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Avalanche Adventure | National Geographic

Australian Andy Stafford and two friends
were flown high into the Alps for an
adventure film but this time they chose
the wrong mountain and the wrong
suddenly the entire slope gives way
there’s no outrunning the monster as
tons of snow come crashing down the hill
at over 150 miles per hour
as soon as it went I thought I’m dead
that’s it it’s all over and it sound
like someone dropped a bomb on us the
whole thing fractured heavily and it was
a large large cracking sound I mean I
pretty much knew immediately that the
whole thing broke up suddenly the whole
thing was moving underneath I’m the one
on the top left-hand side and I thought
I’d go down and get out to the left the
left-hand side I was getting that speed
but I guess I didn’t realize its
everlasting close to about 250 kill me
as the hour plus
that’s pretty much why my right yelled
and screamed and and rolled all the rest
of the way down
incredibly all three skiers survived
their brush with death
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