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Man’s Best Friend | National Geographic

we are gonna take a look at an animal
that probably looks familiar
yep go
they come in all shapes all sizes all
types of fur and this is what’s called a
dog show it’s a great place to see all
different sorts of the ball
they may be different breeds but they’re
all one species job good jobs are
related to holes over thousands of years
they’ve been bred by people to look and
act in certain ways some dogs are
designed for hard work like this little
pup hiya fella this breed is called a
punch away now they chase sheep around
New Zealand but not for fun they do it
to get a movement in the right direction
there are so many sheep sometimes they
get into a traffic jam
these hunter ways sure now other dogs
are bred for speed
like whippets and greyhounds Dalmatians
were bred to run alongside moving
vehicles retrievers go retrieve things
and I guess that’s how they got their
name pointers
well they point that’s pretty logical
and the Regal Chow Chow has been named a
hunter and a guard in China for
thousands of years and they look pretty
these dogs are called Huskies and they
pull sleds they used to transport
hunters in the Arctic now they pretty
much just home from school they’re very
strong and all that thick fur protects
them from the ice and the snow
they’re also pretty affectionate
actually even though lots of breeds were
originally created to work alongside
humans most dogs serve as companions
there are friends
oh and we don’t need them to work just
to play
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