you will see if you pick the
turtle up during the dry season he’s
just going to urinate very slimming
water that water is there in order to
save him during that season you are not
allowed to pick them up if you pick them
up you will be jeopardizing their life
just leave them if he’s too slow to
close the
a tickler time wait for him to pass
don’t try and help him because you will
then be causing him a lot of harm he
won’t feel anything but if he’s to drive
for a long period they won’t have water
to survive so you can see now that he is
hiding under the under the dry branch
and it’s very much camouflaged it’s not
very easy for their predators to see the
money’s hiding like that northern land
the rains the supposed to begin already
by now because we are talking we are
heading towards the mid-october and
media October normally is when the
animals are starting to give birth but
now it means the rain is lead to come
which might cause quite a lot of
mortalities on animals as well as they
are young because now I can promise you
is very hot but I’m very excited because
the areas that have been now it rained a
little bit last week but grasses are
starting to get excited and is some
green grass coming out the problem is
one when the green grass is starting to
come back after being stimulated by the
rains or the fires you will see animals
concentrating by the small patch and
that gives grass is quite a lot of
pressure to recover Becky I haven’t seen
the each total at the moment but by the
10th the day I was doing some
presentation from the tent I saw that
there is an old tortoise shell from a
hinge sorta showing that the is a hinge
totter in the area for now I am only
knowing the leopard total as well as
they each torta so the history is that
one the body is flat and it’s not big as
the leopard tota which is more round and
Rubick torches are one of those animals
which can be able to survive for quite a
long period them and the crocodiles can
survive 150 years and more so once
they’ve got the shell they can survive
much long although they do have some of
the Predators such as the ground
hornbills but for now let’s cross over
to my other colleague who is also having
something very interesting for you by
the Kenya in Masai Mara
at the moment yes we have got a bird we
haven’t moved a hyena still eating its
disgusting meal and so we’ve looking at
a female black-bellied busted as far as
I can work out I think that’s what it is
the females a little bit difficult to
distinguish excuse me I have small um
there the reason I told you was the Dino
kirsten was going to mention it tonight
yeah and now she can’t write so
black-bellied busted I’m just weak legit
because did you get the white Billy
Buster’s here as well black varied
mustard yes that is a female black
just looking at the females all look
very similar no let’s go with
black-bellied I have seen a male around
here Sharon I don’t think the females
make the call
I think only the male’s make that
who’s gonna be quiet for 20 seconds it’s
quite a nice very much sound of crickets
now for me and this weeping no grunting
ultimate cliche of the cry of the
fishies or the sound of Africa but for
me it’s that it’s lying in my bed at
night in the bush and listening to the
crickets and the smell of dew on the
who will pop back to the den at some
stage that how you know researchers have
just told me that there are two other
Cubs there now so we will pop back but
they’re not that many we did we did we
have the double or we did a double and
mistake then okay there we go now you
don’t have to look all the way into my
brain through my eyes good okay let’s
have one last look here at our high in a
friend and then maybe we’ll go you know
what I don’t think we are gonna get back
I think I’m going to wait here with her
and I believe that sitters has now
dispensed with the tortoise part of his
sighting so the turtles was just
bringing us a lot of luck as now I
managed to get hold of the little chief
wasana I can see that he is somewhere
high up there I’m just going to drive up
a little bit so that you can have a
better society at the moment so our Sun
is just right here with me after a very
long search he was going in the middle
of the drainage because it’s too hot at
the moment here where we are so I can
see that he is right here and he is now
on his way probably to the gala copan as
he is not very far considering the
distance you can see is just less than
500 meters to the Calico pan so I’m just
going to make a turn here so that we can
and Gaea could say clever is not easy
because this animals they can be able to
conceal very easily and use the thick
bushes so here now he has been walking
by the inaccessible areas it was never
easy to do trekking now we saw that sex
at the beginning heading towards this
direction but we just lost where he was
going then we judged that he’s heading
to the waterhole we were just checking
everywhere now this area where we are we
are trying this area for the second time
because we we were worried that the
tracks got disappeared in the same area
so we do check where he has gone past
but it’s not easy because these are the
animals who normally walk and hunt at
the same time tracks just got
disappeared and anyway so he will be
coming out here in few minutes so it’s
just that at the moment he’s taking his
time so you can see there he is not what
it is trying to listen because the birds
are making some noise and they are not
picking up making noise because of his
presence that one
