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Obama On Board | National Geographic

in what has become a tradition the new
pilot takes command of America’s
flagship as the new president takes
command of the United States
Colonel Turner’s first official flight
as the new pilot pickup president-elect
Obama in Chicago and fly him to
Washington DC nice to meet you good to
see it Air Force is serving my brilliant
decision you know I’ve got to say you’re
out of central cast exactly what I want
a pilot Air Force one to look like you
look like you know how to fly who would
like Sam Shepard in the right right stop
thank you very much sir on behalf a very
winter Force one I’d like to invite you
to welcome you aboard back and I
introduce you to Reggie Dixon welcome
son so nice to see you sir
my pleasure to meet you thank you
welcome my boy oh-ho there is one thing
if you be guaranteed is the fact that
the presidential other group will be
prepared and ready at all times no
question I will go and serve and dinner
tonight I hope you had dinner already
this is a menu we have available for you
I’ll see how you guys do a bird make it
medium well okay buy all meats and
cheddar cheese if you got sir you know I
got cheddar cheese we have it
he’s on a grey poupon that’s fine we had
let us submit yes sir all right now like
salander’s vegetables or something is
there no fries or anything like that
I’ll turn from yes sir
well I can show you I don’t know if you
want to see the best day I play at this
Air Force one is Air Force One it’s not
dependent on who is – sitting in the
chair as our responsibilities to the
office and absolutely of course we carry
that forward the same expertise and
perfection we do today
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