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Man Fights Bear | National Geographic

Jacqueline is at the table as Mark slips
behind the tent to change his clothes
suddenly a dark shape appears from
behind the brush heading toward
Jacqueline a black bear just as Mark
shouts a warning jack bear the attacker
in the blink of an eye she’s fighting
for her life what is happening when
bears do attack it’s usually a grizzly
bear that’s the culprit
the 800-pound Giants are responsible for
80% of bear attacks on humans
attacks by black bears are extremely
rare black bears are usually timid
creatures that shy away from humans the
least likely animal one would expect an
encounter with since 1991
more than 120 million people have
visited Canada’s provincial parks in
that time there were no fatal attacks by
black bears
and there’s never been an attack in this
Ontario Park at least not until now
rushing to Jaclyn’s defense mark grabs
the bear around the neck and prize at
offer jaclyn tries to escape but
collapses to the ground
with a quick bite to the neck the bear
throws mark aside
mark is stunned but not out of the fight
the Bears attention now turns back to
Jacqueline mark grabs the only weapon at
hand his pocketknife and jumps between
the bear and his wife now man and beast
face off each one sizing of the other
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