I can guarantee you none of this bird
spotted him yet maybe there is some
other animals because most of the birds
I’m hearing our ground dwellers who are
nesting on the ground may be other prey
animals are walking towards their nest
so I can see that this cut is just going
underneath the shade at the moment so he
might have some water and rest as
somewhere by the gonna go pen and thank
you very very much for all the comments
about finding the little chief so he’s
trying to sniff and investigate things
there and now he is going to defecate
the so a few few months ago I was lucky
to see the Ines eating the droppings of
Tigana when it was still very warm a few
seconds after he defecated the hyannis
started eating and finished everything
even it so that is just big sign that in
the bush nothing is wasted everything is
recycled where the droppings wood
grasses everything is just recyclate so
you can see that the stomach is not
looking big anymore so he lost weight a
little bit from the stomach compared to
last night now if anything come forward
I can promise you is going to be able to
dive pounce and catch something so
before we get disappeared I am going to
keep following and see if we can improve
so now while I’m following the little
chief let’s cross over to Jamie and see
what is following at the moment you can
I’m following the road I’m following the
road I’m so confused so well done to
Sydney for finding the little chief that
is a very good start I’m going towards
Buffalo Kadam and the hope that this
nice warm weather 30 what was it again
30-something degrees 80 something
degrees somewhere on there 31 thank you
which was what 87 989 87 87 degrees
Fahrenheit that was marvelous well done
we got there eventually I have not found
any sign of a kill round those hyenas I
I think they were just they’re sleeping
they couldn’t sleep somewhere during the
day so we’re just gonna do a quick
search of bubbles ugh damn I don’t know
where ting gone is gone I mean he really
was just a he was just a shot in the
dark so to speak fortunately not in the
dark because it’s a lot more difficult
to find things in the dark we’re gonna
do one check of bubbles of dam hopefully
the elephants are coming to have a drink
there it’s nice and hot
I might even want a bit of a swim and
then we’ll make our way back towards the
hyena den for the drawing in of the
evening and we’ll just have to keep our
fingers crossed I hope everyone out
there is doing all their good luck
superstitions Collins you would like to
know why the wheel is on the right side
of the car because we are on in the
southern hemisphere
everything gets switched upside down so
it’s we’re basically a mirror image of
the Northern Hemisphere you know we do
something’s mirrored the rights and the
live for the lives on the right
no we drive on the left in South Africa
that is why the steering wheel is on the
right so we drive on the left-hand side
of the road whereas most other countries
drive on the right-hand side of the road
then we’re on the left as is of course
the UK fortunately because otherwise I
would have had a terrible time driving
there I would have got very confused
about which way and who had the right of
way and and passing on the left
that’s answer end it’s not that we don’t
do that in South Africa anyway
shouldn’t it doesn’t mean we don’t
that’s the reason that the steering
wheel is on the right and of course then
I’d have to relearn everything the
gearstick would be over here and I would
be all confused and just be a disaster
one thing I’ve noticed with people who
come out here note or learn to drive
these vehicles is they tend to drive
with their left wheel just off the road
and they get exponentially more flat
tires than we do there’s an Impala for
everybody fortunately perfectly centered
neither left nor right-handed decided
something I’m just thinking about my
conversation about flipped hemispheres
and thinking about Kenya that’s why the
stereo would have to be in the middle of
the car otherwise it’d be terribly
confusing being that close to the
equator we’re now starting to look very
carefully for any signs of females who
are straining that is not of course a
female that is a male Impala the
difference being for our new viewers it
has horns so that’s not an automatic
giveaway with male and female antelope
there are some species where the females
do have horns Thomson’s gazelle for
example in the Mara
although the female’s horns are truly
pathetic but they do have horns that the
Impala only the males have horns all
right well as intriguing as that
conversation was let’s go across the
little chief as Sydney predicted
we have got asana who has just arrived
now by the Galago pan and I’m sure he’s
going to have a very long drink
considering effect that Hassan has not
been to any of the waterhole yesterday
and the day before
I’ve been following no sign of a couple
of days now the last time he had some
water it was by this small pot report
what potholes where the water was just
stuck there after the rains so now at
least is having some fresh water so you
can hear that the territorial squirrel
is now starting to be vocal because him
so that one I can promise you is about
the leopard yes I understand
it this kind of animals they do make
cause against the other small predators
but they do make quite a lot of warning
calls when it comes to these letters you
will hear the other birds joining and
other bugs as well joining the chorus so
the mobbing behavior is normal in this
