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Pandemic Prepping | Doomsday Preppers

hi I’m preparing for a worldwide
pandemic go go go go go
before I was prepared for pandemic
I was probably spending 20 hours a day
worrying about it when the pandemic
comes those who are prepared will
survive those who do not prepare will
die a pandemic is a virus or disease
that infects large numbers of people in
multiple countries a pandemic can happen
in a matter of hours if someone on one
side of the country had the disease and
they flew across the country by the time
they get to the other side people are
taking at home they’re taking it to work
a 2010 study suggests that the risk of
disease transmission during
transcontinental flights is high making
it possible for one sick person to cause
simultaneous outbreaks in multiple
geographic locations I am most afraid of
the flu because it’s so common that
people don’t really take it seriously
and that has killed thousands and
thousands and thousands of people the
World Health Organization believes that
a devastating influenza pandemic is
almost inevitable even conservative
estimates suggest as many as 100 million
people worldwide may be infected and
millions will die my worst fear is that
I would somehow contract the pandemic
we’ve been outside so let’s make sure
that we are clean ok and bring it home
to my family and then have one of my
family members died
sorry that really got me now I have to
stop I need blue font caps
I want mm no no no no I want 3,000 the
flu is transmitted through droplets in
the air
meaning catching a deadly virus can be
as simple as being on the wrong end of
the sneeze how soon can you get those to
me ah maybe sadhana has stockpiled
thousands of protective masks and gloves
in her garage I put together kids that
have everything you would need to
survive a pandemic in my kit I have
isolation gowns antiviral tissues exam
gloves and 95 masks foot covers
heavy-duty sanitizer goggles stair Amin
antibacterial wipes and hair covers when
an influenza pandemic outbreak occurs
the CDC estimates that it could last for
up to eight weeks
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