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National Geographic Magazine: On Everest 2012, Dispatch #9 | National Geographic

yeah my laddo order gotta keep the
handlebars going wedding spent three
nights at camp – and Conrad and I just
sort of moved through the Icefall pretty
quickly and it was like as soon as we
got to camp – things changed there was
just like this classic shift I got super
got kind of ugly up there you know it
just uncomfortable the wind kicked up
really high those are the the elements
of the story that need to be told and
yet are the most inconvenient to tell
because they they require you being
hugely uncomfortable
they’re the most special times to be out
shooting the most special times to be
out working because nobody else is out
doing it and that’s part of the story
most people probably have better fashion
sense and you know not to grow a
handlebar mustache especially a blonde
does it look did I miss a spot it’s good
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