he is quite very much testy indeed as I
indicated I was very much surprised as
well seeing that he is not visiting any
of the waterhole since he got those two
dead in Allah’s by the drainage line so
he didn’t want to move there maybe why
he did not move there is because he did
not manage to take any of those
carcasses up into the nearest tree which
made him to be protective and stay on
so normally these cats comes here by the
Gallagher pen during the sunset so you
can see that indeed he has been very
much thirsty and as I was eating the
grass this morning
maybe that also made him very well it
so it is good sometimes to be a leopard
because coming to the waterhole
the competition is minimal you don’t
have to worry about any other species so
he just by yourself
so he’s enjoying his status of becoming
the little chief here in Zuma James and
this is not a natural water indeed is a
man-made dam so every time the water is
pumped and at the moment I can see that
the water is coming in from the side you
can see there so this is quite very much
so something people must have to realize
is that when managing a natural system
and put a fence around an area we got to
take a full accountability when is dry
season because it’s not fair for the
animals to stay in and when this drought
we don’t provide water because under
normal circumstance animals when it’s a
shortage of water showed us your food
they will be doing what is called a
migration what we have been seeing by
the Maasai Mara happening because that
is much more natural and they are not
like fenced in so whereby they cannot
make it in in terms of migration think
is fair enough to provide them with
so now let’s go to the Maasai Mara
where James is having some hyenas at the
moment so husana and the highness they
well here we are still with Ana Thalia
Natalia she is about to walk behind the
car I’m just gonna move quickly I’ll
show you where she is in relation to the
basically the den is behind that large
flat-topped Bala nighties tree there and
I think she’s probably going to go back
bring her cubs Dart and they’ll play for
us all night long
that’s definitely what’s going to happen
she had a bit of mud to drink from
literally a hole of mud she then made a
burp that went as follows
and now she seems to be going back
towards her din Kathy I think that there
you might find that their ears are less
tattered here because they don’t live in
thorny bush I think there is probably
good Abbott at it from the thorny bush
there in them in South Africa I wonder
also if they don’t have more scraps with
lions there because they steal a lot
more I think in South Africa than they
do here I wonder if that isn’t one of
the reasons but you do see some very
chatty eared hyenas here that’s it this
one is particularly pretty years all
right let’s follow a Natalya back to her
one or two Tokai around the place now I
still can’t see the horseshoe on her
bottom can anyone else
Kirsten you really saying you can see it
let me get a bit closer and we’ll see if
horseshoe on the right side of her
bottom well zoom quickly Bunga let’s see
if there’s a horseshoe on the right side
of her bottom there there is there’s a
horseshoe on the right side bottom you
see I’ve never have noticed that unless
somebody had said there’s a horseshoe on
the right side of her bottom there is
most certainly looks like a horseshoe
brand fascinating I suppose there are
ways and means of identifying these
creatures some people are now able to
just look at them in the eyes and say
oh there we go sorry Kirsten managed to
read your question wrong Gabby she said
with a hyena died of a hyena a twat
hyenas ate and that’s why I was
completely silent but apparently you
were asking what a human died if at
eight would a hyena ate I think that if
a human being tried to eat that rotting
wildebeest she had a go at I think he’ll
probably could die yes you probably
could give yourself sufficient blood
poisoning to die but I am NOT a medical
scientist so I couldn’t say for sure
let’s go a little bit forward I don’t
think a hyena would die if I hire you
she’s moving up the scones and tea time
is over away from the chorizo and said
Chalmers from the trials of motherhood
chosen a relatively nice smooth place to
interested in why suddenly she moved off
and where on earth the rest of them are
all right we’re gonna keep following her
I’m not going to lose her will I’m not
good I’m going to try not to lose it
so you can see that now Hosanna has just
gone to his little cave this is his
normal little cave he has been here on
several occasion I’ve seen him and is
quite very difficult to see him from the
road about today I think the stomach is
too big I don’t know if he’s gonna be
able to fit in there because normally he
goes they sleep and lean against the
wall so the Franklin’s were just giving
him some tough time during my arrival
here so you can see that now he’s
showing some signs of sleeping he might
so you can see the breathing rates that
after consuming quite a lot of water the
stomach in there doesn’t have too much
space but if any animal come forward you
will see he’s going to forget that he
has just been to the waterhole and the
stomach is full he will attempt to take
him down
so the Sun is very much hot at the
moment this guy is open and it’s very
much difficult for these animals to
attack us why because of the following
reasons when this kind of predators sees
me in this car they see me and the car
as one object but if I move my hands
