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Post Twin City Bridge Collapse | National Geographic

nine months after they started
construction the big ben Crane raises
the first of four segments to close the
center span since this is the last
segment we’re left with a seven-foot
closure so it’s a very very tight space
we have to operate we will literally
only have inches there that are
available for us to bring that segment
up and clear everything that’s in the
proceed history being made right now a
tragedy is kind of coming to the
of the rebuilding
it is exciting to see the last piece go
ahead and contrasting this with when the
bridge came down in the horror of all
the concrete in the water and how
quickly it’s changed from
the last pieces of this
bring an ad the last piece of the span
is ratcheted into place
the entire 504 foot span all 120
segments were erected in just forty
seven days each one of the segments is a
little different we often think about
them as children each one was born on a
specific day it goes through a period of
maturity to see the last ones coming up
and getting into place it makes it seem
almost like you’re your son or daughter
has gone off to college I said last
goodbye before they where they go off on
their own
feels really good you know no wearing
that we’re going to be being able to put
this bridge up and get people across
this river we’re finally getting the
lives of this area back together and a
little normalcy back it’s kind of like
an honor to to actually gonna be working
on this and be able to tell my kids down
the road that I had a part in building a
bridge it’s gonna be around for over
under here so thanks
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