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Push for the Summit | National Geographic

when I turned around and felt horrible
it felt like I was making just the
biggest mistake of my life the slow pace
of some climbers pushing for the summit
is a problem for everyone there were a
lot of inexperienced climbers um you
know and only other hand they were
happily the world so a lot of
experienced climbers and the mix is it’s
not not the biggest problem but took the
quantity of climbers you know that
that’s of course always a problem
because the longer chain you know there
is always one part in the chain who’s
exhausted or makes a mistake or whatever
but at this altitude even experienced
climbers like the Norwegian climber Rolf
byah run into trouble how are you I’ll
get there’s not a great day today a hard
date for me today yes it’s not a good
day you mean regional elections are
doing conditional awesome personal
completion down in camp for Frederick
and Eric suddenly hear a terrifying
sound coming from the climbers ahead
what’s happening will you see right in
the bottleneck at the bottom on the left
right about where another on the phone
that popped up we just heard a scream
and when you instantly that someone
think really really bad had happened
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