rapidly like this is when he is going to
start looking at me and start
investigating so these animals normally
if I don’t get off the car and if I
don’t sit by the dashboard or sit by the
seat on top is when he is going to be
very much calm and he won’t do anything
but if I can now jump over the car I
will see he’s just going to get off and
run away because these animals they
still have got a human natural fear if
they are cornered that can be dangerous
if you look there by that little cave
way is if I can just walk him and
surprise him I think it might be
difficult for him to jump up instead of
going up you might come towards me so
this kind of animals they don’t want to
you can see those dangerous canines
which can grow and get up to eight
millimeters so those are the very strong
weapons for these animals to catch their
prey one bite on the neck that can take
a prey down but if it’s a small prey
they will just if say small prey like a
bad one pow they’re just going to kill
the Klaus by these legs they are so
powerful you can see the mouth is open
at all times because he’s trying to
inhale quite a lot of air now is the
time you can see now that he is fitting
by his little cave so now let’s cross
over to Jamie who is on the move trying
to find something very interesting for
anything I’m trying to find anything for
you this afternoon
I’m hoping to find in Ghana for Brent
see this bird stays still no it’s not
going to stay still
maybe it is hold on
might have to settle for a bird that’s a
Kingfisher but it’s gone have you got
one oh not flu senses really got it you
since my go too far back okay
hold on everyone there it is there it is
I can see it now doo doo doo doo doo doo
doo too far back a bit okay there looks
like brown crowned
brown headed Kingfisher not brown
wood what are they called
Kingfisher goodness I’ve got word would
mix up today I can’t I can’t just ignore
everything I say because clearly I have
no idea what I’m talking about
I’ve been watching Boston Legal recently
it’s it’s called word salad
I’ve got word salad I can’t seem to to
say the words that I’m intending to say
that is a Kingfisher we are eagerly
awaiting the return of the woodland
Kingfisher there here we go
imagine if we all presented like that
okay what is a nice little surprise
hoping it might be a striped but it
doesn’t look like it
we also looking okay well that was
enthralling well spotted sensor he did
an amazing job of showing you that bird
considering I couldn’t even see it
it’s go across to Brent who has also
found a bird for you oh we have a
beautiful tawny eagle in golden light
these are the birds are going my wedge
their books nothing else’s oh off it
absolutely gorgeous now the reason I’m
quite interested yet
maybe the tawny eagle is going to change
my luck is because they were actually
two twenties and a battle ear so there
might be something here it could however
be one of these in yellow could you
interesting to see that and where’s it
gone eyes taken off the second Tony was
on that he’s gone now this might be
worth I’m just trying to listen to see
if I can hear anything there’s any
squirrels alarm calling around they
Paul I would like to know do we get
Falcons on GMAT we do and not very often
what Falcons of icing on Jima I’ve seen
a peregrine falcon and I’ve seen a
Eurasian hobby Falcon and of course we
do get the eastern red footed which is
now called an Amur for Caen and no and
the western red footed Falcon nozzle
those will generally come once the rains
have arrived because there are many
insectivores those two last Falcon
species there’s a possibility we might
have some other transient Falcons that
appear every now and then but not
you know better dear
juvenile battery of course and takes
them about eight years to reach their
adult plumage well I’m gonna just sit
there for a little bit and hopefully a
leopard pops its head up that’s why all
these Raptors are here but in the
meantime we’re gonna send you all the
way back to the Masai Mara where unlike
South Africa where we’re sitting in
bright Sun the Sun is setting beautiful
I are still with our hyena but Pongo
just created a magnificent picture from
the rapidly changing sunset it is very
very pretty indeed magical magical stuff
everybody magical now don’t come to me
bunga I’m taking an illegal photograph
one more legal photograph then you can
come to me okay go oh no the sun’s
coming out to care where the hyena is
moving up ahead in front of us very nice
gang sort of towards the den but not
entirely I wonder if we’re not going to
build it mm-hmm you’re worried you’ve
zoomed in yes I see that okay let’s see
if we can silhouette that elephant
against the sunset and would be quite
gosh it’s the first bit of nice life
we’ve had all afternoon it’s been very
just see if we can’t get this elephant
as our hyena hero of the day heads back
you might give her and the elephant as
Ginette no adult hyenas don’t go into
dance normally we have seen this Heiner
in fact go into a den though and so even
if she was unsafe she’d normally just
leave you know they’re fast enough to
just run away sorry the reason I didn’t
get the elephants silhouetted was that
he’s trying to make his way back to his
head I didn’t want to get him between
him and the herd oh look at that for
picture isn’t it gorgeous stunning
nature just sent out a spotlight he
antastic going to take another legal
photograph don’t care what anyone says
camera is doing what it’s supposed to be
now my camera is definitely doing
