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King Cobra Devours Water Snake | National Geographic

in the forests of southern India a week
old king cobra must find his first meal
despite being a literal babe in the
this little guy already possesses all
the skills he’ll ever need to survive in
the forest if he makes it to adulthood
he could grow as long as 18 feet about
15 times his current length using his
keen eyesight and powerful sense of
smell the little King spots his prey a
small olive water snake
he locks on to his target and moves into
striking position though only a week old
already his hunting skills are perfect
he pursues his intended victim with a
singleness of purpose delivering a
powerful neurotoxic venom with one swift
strike other snakes are a favorite food
of the king cobras they dine on them
almost exclusively when the little king
is full-grown he’ll have enough venom in
just one bite to kill up to 20 people
but for now he has just enough for the
little water snake
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