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Need for Speed | National Geographic

riding a motorcycle over 150 miles an
hour or certainly not for the faint of
heart a lot of things are happening very
quickly so number one was our prototype
Jay Leno bought so number two the first
one we sold to the public and I was
started the R&D dummy on it Ted would
say drive it and if anything seizes or
falls off a break I’ll take care of it
at all I thanks that I appreciate it
there’s nothing like riding the most
powerful street-legal bike in the world
to work helmet
I mean he rides that bike he’s probably
got about 8,000 miles on it and you know
he loves you know it’s like being with
the wrong woman you know you you
shouldn’t be on it it’s not the right
thing to do but gosh it’s a lot of fun
in addition to the helicopter engine the
bike features some additional bells and
whistles a computerized dash unit
monitors the bikes vital signs and
performance everything you’re having a
jet exhaust gas temperatures tachometer
generator and then you have five pages
of information can scroll through racing
around at 200 miles per hour might not
be for everyone is there anything
dangerous oh yeah it’s a motorcycle with
a jet in it runs on jet fuel you can’t
get more danger than that but on the
danger scale it’s on the lesser side of
danger to keep the riders safe the bike
features a high-tech rearview mirror an
in-dash LCD monitor the reason we have a
flat screen monitors you’re not going to
look behind you and see what’s behind
you 200 plus mile an hour rip your head
off while the bikes writer may be safe
from the heat of the engine the general
public is not he’s got a license plate
on the back he is now beware of jet
blast and it all lights up and digital
and everything if you were lucky enough
to see the y2k in action Jay Leno Jess
that you should keep your distance guy
and I believe was a infinity it was
right on my tail he kept inching up to
see what it was I could see in my camera
that his front bumper was made of
plastic and the exhaust is 49 degrees so
I can just see it go mmm-hmm just slowly
melted of his glob and I was trying to
pull away and he kept each inching up
and I’m trying to pull I disagree and
was the whole front end of melton by
that time the life changed and that was
while the MTT jetbike reaches speeds of
over 250 miles per hour to break the
world record of speed you need to go
significantly faster back at the
Bonneville Salt Flats three teams faced
off in their quest for the motorcycle
world speed record
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