something very odd oh I’ve changed the
setting that’s why I put it on to
ah it says invalid Lin’s that’s
definitely not true a high in the sort
of circling back to the den we will
intercept her shortly yes April it’s
completely illegal to take photographs
you’ll probably find very shortly a
helicopter will arrive and take me away
now what it is is we made it
semi illegal to take photographs while
we were live because that was in the
days when we only had cameras that go
pink and they make that horrible kind of
lens snapping shutter shutter sound and
that’s why we made it illegal to take
photographs while live but the odd one
you can take and my one doesn’t have a
noisy shutter you can put it on the
silent shutter and so well off the time
I’m afraid I missed that piston what was
yes yes we started off doing the sneeze
or the cough see you would go and said
you here Brent here Smith coughing it’s
a hyena was circling around this way I
don’t see her anymore
you got it when guys got her yeah she’s
going straight back towards the den I’m
gonna go in this way because I don’t
want to get between the Sun and the BBC
full crew
hey ry which I take a picture for our
next documentary I’m sure they don’t
speak like that but they’re not I said I
said remove well between us in the Sun
the child gets ill retinas hi now we’re
gonna all day oh there’s a hole hold on
I’m really hoping they don’t have
infrared and that they have to go away
soon and are going to bump into the
Michigan State University hyena
I’m certainly going to have to say hello
to them so maybe we should link the way
I’m just saying don’t have to meet them
a good idea let’s go to their best
friend in the world
Jamie Patterson miss them we had so much
fun with our researchers especially when
they raided our our storeroom full of
food I have please tell James cell oh I
have absolutely nothing to report I have
more Impala if you really you know keen
on seeing an Impala there we go look at
that marvelous that is James says
apparently the researchers said that
even if they did offer to give James
what’s the second one’s name I’m so
thrilled that one’s a lovo one of
waffles as Cubs is apparently called a
Lobo was the other one cursed Rimmer
Rimmer it’s awesome about that I’ll ask
them about that
harima so at least one became a Lobo
there you go since our South African
impact our South African stamp on the
Maasai Mara one of waffles as Cubs is
named after a Lobo syrup marvelous well
this is quite pretty the glass looks
gold the impala look healthy because you
can’t see the details on them and very
very very pregnant
I can’t wait to the lamb start coming
out last time I did a close-up view of
an Impala around about this time of year
you could actually see the baby start to
kick obviously they don’t kick all the
time but you could see movement in her
stomach I think the lights right for
that though I always feel as though the
females are now walking around their
tails so tucked under their bottoms it
looks as though they’re trying to hold
he’s in that’s just how impala have
their tails but when they’re that
pregnant that’s what it looks like they
try to keep anything from from popping
up too soon shame all that weight on
those spindly legs especially after this
dry season now what is it with me and
animals at the moment okay he’s at least
cleaning the inside of his thigh Impala
meticulous groomers of course they keep
themselves very clean that’s why they
always look so shiny and beautiful they
constantly comb through their fur not
with a comb comb with a teeth but they
do comb their fur bony bony even this
beautiful golden light can’t hide the
hip bones sticking out Shambala it’s
twins are a possibility with Impala but
incredibly rare
so it’s possible but very unlikely so I
just said the same thing twice in
different ways basically by using
different words that’s what’s known as
killing time so there’s not very much
space inside a female Impala also
remember that once those Impala lambs
are born they have to be able to keep up
with the rest of the herd with the
mothers otherwise they become instant
cat food wine a food jackal food or bird
food so they’re born with
extraordinarily long legs and that means
that it’s all sort of folded up inside
mum there’s not very much room so in
parlor Lambs generally aren’t born it’s
not too bored at one time it’s not very
good for the mother so that gene the
twin gene isn’t really selected for in
the wild because a lot of the time those
twins don’t survive they’re just born a
little bit too small an especially in
dry season like this chances are that a
mother supporting two fetuses as opposed
to one is going to really really
so no twins are not common it is
possible were born in a jumble of legs
and you can wait
can wait watch them take those wobbly
first steps that’s my goal for the mmm
actually I’m going on leave on Wednesday
I was gonna say by the end of this work
cycle I want to get a live-in parlor
berth I think that might be a bit
optimistic let’s go with by the end of
the year how about that we’ll go with
that onwards she cried let’s go see
mm-hmm Frances it actually happens quite
a lot Francis wants to know if it’s
possible that’s pregnant animals have
passed away during birth I mean as
possible it does happen the probably the
most common animal that it happens to is
most of the time they’re first-time
mothers will either lose their first
litter or at least the first cub just
due to the extremely strenuous birthing
process involved with their unique
