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Rainforests 101 | National Geographic

shrouded and a blanket of clouds they
awaken their canopies of green glitter
in the Sun their wildlife start to
slither shirk and growl and one of the
comes to life rainforests are the oldest
living ecosystems on the planet some can
trace their origins to over 70 million
years ago back to a time when dinosaurs
still roam the earth while the giant
reptiles have disappeared rainforests
continue to thrive growing on every
continent except Antarctica
two types of rainforests are scattered
across the globe temperate and tropical
temperate rainforests are mainly found
in the mid latitudes often near cooler
coastal mountainous regions tropical
rainforests are primarily located in
warmer climates between the Tropic of
as their names imply temperate and
tropical rainforests are the wettest
forests on earth receiving up to about
thirty three feet of rain per year this
precipitation plays a critical role in
creating an exceptionally lush and
biologically diverse habitat while
rainforests only make up about six
percent of the Earth’s surface area they
are home to over half of the world’s
plant and animal species this
biodiversity creates benefits that
extend far beyond the rainforest
boundaries rainforest plants produce an
assortment of food items in addition to
ingredients useful in everyday products
and medicines in fact an estimated 70%
of the plants used in cancer treatments
are only found in rainforests on an even
larger scale rainforests help to
stabilize the planet’s climate it’s lush
green vegetation regulate global
temperatures by absorbing massive
amounts of radiation from the Sun they
also absorb in vast amounts of carbon
dioxide and convert them into oxygen
about 40 percent of the planet’s
over the past few centuries rainforests
have disappeared at an alarming rate
factors such as economic inequality
human development and demand for natural
resources have fueled the deforestation
of these rich ecosystems at the current
rate rainforests which have survived for
over 70 million years may completely
disappear within the next century but
through educational campaigns
sustainable logging practices and
cooperation with local communities
deforestation may begin to slow down
helping preserve rainforests for many generations to come
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