genital structure the only other animal
that has as much of a difficult time as
hyenas is humans because of the way that
our pelvis is shaped in order to allow
us to walk upright actually spoken about
this quite a lot recently it’s amazing
how topics go through stages but it is a
very difficult process for hyenas most
other animals are slightly easier the
way that they’re structured on four legs
means that it goes quite quickly quite
easily but animals do die
a lot of their knowledge that we’ve seen
haven’t necessarily died giving birth
but they’ve died in the late stages of
pregnancy because there’s just that much
more pressure on their bodies trying to
support themselves and their fetuses and
it’s just it’s really very strenuous the
same goes for still built stillborns
there’ll be a few still bones so
absolutely it can happen let’s comment
in the wild then it is in say certain
species of cow or breeds of cow or
horses things that have been bred by
humans to change the their physical
structure in a way that actually does in
the end make a creative fetus that’s a
lot bigger than mom should be able to
handle is able to handle in the wild the
birthing process comes quite naturally
because well these these genetics are
the ones that have been selected for for
so long
and that’s what boys I need to go to the
Dean and see what’s happening I can’t
stand the suspense anymore I need to
know four in four
him for a week like last week where we
said hello and that was that at least
sins are managed to manage to spot two
hyenas that we can go to to kill time if
they’re not at the den robber sins saved
twins in all animals are quite rare
in in terms of wait let me rephrase that
now and I’ve dug myself into a hole I’m
trying to say the twins are rare but
that’s actually nonsense because let
because leopards will have twins or
they’re not twins twins but they’ll have
two babies or three babies lions or two
babies three babies in animals that are
designed to have one baby two babies are
unusual that’s sort of what I was trying
to say
so like elephants and elephants twin
elephant birth is possible but
exceptionally rare it’s such a large
baby same goes for giraffe now at one
stage giraffe were twins we’re thought
to be a great deal more common than they
actually are because people were not
realizing because mothers the mothers
are so tall they actually move very far
away from their youngsters so they’d see
one mother and two calves and
immediately assume that those were twins
so for a long time giraffe twins were
thought to be more common than they
really are another animal where it’s got
to be born with the longest legs
imaginable so that the poor thing can
actually keep up with mum mom’s legs are
two metres long she takes big steps
zebra again another example born with
phenomenally long disproportionately
long legs
I remember watching James’s zebra birth
when he filmed the zebra birth just here
with Dave I think it was an amazing
scene and marveling at the sheer size of
it’s Dave on camera and James just down
so animals that have one baby generally
only have one baby it was really
profound so what I’m trying to say don’t
have ever heard of hippo twins again
similar to elephants is probably
all right I’m gonna go see if I can
charm the hyenas out of the den let’s go
see if Brent’s charm has won him any
sweet blue all is the answer and I’ve
heard some alarming squirrels and Pilar
is looking in that direction and this is
of course outside of our travelers but
it’s worth a look of course the
squirrels in our silent wind is quite
strong their wonder if the squirrels
were just having a little argument
who knows it’s quite deep inside
hoffman’s then pilot go and pilot looks
very relaxed set carry on I’m basically
doing a boundary patrol staring at the
sand wishing for a little track to cross
in I do not hold out much confidence to
be honest I’ve got an update from
welcome warriors which really last was
with John years the only missing cat is
lost tracks with South but no one’s seen
him for a while for a couple of days
either in the North or the South so who
knows maybe older tingitana
will show that well yeah how come where
either option if we get no lucky as to
maybe check the eastern sides of chipped
waffle kochava and I think with tandy
and Savoia having boxes there our odds
are not good
I think she’s moved further to the east
into sort of around cheetah Plains camp
Juma dimanche Des Plaines that area
which we used to see her in occasionally
but I think with Savoy moving in even
but this is what we are we are doing now
we are sitting with our legs aren’t
looking for tracks staring at the sand
Italian Columbo and Torchwood so no luck
there either there Jamie had the tracks
crossing cheetah cat Latin this morning
so they are more than likely the fact
that this but Columba and tandi’s tracks
their she’s obviously got more than like
you got to kill somewhere in tortured
and unfortunately we are unable to
traverse and tortured at the moment
because the go almas seems like they
killed the baby hippo not too far to the
east of cheetah cut line
it was then stolen by an Avoca and
there’s an Avoca male there with one of
them young man gains feeding and the
rest of the pride lying not too far away
oh yeah we have a Speedy Gonzales
pushing us off the red driving over
tracks no doubt if there are any yes off
you go each skate hello hello I used to
work with them at London lazy it’s fixin
James also knows him oh nice to see old
fix what are the best smiles on any
human being I’ve ever met my life here’s
one way to brighten a day just see fixin
now as I said someone else you might
remember fixing from London lazy is a
James Henry so let’s go all the way back
to the Mara and the north pan and see if
now just in case you’re wondering why it
is that we are looking at white bushes
it is unfortunately the only thing the
camera is able to do it’s very clever in
many ways and a bit stupid in others and
in this particular way it can only focus
what can only expose for whatever is
closest to the camera because she’s
behind the bushes their camera can only
expose for the bushes in front that’s
why she looks dark it looks like we’re
George should know the hyenas are not
related to dogs any more than you are
related to baboon which is quite
interesting so that we’re all part of
the same order they are part of the
order Carnivora like you and I and the
Mongoose belong to their own family
called the hyena day and that is most
this is a very suspicious suspicious for
some time keeps looking around so nice
to go foraging with her today so
wonderful to spend some time just
following a hyena through the bush
without it having to disappear will run
away because of course it’s open here
Jane very clearly no not all hyenas
Libertad in a lot of activity of a clan
will center on again the mothers that
have youngsters will come to the central
din often if they’re very subordinate
they might go and have a demon somewhere
else and the north clan has lots of dens
around this area this just happens to be
the one that is the most active at the
moment and we still think that waffles
as Cubs hostel here and therefore that
waffles are still living here and
therefore that most of the Cubs that
we’ve seen over the last few days are
still here as opposed to having been
so this is Ana who we’ve been watching
the whole time Anatolia it’s quite a
nice man that isn’t better than some of
the others boy hyenas have been settled
I don’t know Paula when they get the
names I was about to ask our researchers
before we went live but I don’t actually
know I think it’s probably once they’re
about 5 or 6 months old I’m guessing it
might no it’s probably before that
because lots don’t chart had their names
I suspect probably actually as soon as
just listening all the time you won’t
find Corky doing this kind of thing up
in that tumor yes you will look around a
bit but not like this there were two
male lions here early this morning there
have been elephants all over the place
so perhaps they’re all feeling a little
bit uneasy and as I said if fly-ins or
elephants do come over a place like this
and get upset with the hind as the
adults will just vacate they’ll abandon
the area until it’s safe to come back
sometimes if a Dean is pressured
sufficiently they’ll abandon completely
and the Cubs will be left to starve I
don’t think that’s what’s happened here
there is at least one adult Ian
zakah largely because we’re out at the
wrong time they hunt pretty much
exclusively at night I think or early
morning if you ask Jamie that question
should say that she had most of the
hunting action between I think between
about seven o’clock in the evening
twelve o’clock at night and then they
had that RIT one really amazing
hippopotamus hunt but that was kind of
unusual and that was a dawn knows almost
so I think the reason we don’t see them
hunting is that we know we don’t follow
them late at night while we do have
pretty good equipment to look at stuff
at night it’s not ideal for hunting
because as we have said to you before
you’ve got to get pretty close to make
it work and obviously being too close
chirring hunter it’s likely to ruin that
hunt but we have got some pretty amazing
stuff with the hyenas hunting they
hunted that Buffalo that buffalo baby in
the day Prince got that one so they do
hunt in the day but Amanda was telling
me the general rhythm was to hang around
till about couple seven night and then
go foraging I don’t want them to do
tonight I want her to stay here and
bring her baby out so that we can see
her for our TV show which starts in
my pocket pajamas it’s got some kind of
surprise for us surprise sir
disappearing water bottom I bet that’s
exactly what you were expecting and we
mentioned the word surprise trotting off
into the West into the Setting Sun
almost needed a sort of western theme
tune unfortunately it was gone I tell
you what no never mind I was gonna say
let’s sit quietly and watch the sunset
but actually there’s not much to hear
except for the wind and the fan gently
cooling our broadcast equipment and in
the distance a red crested Corps horn
and my sudden realization that I’ve had
my game Drive radio turned down for at
least half an hour no wonder I felt so
peaceful it’s actually very pretty
lovely that’s all the class relief is
just sort of the right shape for a
silhouette shot nice colors today and
clouds that look like they’ve sort of
flowed through the sky okay new doesn’t
like the clouds okay then off we go
moving on who doesn’t like the clouds
can’t have that let’s go find something
what can I do give you sunsets don’t
like those clouds don’t like those Oh
fussy fussy actually I kind of get glue
it’s bit of a weird cloud and for a week
that is made to be boiling hot there’s a
very chilly wind I mean if it brings
more rain that’s great if it just brings
cloud and cold weather yeah lose on the
same page as I am that’s why I Lou
doesn’t like them either if it just
brings cold and cold weather well then
what’s the point
spring rain I went to the den by the way
no one’s home it’s ok we still got an
hour or so no we don’t with half an hour
forty minutes
we’ll see we gambled on them last week
didn’t pay off we’ll try again we’ll
gamble on the must week I’m nothing
without my hyenas story I don’t even
Kirsten says agreed because he if he was
very jobbing yeah run out of words I ate
three cupcakes just before the start of
drive and I was I know I shouldn’t have
had three cupcakes it was definitely an
excessive amount of cupcake and now I
think I’ve just hit a sugar low and I
think that’s why my brains scrambling
words wasn’t my most sensible dietary
choice this is why you know you get to
the oh thank you is everyone saying I
have a lot of charm on and think so
especially not on a sugar low you know
you realize you come to that realization
as an adult that you can buy your own
food and if you want to you can III
cupcakes in one sitting and then you get
to the point where you realize why you
I’ve put I found a drag mark I didn’t
find a drag mark I found a mark of an
elephant moving a stick across the road
I’ll show you what I mean I got so
excited for one second I thought perhaps
we’d found the mystery of the
disappearing teen Ghana but I haven’t
all I can see is elephant tracks and
then yeah no that is not a drag mark one
big fundamental difference that is
pretty entertaining is that it’s a drag
mark generally looks a bit flatter and
wider all right speaking of an animal
that might leave a drag mark after
hunting let’s go across to Sydney and
husana asana is now is starting to
become active and I cannot see what is
thinking about to do at the moment as
there is no pretty animals year where we
are nothing is exciting him he might
wake up and go to somewhere else look at
that I’ve just said it now that he is
now about you taking action so let’s
hope it’s not going to get disappear
deep in the thick bushes we still want
to be with him maybe it’s just now
trying to come up out of the to the open
space but looking at what he’s doing now
when the head is raised by the air and
the wind direction is coming from that
side he might be fascinated by the Sun
by something is getting from the air
particles so I am NOT going to live here
I’m going to follow him until I see what
thinking he’s now again heading towards
the waterhole maybe he’s going to drink
again or he might be going to
investigate for something he has been
eating for the few couple of days but
that is not gonna stop him hunt from
one of my guests our beard he’s giving a
very good comment on husana he met was
analyzed before so this cat is going
back to the waterhole now and after
drinking it might look bigger again so
I’m just going to again drive back to
the waterhole and enjoy seeing him
drinking it’s always lovely to see this
kind of catch drinking last time it was
here whew just about I can see it’s not
even in power few minutes ago he was
here and he had a lot of what now he’s
back again you can see that for the past
two days he did he did not have any
moisture so the caucus be already old
which is something maybe which made him
to come and drink quite a lot of water
like now so he is quenching his thirst
so don’t get surprised here when hearing
the engines and the camera clicking I am
not alone at the moment and deciding
there are some other guests as well
enjoying the same sighting as me so this
animals mostly when they are Democratic
territories they also consider what
availability and food availability but
this one is not yet responsible of any
of the territories in the area I have
seen him Democrat in the territory but I
don’t know if he knows very well the
interpretation of marking the territory
because sometimes he does leave his
scent on top of his father sent the
father is not worried at the moment
about those kind of marking on top of
so I can see that the tongue doesn’t
really collect quite a lot of water so
now let’s cross over to the Maasai Mara
in Kenya where James is having one of
those animals who are sometimes giving
was on a tough time I know that’s a very
dark picture the hyena she suddenly ran
off so we tried to go back towards
waffles then didn’t see anything then
she came back here we’re in pretty much
the same position we was when you last
now I know that’s not great fungi sorry
about that
she’s gonna scan the spotlight if
there’s anything else
there’s nothing further I know it’s a
very dark image don’t worry about it
there’s not much we can do
we’ll improve it I hope by the time our
TV show comes about top four seven at
least you can see the reflection of the
she’s so up and down and so kind of dis
uncomfortable you know Gina these
infrared eyes make beautiful kind of
cartoon terror eyes if you like in furry
that’s great like that you can see those
eyes shining now I really hope that the
other adults are going to pop back here
at some stage this evening now remember
we do have our TV show so we are going
to shut down in half an hour you can
and then tomorrow of course returns know
pretty much to normal but tomorrow night
is safari life is Episode two must be 25
or 24 all right well we’re gonna watch
and see what happens here I have
something exciting happens in the next
little while in the meantime I’m going
to say goodbye to you I’m going to thank
you very much for contributing to the
show with your questions and your
comments and I will see you tomorrow morning if not on the TV

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